Period weight?

I know I've been eating badly the last couple days, but neither day went over 2000 calories. (My maintenance level is 2400 according to multiple calculator) Did I really gain three pounds in three days or is it because I just started my period?


  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    It is definitely fluid retention! Some months I hardly put on anything, others I gain 4 lbs overnight! Don't sweat it!
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Definitely period weight - I have gained up to 6 pounds and dont lose it till about a week later.
  • imreadii2011
    imreadii2011 Posts: 7 Member
    It's most likely from your period. Just stay off of the scale during that time of the month if it's going to freak you out!
  • ainsley23
    ainsley23 Posts: 22 Member
    Glad I read this, was wondering the same thing
  • chelle2868
    chelle2868 Posts: 19
    I agree, water weight. I always gain a couple pounds around that time of month and then it goes away after. Try not to worry about the weight fluctuations around that time of the month. Avoiding the scale until next week wouldn't be a bad idea either.
  • kittycraft
    kittycraft Posts: 17
    I don't even weigh myself during my periods. They're just too whack. I think I gained like 6 whole pounds last time and then peed for three days straight.