So I was just wondering what does your "cheat day" consist of??? Mine consist of 4lbs of crawfish and a couple of long island ice teas.........but im thinking maybe im cheating myself with just that!!!!!!!!!Im trying to fool my metabolism without having to eat unhealthy. I mean like when I go to Subway should I try to stuff myself with a 12" instead of 6" or at dinner should I eat two servings of meat and vegetables instead of one.........confused


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    1600 cals instead of 1000 :bigsmile:

    Makes me so happy but keeps me aware of what I'm doing.
  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    I go with a cheat meal instead of a whole day. Usually go out to a restaurant for lunch and order healthy.

    Make better bad choices.
  • dustycotton
    dustycotton Posts: 5 Member
    Agree with woodsy0912...I go with a cheat meal instead of the entire day.
  • annie528
    annie528 Posts: 3
    I usually go with a cheat meal to include a few beers. My nutritional consultant let me know in the beginning that if I wasn't comfortable with the cheat meal, we would have to up my carbs for the 1 day a week.
  • TheChocolatePrincess
    TheChocolatePrincess Posts: 137 Member
    Mine are my vacations. I think it is unfair to myself and my vacation to go out of town and not enjoy the local fare. I try and count the calories just so I know how bad it is really, and I know that I do not typically "excercise" when I am out of town (I really don't count walking and tours and stuff).
  • leanby2013
    leanby2013 Posts: 137
    I have a cheat day, i eat anything im craving, chocolate, ice cream, pizza. Stuff like that, but this saturday im going to try a healthy cheat day
  • jazziesaj11
    jazziesaj11 Posts: 351 Member
    I hate that it's called a cheat day. xD In reality this is a lifestyle change and dag nabbit if I want some pizza and ice cream I'm gonna have some pizza and ice cream. However I agree with others as I never do a full day, I usually pick a meal/food item that I've been craving all week and have that as my treat. BUT in moderation so that I don't go crazy on the cals. For instance, when I first started MFP I did a whole "cheat day" and after adding up the cals it was well over 2,500. You'd be shocked how quick it adds up and I believe how it can have an adverse affect on your weight loss over time if you do that consistently. Now I make sure to not go over my TDEE on those days as well as exercise to make up for the excess cals. If I eat 2,000 calories, I'll be burning at least 500 that day. Just my 2 cents, but it's worked so far. :)
  • markyb1977
    markyb1977 Posts: 28 Member
    I dont have cheat days, but I have had off days like this weekend.

    I have been ill and as the old saying goes feed a cold, but starve a fever.

    So I ate, a little more than normal but still counted the calories, apart from the cough sweets, to help my very bad throat and chest.

    This weekend, no loss, no gain, disappointed, but happy that im well again swiftly and ready to rock and roll now.

    Overall, I cheat, but I manage the cheat, so only have half portions, and try not to be as a greedy as I once was, everything in moderation. Wine instead of beer (red) and avoid chips, fried, where possible... try new potato's or jacket potato's.

    I have a pregnant partner so, sometimes she needs me to go out with her, which often challenges my will power!! :-(
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Typical cheat day for me is about 3000 calories instead of 2000 and I almost always make sure it's on a day my family or my husband and I go out to dinner so I can indulge in something delicious. :)
  • acman145acp
    acman145acp Posts: 76 Member
    I've only had 3 cheat days in the last 3~ months when i eat stuff i know i shouldn't.

    Today is going to be my fourth :O

    I'm curious what is an acceptable overage of calories to cheat that won't destroy what i've done all week......

    My breakfast was over half my calories for the day and i didn't eat near what i could have or wanted to :\
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    Dude, I am from Louisiana. If you ate 4 lbs of crawfish, you probably burned a few calories peeling all those suckers
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I just have a little of what I fancy each day, whether that be some ice cream, chocolate or jelly belly beans. It will hopefully teach me some self control and will power. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and I end up binge eating. I am not really into fast food as such, never been a fan of burgers, fries and the like so that has never been an issue for me.
  • Alcereceda
    Alcereceda Posts: 8 Member
    good advice and good for you!!!
  • kdkeys14
    kdkeys14 Posts: 16
    I do not have a cheat day because I feel I have worked to hard to turn back now and I don't know if I could go back lol. I have a cheat meal on thursdays and it is still logged and healthy. I might have deep dish pizza prepared healthy or crab legs w/ lots of veggies.
  • harleygaljojo
    harleygaljojo Posts: 111 Member
    I feel like I'm cheating if I eat all my calories for the day because I always have 400-500 a day left everyday.
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I usually just have a cheat meal, or an extra little snack that I normally wouldn't let myself have, whatever I'm craving.
    Last time it was one of those little ice cream sundaes, it's only about 280 calories of something like that but it definitely satisfied my ice cream craving!
  • manvsfood
    manvsfood Posts: 175 Member
    I don't do cheat days anymore...

    I typically eat whatever I want... just in moderation. If I want some pizza on Monday, I'll eat a couple slices. If I want a slice of pie on Tuesday, I'll have some pie. If I wanted a milkshake on Friday... I'd have a milkshake. With time, I learned that I can eat whatever I want as long I stay within allocated calories.

    Yeah, some days, I've went over; but I don't have specific days where I eat whatever than feel guilty the next day. I found that to be overly depressing since I'm somewhat of a foodie who loves to cook and experiment.

    BTW -- Hope everyone has an awesome Mother's Day!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    If you're doing this truly to enhance your hormones and give your metabolism a little kick, I would suggest keeping your fat in check (<50g), meet your protein goal (0.8g per lb LBM) and loading up on carbs to the extent you go over your maintenance (TDEE, where you gain or lose no weight) by 20 - 50%.) Enjoy it, just do your best not to abuse it.
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    I dont really have a cheat day since I havent eliminated anything from my diet. I try to eat healthy and if I feel like a treat I will have it because if I dont I will eat everything in sight looking for the gratification of that treat.

    If we go out for dinner I try to either use my exercise calories or if I havent exercised that day I will cut back on breakfast and lunch calories to stay close to my calorie goal.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member