So frustrated and upset with myself

I started out well yesterday then I finished really bad, and today is wors thant yesterday. I am so ambarrassed, I can't even put it in my dairy. There is that one food I love so much, and when it's in the house I over kill it. HUHHH!!!! I am so frustrated right now..... Sience I sarted on MFP I've lost 7lbs. All together since I sarted on March I have lost 18lbs. When I am having bad days like those 2 days, it's hard for me to stop. Before I know it I would gain all the lbs I have lost plus some. People are complainting me on how good I look already. Please Lord make tomorrow a better day.


  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member

    Sorry to hear you have had a bad couple of days. However, it doesn't take away all your hard work so far. Imagine if you hadn't bothered over the last couple of months and were always having bad days - that would be so much worse.

    We all have off times, I guess the way to look at it is that this is a lifestyle change. It's not a prison sentence and if you are always aiming to be perfect, it's going to make it extra hard.

    18lbs is a fantastic achievement and you can get back on the wagon so to speak.

    I would try and log it in your diary if you can - I know it can be a very uncomfortable experience from my own personal experience but you know at the bottom you can log notes, perhaps it would be helpful for you to write what the food was that made you lose control and if there was anything else that triggered it?

    Tomorrow is a fresh start :)

  • ashley_bey
    ashley_bey Posts: 5 Member
    You already have the right idea... asking the lord to help. I know just how you feel. Just keep your head up and keep asking the lord to help you. You can do anything with his help....
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Put it in your diary. No need for shame. Take ownership of it. You recognize the problem. It may be a food you can only have when out and not in your house. Learn from that.

    Just because you don't write it, doesn't mean you didn't eat it. You might as well stick it in there. None of us are perfect.
  • Lovely135
    Lovely135 Posts: 161

    Sorry to hear you have had a bad couple of days. However, it doesn't take away all your hard work so far. Imagine if you hadn't bothered over the last couple of months and were always having bad days - that would be so much worse.

    We all have off times, I guess the way to look at it is that this is a lifestyle change. It's not a prison sentence and if you are always aiming to be perfect, it's going to make it extra hard.

    18lbs is a fantastic achievement and you can get back on the wagon so to speak.

    I would try and log it in your diary if you can - I know it can be a very uncomfortable experience from my own personal experience but you know at the bottom you can log notes, perhaps it would be helpful for you to write what the food was that made you lose control and if there was anything else that triggered it?

    Tomorrow is a fresh start :)

    Thank you for your kind words.
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    Don't be down on yourself, be kind to yourself no matter what.

    Whatever the food is, throw it away tonight and never ever bring it into your house again :0)

    Take control, smile and know you are stronger than that food is! Be proud of yourself that people are giving you compliments! You are doing good things for yourself!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Put it in your diary. No need for shame. Take ownership of it. You recognize the problem. It may be a food you can only have when out and not in your house. Learn from that.

    Just because you don't write it, doesn't mean you didn't eat it. You might as well stick it in there. None of us are perfect.

    This^^^^^ also if you love a food that much, portion it out so that you can incorporate it into you day, if not when you have it you will go nuts like now. Food = Fuel, there is no bad food only calorie dense and calorie light.
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    Stick to it and put it in your diary. None of us are judging you. We've all been there. You'll get back on track. Just remember, if you need to talk, we're here for you!
  • goblynn
    goblynn Posts: 152

    Seriously, I have the same problem but, once I saw how much my 'favorite' foods were setting me back, I didn't like them so much. :)

    Perhaps you can find a new favorite food. I just traded out ice cream for sugar free, no-fat pudding added banana and some light whip cream after it sat in the freezer for the afternoon... it was less than a 100 calories and filling too. (I made it w/ almond milk- it won't set but it does freeze in the freezer).

    Hold yourself accountable but don't beat yourself up... we are all in this together. :)
  • shahmaran
    shahmaran Posts: 2
    I was exactly the same in the April. Two things helped me.

    First one is to create a lighter alternative to my favorite catchy food. And I don't let it enter the home. If you have to, you can discuss with the people you live with.

    Second one is to start walking. When I walk, I feel happier and more powerful against the foods that I cannot resist most of the times. When I walk, I don't want to ruin my efforts by eating any high caloried food. They helped me until now, I hope you'll benefit too.
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself, been there before as I am sure we all have. Do yourself a favor and write it down in your diary. You need the reminder. Why lie to yourself. Screw it, it's done!!! Tomorrow is a new day, learn from the expeience. Good luck!!!
  • leebaser
    leebaser Posts: 38
    Hating yourself is as bad as overheating. Your human, you have good days and bad lime the rest of us. I bet you are a great friend to others. How about talking to yourself like you would your best friend? Would you beat up your best friend for having a bad day or two?
  • Lovely135
    Lovely135 Posts: 161
    Thank you all for your kind words. I listen to you all, I put it in my dairy. I know tomorrow will be a better day. With the power of I God I can do it.
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    Well done lovely for putting it in to your diary and seeking help through your faith. I also pray that tomorrow is a better day for you.
    If you want to add me as a friend, feel free and I will do my best to support you. x
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    it happens and we have all been there. my best advice is to own it. put it in your diary. on days I over do I always put in diary so I can look at it in black and white and see what it cost so next time I can decide if it is worth it. do not beat yourself up just start new tomorrow but believe me you will be better in the end if you are honest with your diary and put everything in it , the good, bad and ugly. it is a tool for you.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Just log it and move on. No reason to be one is perfect here :)
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    We all have bad days. You say you have stuff in the house that causes you trouble. The solution is to simply get it out of the house and don't bring anything in the house that's not in your best interest.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Don't get down on yourself. In my experience it honestly does more bad that good. Yes, you made a mistake. But tomorrow, as cliche as it is to say, is a new day, and you can undo the damage you did.

    It is devastating when you mess up. But in the grand scheme, it's really not that bad. You have tomorrow, the next day, and all the way to the end of your life to make up for it. It can certainly be done!

    Get back on that horse!! :flowerforyou:

    And another note, it sounds like you learned something about yourself: if you keep XXX in the house then you are going to binge on eating that. WE ALL have these little demon foods. Realize that next time and DON'T buy it (or make the person who does hide it somewhere). LEARN your weaknesses and outsmart yourself!! Don't put yourself in a losing situation.
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    I'm right there with you. Pizza. Thats my killer.. well actually anything italian. I can't get enough. I went over by almost 600 yesterday and kept myself in check today but still went over by 300. You just gotta remember that Tomorrow is a new day and you will be stronger. Now that you have had your down moment you should go to bed, get a great night's sleep and when you wake up in the morning, go look in the mirror and tell yourself that you will not gain back those 18 pounds. We have the power to say no.

    Also maybe you should throw out whatever is tempting you. If anyone gets upset with you about it then tell them that you are trying to make a change and this is the way you have to do it. I'm here for ya and I know you can do this sweetie. Just remember that its all willpower but 2 days aren't going to ruin everything. Tomorrow is ALWAYS a new day and a new start. DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • britaut2
    britaut2 Posts: 19
    Hi, Don't beat yourself up. We are all struggling! I have good and bad days. I am a stress eater so, when I am having a rough day at work or home nothing satisfy me but chocolate or other types of snack foods. You just forget the day and start all over again the next day. Remember it to some time to gain the weight so, it will take some time to get it off. Weekends I find harder to stay on my calorie limit. With running around doing errands, I eat later than I do doing the week. I try to keep good snacks in my car. I am here for you. Stay encouraged!
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I started out well yesterday then I finished really bad, and today is wors thant yesterday. I am so ambarrassed, I can't even put it in my dairy. There is that one food I love so much, and when it's in the house I over kill it. HUHHH!!!! I am so frustrated right now..... Sience I sarted on MFP I've lost 7lbs. All together since I sarted on March I have lost 18lbs. When I am having bad days like those 2 days, it's hard for me to stop. Before I know it I would gain all the lbs I have lost plus some. People are complainting me on how good I look already. Please Lord make tomorrow a better day.

    Everyone has bad days and most of us have trigger foods. Having a bad day now and then is normal. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. If my diary were public you would be able to see that I went over my calorie goal by over 2100 calories. I ate over 4000 calories yesterday (goal of 1940 + 2150 over goal with no offsetting exercise). Yesterday is yesterday. It's the past, can't change what I did. I logged what I ate because I know I have to own up to my weaknesses just as much as I take pride in my strengths to make this healthy lifestyle become natural. But I refuse to put myself on a guilt trip for overeating one day, it doesn't help. Today I'm back to being good.

    You've lost 18 lbs in about 2 months! That is great. It is wonderful! That takes strength and dedication and shows how motivated you are. You can make tomorrow the day you want it to be, you have the strength to do that!