Going to do it - Couch to 5 K!

I've been wanting to try the couch to 5K, but was wanting to get a treadmill to do it on because i didn't feel comfortable with the idea of running outside. in my way of thinking i'd do it on the treadmill, and then once i wasn't as heavy i could run outside. (I'm 230lbs, my moms 206lbs)

But i just don't have the funds for a treadmill right now, and after reading several stories from other members who have started this program I've decided i'm just going to go for it, outside and all!

So starting monday my mom and I are going to be doing day 1! we'll be running mon, wed and fri no matter the weather. weekends are crazy busy, so thats the only time we have!

So, what site is everyone following? I found coolrunning when i searched google.

Also, i've heard of these podcasts....do they have them for mp3 players, and if so where would i find a good one? i'm so excited to start this!


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Cool running has the official Couch to 5K plan, so you found it at the right place. :smile:

    Congrats to you and your mom! You can do it!
  • blakgarnet
    congrats. I'm finishing up week 3 right now and love it. I don't use the podcasts - I didn't really care for the one I could listen to online and then didn't feel like going through the effort of downloading and listening to the other ones. I just put a lot of upbeat songs on my mp3 player. Although I do use a treadmill, so it've very easy to keep track of the time.

    Good luck.
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    congrats. I'm finishing up week 3 right now and love it. I don't use the podcasts - I didn't really care for the one I could listen to online and then didn't feel like going through the effort of downloading and listening to the other ones. I just put a lot of upbeat songs on my mp3 player. Although I do use a treadmill, so it've very easy to keep track of the time.

    Good luck.

    thats our problem, is that we need something to keep track of the time if we're going to be outside. because i can't see counting in my head while i'm running, lmao!
  • shinybonnie
    I had to use a podcast mp3 because I'm also running outside and I don't have a stopwatch or anything. I would not be able to do c25k without the podcast to tell me when to start and stop. The one I found was at http://www.ullreys.com/robert/Podcasts/page4/page4.html I'm not technically proficient, so I do not know how my husband got the podcast onto my mp3 player.

    I just finished the first week, and so far, it is challenging, but very do-able. The first few running segments, I always feel like, "is that it?" But by the last 1 or 2 running segments, I am definitely feeling sorry for myself. :laugh:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    http://www.c25k.com has a bunch of links to various podcasts with different types of music.
  • mhayes13
    mhayes13 Posts: 60 Member
    I am in week 4 (doing day 3 tomorrow) and while I have never been a runner I enjoy it. It gets tougher each week but I feel great when I complete my run for the day. I use an app on my iTouch that simply announces when to run/walk over my music. If you have a Touch or iPhone I recommend that. I am a little concerned when the weather turns colder (in Ohio) on continuing this during the winter. Good luck you will feel a difference quickly.
  • prayerfulmom
    I'm a C25K graduate. Started at 277lbs outside. The first two days after the first run was not so good but it only got better after that. I've continue running and my longest run has been 20 miles.
  • debtdummy
    congrats , get on ur trainers and go for it!!! its best thing u will ever do.
  • clacourse
    clacourse Posts: 41 Member
    Do you mind if I join you? I have been reading other people's comments about it and they seem to love it. I have always wished that "I could run" LOL. I will join you in starting on Monday. I am a member of the gym, and probably will do it there, but may do it outside a few times. :)

    Will those podcasts work on a normal mp3 player? I'm not all savvy... don't have an ipod. LOL Or do they just need an mp3 player with a video capability?
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member

    this DJ has three different podcast archives to pick from -- choose the INTERVALS archive, and you will find a c25k series that build you up week by week. The music is disco-y/techno-y.... nice stuff.
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    Do you mind if I join you? I have been reading other people's comments about it and they seem to love it. I have always wished that "I could run" LOL. I will join you in starting on Monday. I am a member of the gym, and probably will do it there, but may do it outside a few times. :)

    Will those podcasts work on a normal mp3 player? I'm not all savvy... don't have an ipod. LOL Or do they just need an mp3 player with a video capability?

    it'll be great to have a partner starting the same time as i am! we could give each other updates on how we're doing, keep each other motivated ect!

    I don't have an ipod either, just an mp3, people have given good sites to get them from, so i'm going to look around at the sites and see what i can find!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    clacourse -

    i just looked at your profile, we're around the same age! i have more to lose then you though, lol! my first goal is to get to pre-prego weight so to lose 41lbs, but altogether i'd like to lose around 90.

    i'm going to add you as a friend!
  • leavinglasvegas
    I was going to wait a week to start. But if you guys would like another partner, I'll start this Monday instead. I was really nervous about starting, thats why I put it off. I feel like I'm too big to run, but thats just in my head. I' have worked my butt off this week so that I don't start running and feel like I'm going to die. But after reading about all the success stories from everyone els, I guess there is no need to get in shape before I get in shape, lol:laugh:
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    I was going to wait a week to start. But if you guys would like another partner, I'll start this Monday instead. I was really nervous about starting, thats why I put it off. I feel like I'm too big to run, but thats just in my head. I' have worked my butt off this week so that I don't start running and feel like I'm going to die. But after reading about all the success stories from everyone els, I guess there is no need to get in shape before I get in shape, lol:laugh:

    i felt the same way about being to big to run, and also wanted to get in shape before running to get in shape, lol! crazy girls we are!

    we should start a topic for people who are starting on monday. we can put weights down and weigh weekly on mondays to keep track! and help keep each other motivated. i love it! i need something to keep me motivated because i get on exercising, then lose motivation for weeks at a time, lol!
  • leavinglasvegas
    I'm all for it! Ready to begin Monday! Lets go!!!!

  • clacourse
    clacourse Posts: 41 Member
    WannabeaCullen- First of all... LOVE the SN!! (I do, too... :wink: ) But I'm right there with you about "getting in shape to get in shape" :smile:

    Tara- I think that's a great idea. I'm not sure how accurate my scale is, though. I went to my gym and weighed in last Friday and it said 213. Yesterday my scale at home said 202 and today it says 204... so I will put a weight in when we update, but I will update "for real" on the 3rd Friday of the month. That's not very often, but that's the only time I can use the scale at the gym. LOL. I'm excited, ladies!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Check out our topic we've got going...lots of people and lots of motivation going on in here!

    Good luck to all of you! :flowerforyou:

  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i'll be sure to pop in there and check it out once i get started.

    i'd still like to have a smaller more personal group going on with 3-5 people. in those big groups i feel as though things get lost and its not so personal anymore, kwim?
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    There's about 5 of us, I guess. I should have said 'lots of posts' :laugh: We keep up with each other just about every day. But it's cool, you can start your own or join us if you'd like. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    oh well then thats cool! so do you guys do weekly updates, how does it work?