Just Starting CTS360 from Complete Nutrition

I just went into Complete Nutrition today and told the sales person about my inability to get the weight off despite working out like a dog and staying well within my food goals for each day. I am not much for supplements and all of that stuff, but I am going to try this program called CTS360. It is several different pills during the day and was not cheap at just over 200 dollars. I hope I can get some results and be able to maintain them without the continued use of supplements. Has anyone tried this program before or is anyone on it now?


  • George1567
    Hate to guess how this method is going to go over here on the MFP boards? My guess is the masses here will frown on this kind of approach......

    I have found Complete Nutrition to be "completly" different from any other supplement store I have ever been to. The two stores in the Omaha area have been amazing to me and I have been very happy with their multi vitamin packet and protein powders. I look forward to hearing how your results turn out and wish you great sucess on your goals!!
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    I was guessing that it might not go over well here. But my thoughts also went to those people like me that have spent a majority of their "young" life being fit and active only to get "paid back" with a slowed metabolism and weight around the middle and lower body that they just cant move. I dont like the "idea' of taking pills, but I am willing to give it a shot. The woman at the store seemed very knowledgeable about the products and did not try to push them on me. It was of my own choice and she was spot on when we talked about sugar intake and potassium, so I felt comfortable with her helping me.
  • joceyofdoom
    joceyofdoom Posts: 21 Member
    I know this post is kind of old, but I thought I'd reply anyway! I did the CTS360 back in August and lost 18 lbs in the two months. I kept losing weight afterwards fairly well, until I fell off the wagon with all the winter holidays. I've been eating right and exercising since then, but haven't managed to lose anymore weight. Yay, plateaus, right? So, after about 5 months of no weight loss, I've started taking the CTS360 again, just to give my body another jump start. Two days in I've lost 5 lbs. I know its mostly water weight, but it helped me so much the first time, and I really needed to see that scale move to keep up my motivation.

    Since this post is from February, you're done with the first set by now: How'd it go?