Why do some women drop the baby weight and others dont?



  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    I gained a lot of weight AFTER the baby, while I was NURSING. It turned out for me that my body was holding onto fat because I wasn't eating ENOUGH to support my own body and the baby I was nursing, especially with all the exercising I was doing to try and lose the "baby weight". I'm still nursing now, and since I started fueling my body properly (2200+ calories a day), the weight and fat is coming off at a slow but steady pace.
  • arojas1227
    arojas1227 Posts: 56 Member
    I have absolutely no idea because I have never had a baby. My guess is it is probably a lot easier if you remain in good physical condition during the pregnancy. Also, a lot of women think they are "eating for two" and go haywire and gain a bunch of weight. It is probably easier if you keep the weight gain to only the necessary weight for the baby. I've read that you really only need to eat an extra 300-500 calories a day.
    ^Totally. Moderate activity is recommended during pregnancy if you're already used to it. I see so many women eating like crazy when they're pregnant because they think it will be good for their baby, when in reality, it would be best to increase 300-500 cal/day.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I think there are a TON of factors that contribute to this. Age, weight, genetics, etc. I've had 4 kids. Here's the run down.

    Kid 1 - I was 22 when I was pregnant with her. Gained 75 lbs, ate whatever I wanted. Breastfed for 3 months and dropped all of the weight within 12 weeks.

    Kid 2 - I was 24. Gained 70 lbs, ate whatever I wanted. Breastfed for 3 months and dropped 60 lbs within 12 weeks.

    Kid 3 - I was 30. Gained 70 lbs, ate whatever I wanted, got GD and had to go on a restrictive diet. Breastfed for 4 months and lost 20 lbs within 12 week.

    Kid 4 - I was 34. Gained 45 lbs, ate healthy and exercised the entire pregnancy. Still breastfeeding after 11 months and have only lost 20 lbs.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    It really depends on a lot of things - genetics, your eating habits, the course of your pregnancy, if you are breast feed -- etc. I gained 17 pounds and came home from the hospital weighing 3 pounds more than before getting pregnant. I was sick a lot during my pregnancy, so "eating for two" was never an option. My sister in law gained 25 pounds, she had 15 pounds to lose when she got home -- she lost it all plus 10 more pounds within 2 months without trying (she attributes it to breast feeding). We were both about 10 pounds overweight to begin with, but we were active and ate healthy foods as much as possible pre pregnancy and during. My sister gained 40 pounds and lost 20 of it. She was 25-30 pounds overweight to start, ate for two (she craved deep fried food). She had another baby 2 years after the first and has the same pattern. This time she joined the gym and shed all 40 pounds from the second pregnancy within 4 months, she's now working one the 20 pounds left from the first pregnancy.

    Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it too much. You should consume 300-400 extra calories a day when you are pregnant. So long as you keep that in mind, you should gain excessive amounts of weight to lose. But if that's not possible (and that happens -- my sister felt like she was starving ALL THE TIME), it's just like losing weight you gained other ways. Meaning -- if you monitor your calories and work out, it will come off (barring medical issues that you would already know about).
  • Sentrita
    Sentrita Posts: 26
    I always wonder if it's just age, activity level, and attitude more than genetics. I've had at least three women tell me with absolute conviction that it is impossible to lose pregnancy weight. Those women are idiots.

    Well, I'm 26 years old, and more active than before I got pregnant. I breastfeed, I fidget, and I still lost nothing. I ate healthy and everything. In the end, my attitude may be more the problem as I refuse to end up as my mom, overweight and unhappy. While it's not "impossible" to lose the pregnancy weight, I sure wish I could have an easier time of it. I'm still hoping I can drop a bunch when I'm done breastfeeding. A few months ago I worked out a lot and dropped 10 lbs. And then I stopped. I changed diet and exercise, nothing worked. I gave up and gained it back. Now I'm back at it using this website, I've not hit the 179 where I stopped before yet, but I'm a little scared it may not come off.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I actually lost weight to get pregnant, and then gained 80 pounds with the first pregnancy. Lost 70 pounds and got pregnant again. I am now 20 pounds from my prepregnancy weight. My youngest is 3. I was like the broad side of a barn pregnant-HUGE.

    Nursing did not help me at all, as a matter of fact, I actually stored fat the whole time I was nursing in my upper arms, upper back and hips--the minute I stopped nursing the fat went away. Maybe I'm part camel. :tongue:

    I also was in my mid 30s when I had my second, was working fulltime, and taking classes. My grandma was in hospice, my godmother died, my father had knee replacement, and I helped to plan my cousin's wedding. SO...very busy and stressful time. I lost weight and then put a bunch back on with emotional eating...everyone is different. Our environment factors in as strongly as our genes. Don't let it sway you from doing what you think is right for you.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I always wonder if it's just age, activity level, and attitude more than genetics. I've had at least three women tell me with absolute conviction that it is impossible to lose pregnancy weight. Those women are idiots.

    Well, I'm 26 years old, and more active than before I got pregnant. I breastfeed, I fidget, and I still lost nothing. I ate healthy and everything. In the end, my attitude may be more the problem as I refuse to end up as my mom, overweight and unhappy. While it's not "impossible" to lose the pregnancy weight, I sure wish I could have an easier time of it. I'm still hoping I can drop a bunch when I'm done breastfeeding. A few months ago I worked out a lot and dropped 10 lbs. And then I stopped. I changed diet and exercise, nothing worked. I gave up and gained it back. Now I'm back at it using this website, I've not hit the 179 where I stopped before yet, but I'm a little scared it may not come off.
    If you are still nursing, that could be the reason you aren't losing...I stored fat.. Don't give up, your baby needs you healthy!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I think the key is to take time for yourself. Having a newborn (and other kids underfoot) is very hard. Sometimes so hard that the thought of going to the gym or taking them all for a walk is pretty overwhelming. I exercised throughout all of my pregnancies, ate pretty well, and held onto some of the weight for varying amounts of time. After daughter #1, the weight came off in 3-4 months. After daughter #2, it took over a year. After daughter #3, it took around 2 years. I'm not sure if it was an age factor or a timing factor. Having small kids is hard. It's hard to take time away from them, but I know that I'm a better mom when I get that hour in the gym. I breastfed all of my girls to the 2 year mark so I can't really say that was a factor in weight loss for me, but those extra calories were sure nice. :) Don't be afraid-your body will most likely change and you may get stretch marks or loose belly skin, but the kids are so worth it!
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    Thanks for all of the input! Interesting to hear! I didnt know you were only supposed to eat an extra 300-400 extra cals while pregnant!
  • momma_a
    momma_a Posts: 117 Member
    I gained 14 lb with both my pregnancies. My kids were 7 lb & 6 lb 11 oz, respectively. I dropped whatever baby weight I had 2-3 weeks after I had my kids. I ate like a pig the entire pregnancies, or at least as much as I could since there wasn't much room in there. I have never been overweight, and my family is tall & thin. I think genetics plays a big part.
  • jlenz74
    jlenz74 Posts: 30
    I didnt gain any weight while I was pregnant with my son! He was a huge baby (8 lbs 10 oz) for my 4'11" frame! I'd always said he was my little parasite sucking the life out of me! LOL! However, I did gain weight after he was born because I was exchasted and wasnt taking care of myself.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Because some women didn't over eat and gain "baby weight".

    Breastfeeding can also play a factor.

    This. I gained the exact recommended weight by eating healthy. I was also thin before I got pregnant. Sometimes I think people expect to be thin after their baby even though they were carrying extra weight before getting pregnant.
  • Sentrita
    Sentrita Posts: 26
    I always wonder if it's just age, activity level, and attitude more than genetics. I've had at least three women tell me with absolute conviction that it is impossible to lose pregnancy weight. Those women are idiots.

    Well, I'm 26 years old, and more active than before I got pregnant. I breastfeed, I fidget, and I still lost nothing. I ate healthy and everything. In the end, my attitude may be more the problem as I refuse to end up as my mom, overweight and unhappy. While it's not "impossible" to lose the pregnancy weight, I sure wish I could have an easier time of it. I'm still hoping I can drop a bunch when I'm done breastfeeding. A few months ago I worked out a lot and dropped 10 lbs. And then I stopped. I changed diet and exercise, nothing worked. I gave up and gained it back. Now I'm back at it using this website, I've not hit the 179 where I stopped before yet, but I'm a little scared it may not come off.
    If you are still nursing, that could be the reason you aren't losing...I stored fat.. Don't give up, your baby needs you healthy!

    Thank You!!! That's actually the type of encouragement I need!
  • HayleeWho1122
    HayleeWho1122 Posts: 57 Member
    With my mom, When she had me she dropped the weight right away and then some, when she had my brother, she never lost the weight and then gained some. It partially depends on motivation to get back in shape.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Because some women didn't over eat and gain "baby weight".

    Breastfeeding can also play a factor.

    This sounds sooo judgmental

    Truth hurts.
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    Hard work and the will power to lose it?
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I'm really just curious--- Why do some women drop most to all of the baby weight that they gain and others will not drop any of it?

    I sort of have a fear that I will be the type that wont drop any of the baby weight. (Althought I am NOT pregnant)


    Lots of factors. I dropped the baby weight and then some because I breastfed my kids. (I gained after I stopped breastfeeding, as I didn't make up for the calories I was no longer burning due to breastfeeding).

    I was also very active, taking walks daily with my baby in the stroller, or just being very busy around the house.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    I always wonder if it's just age, activity level, and attitude more than genetics. I've had at least three women tell me with absolute conviction that it is impossible to lose pregnancy weight. Those women are idiots.

    Well, I'm 26 years old, and more active than before I got pregnant. I breastfeed, I fidget, and I still lost nothing. I ate healthy and everything. In the end, my attitude may be more the problem as I refuse to end up as my mom, overweight and unhappy. While it's not "impossible" to lose the pregnancy weight, I sure wish I could have an easier time of it. I'm still hoping I can drop a bunch when I'm done breastfeeding. A few months ago I worked out a lot and dropped 10 lbs. And then I stopped. I changed diet and exercise, nothing worked. I gave up and gained it back. Now I'm back at it using this website, I've not hit the 179 where I stopped before yet, but I'm a little scared it may not come off.

    You're actually trying, which gives you a great shot at getting the weight off. These women were on the Little Debbie diet, and convinced they were fat because they still had pregnancy weight. "Difficult" is different from "impossible."
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Yep only 300-400 more! I don't think it's a good idea to be counting calories too closely when your pregnant - but, the whole "eating for two" notion is sometimes taken to extremes. Like I said though, my sister felt ravenous - I think it's best to know all the "recommendations" but just listen to your body.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Calories in, calories out. Its simple.