I'd Rather DIE Than Give Up...



  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    bbq sauce, i wouldnt die, just the person trying to make me give it up would lol
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Wine & cheese - but I try to limit my cheese, I don't buy the kind that I will eat a whole block of in one sitting...
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Coffee and Beer. Only pregnancy could make me give them up.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    Awesome responses!

    I did almost die these past 5 days trying to give up caffeine, namely COFFEE. I caved, but I am awake, functioning properly and happy now that Ive fully realized I am ADDICTED and need 12 STEP PROGRAM before trying THAT again! lol

    POSSIBLY shed a few more pounds being caffeine free or risk staying fat and addicted to it? or ? I'll take the latter. thank you. :drinker:
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Red chile, the real thing -from dried Hatch pods!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    2 years ago, I would have said "crisps" (chips if you're from the US). Since becoming focused on healthy eating, I've gone from eating about 10 25g bags a day to 1 a week if that. Trying to remember when I last had crisps... oh yes, had some last Sunday evening. :D
  • Sunscreenandsweat
    Sunscreenandsweat Posts: 190 Member
    I haven't really given up anything and I don't think I have to. I eat healthier versions of almost everything now but I haven't given anything up. I still have pizza and ice cream and cheese and pasta it's just smaller portions and healthier alternatives.
  • DocGu
    DocGu Posts: 51 Member
    Chicken Wings. Fortunately I don't have to have them that often to get my fix so it doesn't interfere with trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But when he craving comes, it comes upon me like a tidal wave.
  • daisyhougan
    daisyhougan Posts: 52
    Generally I've managed to fit everything in...it may not be the best choice health wise but at least I meet the calories goals. Having said that, LOVE adding at least a touch of Barbecue sauce to meat so at least there's a touch of flavor. And I love breads, nothing beats a good bread from a bakery with real taste not just cardboard Wonderbread. And good bagels. I can adjust the amount of it that I eat or play with the amount of or type of toppings I put on it but would prefernot to give it up!
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I LOVE CHEESE! But I'm finding that as I grow older, I'm becoming more lactose intolerant.

    Suggestions anyone? I'd almost rather die than give up cheese. (and BACON)

    What can you not live without?
    My husband is pretty lactose intolerant, but he is able to eat mozzarella & Parmesan without issue. He can also eat yogurt, so plain Greek yogurt has taken the place of any and all sour cream at our house. For ice cream he likes the So Delicious coconut milk varieties - he says they are way better than the soy stuff out there.

    It's a bummer to have to stop eating something you love because your body doesn't tolerate it any longer! I feel bad for those of you who have to deal with that. I am glad to see more and more good substitutes, like the coconut milk treats - I hated feeling guilty for having a scoop of ice cream in front of the hubs!

    You are my new favorite person-- I will test those out. I was realizing yesterday that some of my dairy-related symptoms are back (since I love cheese too) and that I need to start cutting it out again. Maybe after I eliminate it for awhile I will try rotating those in.

    I have somewhat of a lactose intolerance (I can't drink milk or eat ice cream) but white, uncooked cheese does not bother me. I eat mozza cheese strings pretty much every day and put low fat grated parmesan, feta, or swiss on my salads. However, when I eat pizza or quesadillas, the cooked cheeses bother me.
  • willismack2
    willismack2 Posts: 84
    I'd Rather DIE Than Give Up..Country Fried Steak, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and gravy - All at once!
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    i love cheese too but ive found myself eating less of it but mac and cheese kills me it literaly puts me in so much pain i have literaly gone to the hospital to its a verry once in a while thing but i found goat cheese is ok we have it in salads alot and could probaly replace cream cheese which i used to love too but i havent had it in a while

    my personal down fall is ice cream there is never a time i dont want it but ive started to make my own yesterday i put 2 bananas and 4 pine apple rings in the freeser then blended them with alittle mellon gadorade cuz we were out of milk and splenda it turned out prety good i poured it in a glass for a smoothie and frose the rest not quite as creamy but good
  • Hedgiemum
    Hedgiemum Posts: 38 Member
    My list is endless lol! Wine, curry, chilli, poppodums, twiglets, roast dinners, marmite on toast, cheese on toast, bacon butties, singapore chow mein, ribs, home made juices, blueberries, cherries, walkers cheese and onion crisps, rice, meat, bread.............. and the list goes on ...... :))
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    I'd Rather DIE Than Give Up..Country Fried Steak, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and gravy - All at once!

    Sounds like an awesome cheat day menu!

    Might also just be the thing that does kill you. Why does all the best food have to be the worst for you?

    "Only a rank degenerate would drive 1,500 miles across Texas without eating a chicken-fried steak." —Larry McMurtry
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    Sour cream!
  • mooly77
    mooly77 Posts: 18
    Pasta and cheese.... :(
  • kbresso
    kbresso Posts: 40 Member
    Chocolate chip cookies. My husband bought one of those cookie dough rolls you can cut up and bake (I swear he's trying to sabotage my efforts, he knows I can't resist these) so when he bakes some for the kids, I make some adjustments in my calorie intake for the day so I can have a few. Won't even bother trying to fight the good fight.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
  • aimeerocksx3
    I would rather die than give up diet dr. pepper.
    Or honey crisp apples.
    Or tacos.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member

    BTW, I love your pic OP--made me smile :bigsmile: