The Wheat Belly

Has anyone read it? Have you taken wheat out of your diet? Are you happy with the results?


  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 671
    Some times my diet is pretty close to a gluten free one (unintentionally) and I notice no difference either way. My parents have had to take wheat out of their diet due to celiac disease, other than for medical purposes I don't see the point.
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    You can get fat eating too much of any carbohydrate (or from any macro in excess). The source doesn't matter, if you exceed your body's storage capacity for carbohydrates (glycogen), the excess will convert to fat. You can increase your body's carb storage capacity by building more muscle (muscle stores glycogen, so does the liver). A good rule of thumb is to let your activity level (calories burnt from aerobic activity) determine the amount of carbs you eat.

    I simply don't eat wheat because it lacks micronutrients and they taste bland. I go with starchy vegetables instead. Gluten free for 3-4 years now
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    i got the over wheat belly
  • Homa24
    Homa24 Posts: 33
    I haven't eaten wheat since Jan. 2010 when my daughter was diagnosed with numerous food allergies that included wheat. I've only read an excerpt of the book but I lost weight then even though I was pregnant with my son at the time. I think food is changing these days...maybe cut wheat for 3 weeks and see how you feel? I know some people feel less bloated when they cut gluten but it depends on the person.