Why do some women drop the baby weight and others dont?

I'm really just curious--- Why do some women drop most to all of the baby weight that they gain and others will not drop any of it?

I sort of have a fear that I will be the type that wont drop any of the baby weight. (Althought I am NOT pregnant)



  • cindaroses
    cindaroses Posts: 117
    I have that same fear!
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    I dunno, genetics maybe. Or some women get used to eating the increased calories and don't cut back after the baby is born/weaned. Or they suffer from post-partum depression.
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    atleast im not alone!
  • lowbpoint
    lowbpoint Posts: 20 Member
    I was very lucky and dropped all of my baby weight twice now (2 kids) in about 3-4 months after having them, but honestly, the best predictor in my opinion is look at your own mother. If it just melted off her there is a good chance of being one of the "lucky ones" and if it didnt, then it might be a bit more challenging, but you can still do it, of course.
    but i would say if you had to guess which way you will be, look at your mother's experience.

    (oh I should also say, so did my mom, so I, in fact, did follow her in having an easier time with the weight)
  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member
    I am wondering if it has something to do with your age when you have the baby. I was 39 when I had mine and the 40 pounds I gained just stayed as belly fat. When I came back to work, people even asked me if I had had the baby yet!!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I think it depends on how much you gain. Its probably easier to drop the weight if you are younger, but ultimately it is all going to depend on nutrition and activity level.
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I gained 60 with both kids. With my first, I had lost it all, plus around an extra 20 by the time she was a year old. With my second, I held onto the weight until he was around 2. Then I really started to get back into working out. I think it was so easy with my first was because I was working a full time job, on my feet for 8 hours a day. Then I would hit up the gym for at least an hour afterwards. With my second, I had 2 kids I was having to look after and I was overwhelmed.
  • lowbpoint
    lowbpoint Posts: 20 Member
    age is very true too. the weight came off much faster at 25 than it has at 33. that is why I am here ;)
  • NotThePest
    NotThePest Posts: 164
    Nurse your baby, it burns 500 calories a day because your body has to work to make milk.
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    Yeah I definitely plan on nursing when I have kids--- I've heard that helps a lot!
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I gained 60 with both kids. With my first, I had lost it all, plus around an extra 20 by the time she was a year old. With my second, I held onto the weight until he was around 2. Then I really started to get back into working out. I think it was so easy with my first was because I was working a full time job, on my feet for 8 hours a day. Then I would hit up the gym for at least an hour afterwards. With my second, I had 2 kids I was having to look after and I was overwhelmed.

    Oh and to add. I was 20 when I had my oldest and 23 when I had my second.
  • jtdink1121
    jtdink1121 Posts: 73
    I know breast feeding helps A LOT! I would lose all the weight while breast feeding eating whatever I want and when I stopped and continued to eat whatever I want, I gained it all back.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 770 Member
    I always wonder if it's just age, activity level, and attitude more than genetics. I've had at least three women tell me with absolute conviction that it is impossible to lose pregnancy weight. Those women are idiots.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I have absolutely no idea because I have never had a baby. My guess is it is probably a lot easier if you remain in good physical condition during the pregnancy. Also, a lot of women think they are "eating for two" and go haywire and gain a bunch of weight. It is probably easier if you keep the weight gain to only the necessary weight for the baby. I've read that you really only need to eat an extra 300-500 calories a day.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Because some women didn't over eat and gain "baby weight".

    Breastfeeding can also play a factor.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I am now at my pre-baby #1 weight. After my first I didn't get back down to my pre-baby weight but after my second I did! I breastfed both times and put on a lot of weight both times (baby girl #1 was 10lbs 3oz and baby girl #2 was 10lbs 4oz so a fair bit was baby). I think it is just knowledge and a willingness to try that made the difference. The first time I really wanted to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight but I didn't have the tools to go about it. I did get to about 4kg off just through exercise and 'healthy eating'. This time around I have the knowledge that breastfeeding burns 500 calories a day (exclusive) or 300 (older baby on solids) and I count calories and it works. I've always eaten pretty healthy food, mostly non processed and made from scratch (which seems to be a cultural thing - in my opinion - I live in NZ and we don't eat out much or buy processed stuff. Although I guess it could just be that I was raised that way so maybe it is a family thing rather than a cultural one?!?) but it turns out that my portion sizes were way bigger than I thought they were.
    I think mainly it still comes down to a calories in, calories out thing. I am now at the stage where I have 4kg to go (8.8lbs) but I've stalled in my weight loss, I think that I might not be able to lose that until I've finished feeding my baby, which is ok with me, I'm pretty happy where I am at the moment anyway. I've been told that the last little bit of weight can be impossible to lose while nursing due to hormones etc.

    ETA - Sorry, I'm sounding confused! I got to within 4kg of my pre-pregnancy weight first time around, this time I'm 4kg off my goal weight which is 5kg less than my pre-pregnancy weight, so I'm currently 5kg lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight for my second baby. - Yep I'm still sounding confused, blame lack of sleep!! :ohwell: :yawn: :ohwell:
  • Abrasue
    Abrasue Posts: 218 Member
    Because some women didn't over eat and gain "baby weight".

    Breastfeeding can also play a factor.

    This sounds sooo judgmental
  • erogers85
    erogers85 Posts: 32
    who knows!? I asked myself this question over and over again after I had my first baby at 22. It felt nearly impossible to lose any weight at all after I had her and then I got pregnant with my second baby when the first was only 6 months old, then with my third when the second one was 10 months old. I didn't gain very much with the second or third babies but I just never lost the weight from my first! I nursed exclusively for all three (still nursing the baby) and unfortunately for me, breastfeeding just made me ravenously hungry! Don't stress too much about it though, now that I'm done with babies I have really been able to focus on eating healthy and exercising and I am now back to my pre-pregnancy weight (third baby's 15 months old now). I will say that the first year is utterly exhausting and I could not find a spare minute to workout besides taking the babies on walks- now that they all (sort of) sleep through the night it is much better!
  • Soul4lyUrs
    Soul4lyUrs Posts: 2 Member
    I like the theory of nursing which is said to help you lose weight; however, I nursed both of my babies and all the myths were not in my favor. I didn't lose weight and I got my cycle 6 weeks post partum. I nursed so much that I had an oversupply of breast milk so it wasn't for lack of pumping/nursing. I think your activity level and diet contribute greatly.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I don't know the answer. The weight didn't melt of me. I had to work it off. I gained 30 with my daughter and 40 with my son. When my son was a week old, I stepped on scale and it said that I lost 6 lbs. I remember being so pissed. I started eating better then it slowly came off.

    My son is now 3.5. I just got down past my pre-pg weight. With my daughter, it came off in 3 months. The difference is that after my daughter, I logged my food and exercised when I could exercise. After my son, I didn't. It wasn't til this past Feb that I had enough, I was 10 pounds heavier than before my son, I lost that weight and then some by logging and exercise on MFP.

    I am lucky to have very little stretch marks so I can honestly say that my body is back!