add me if your from the uk? :)

amyy010 Posts: 48 Member
i feel that i need more motivational people on here and feel free to add me wherever youre from (preferably uk as its easier time scales/ foods to understand etc.) and i'll accept you :D

also if you want to add one another feel free! This is just an add message board :) feel free to chat too! :)



  • EliBond
    EliBond Posts: 23

    I'm fairly new to MFP and could do with some UK support

    Good Luck!
  • saraht131
    saraht131 Posts: 86
    Ditto. I'm from the UK too - add me!
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm from Wales if anyone wants to add me :)
  • soph501
    soph501 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm from the UK too, feel free to add me if you want :)
  • im new to this, at an american uni but i will be back home all summer, im sooo glad that there are stores on here like sainsburys and tesco that was my only worry. only been doing this for about 4 days but i think its great!
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    from Holyhead, Wales I log on every day and try my best to encourage and motivate, add me if you wish :smile:
  • rosiep80
    rosiep80 Posts: 6 Member
    From Newcastle, would be really nice to meet new folk with same goals x
  • I'm from Suffolk, totally up for more friends to help keep motivated! Add me if you like :)
  • hpsaucette
    hpsaucette Posts: 102 Member
    Also from the uk, in Yorkshire atm but from all over. Please add!
  • Kaydana123
    Kaydana123 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm from the UK too
  • bella7966
    bella7966 Posts: 49
    Hi i am from the uk as well please feel free to add x
  • Hello, I'm from Edinburgh, but I moved to Winchester lately. Please feel free to add me.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I am based in London. Been on MFP for about a year.

    Have a full time job as well as child wrangling, so I don't post everyday, although I log on and read everyday.

    Happy for anyone to add me if they like.

    Edited typo!
  • KarinM01
    KarinM01 Posts: 2
    Hi I'm new and from North East England, feel free to add me :)
  • xCaNaRyx
    xCaNaRyx Posts: 9 Member
    Add me, Scotland here (well from next week Scotland again) :happy:
  • Anyone want to add me, im in cambs uk. Im 30 n lost 46lb so far x
  • LexyLou_5
    LexyLou_5 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey I'm from the uk -midlands

    I need to shift 18lbs....
  • breoghie
    breoghie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm from Scotland and new to MFP, it would be great to have some UK support, feel free to add me too! Steph x
  • ScarlettIsSpiffing
    ScarlettIsSpiffing Posts: 121 Member
    Hiya I'm a London lass...feel free to add me, the more friends the merrier ;)
  • katiepatati
    katiepatati Posts: 48 Member
    Also feel free to add me, i need motivation and support - especially through the weekends! haha