
Lovely topic - sorry folks. :embarassed:

I started doing C25K three weeks ago and just completed Week 3 today. I don't believe it happened during Week 1 but during Week 2 and this 3rd week I found myself in front of the toilet after completing my jog and getting home.

I'm sure there could be a bajillion different reasons for this but I'm curious if others have experienced the same thing?

Just to add a little more fun detail - it's never been actual food - it's either a frothy type deal or what seems like stomach acid. :sick:


  • coderby
    coderby Posts: 9 Member
    Was it a particularly heavy session I've heard of people working themselves so hard they were physically sick only rarely though.
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    I don't think it is anything to be concerned about. Sounds like you are really pushing yourself during the workout, that's good. You have seen Biggest Loser right? Alot of those people puke after a hard workout. My boss does football coaching, and he has a few people puke also. Just keep pushing yourself, don't back off because of some PUKE.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    As others have said, vomiting after intense exercise can happen (I have had it happen personally). However, unlike one of the previous posters, I would advise backing off a little--it won't slow your progress appreciable to monitor your exertion levels and back off when you start to feel as though you might vomit. Vomiting is unpleasant, and I doubt there is any real benefit to pushing yourself that hard at this point (or possibly ever). By "backing off" I mean slowly down, or even walking briefly--not stopping entirely.
  • katnohat
    katnohat Posts: 43 Member
    Did you eat right before you went running? Because once I ate and directly after started doing glute bridges, and that made me throw up because my food was being sloshed around. Also, it was like yours in that it was not real food, but mostly bile.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Was it a particularly heavy session I've heard of people working themselves so hard they were physically sick only rarely though.

    It was heavy for me considering the only running I've done has been from the cops (when I was younger) but not by other peoples standards I'm sure. :laugh:
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Did you eat right before you went running? Because once I ate and directly after started doing glute bridges, and that made me throw up because my food was being sloshed around. Also, it was like yours in that it was not real food, but mostly bile.

    Probably about two hours prior?
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I've only had this problem twice in my life. Once was from eating too heavy before and the other from drinking too heavy the night before lol. Some people have to work out fasted or they always feel nauseated.

    Not too helpful but best thing is too watch what you eat. Even two hours before something heavy or greasy can affect your work out.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    One of the first times it happened I associated it to the heat - I live in Georgia and it was well into the 90's but today was cool and rainy so I ruled that out.

    I definitely will continue with the program but see if I can slow my pace (or keep an even pace since I find myself doing random spurts of going faster and then slower).

    I feel pretty amazing when I'm not in puke mode so I don't want to squander the progress I have made but I'll just keep an eye on it.

    Thanks guys!
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I've only had this problem twice in my life. Once was from eating too heavy before and the other from drinking too heavy the night before lol. Some people have to work out fasted or they always feel nauseated.

    Not too helpful but best thing is too watch what you eat. Even two hours before something heavy or greasy can affect your work out.

    You could be right - I'll definitely have to be more aware of that.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    I felt like puking on my run today. It's Mother's Day, so the kids made me Scrambled Eggs, Toast and Fruit for brekkie - which of course I HAD to eat... I did wait 2 hours before going, but at about the 7 or 8k mark I felt like puking, too.
  • Meegz84
    Meegz84 Posts: 74
    One of the first times it happened I associated it to the heat - I live in Georgia and it was well into the 90's but today was cool and rainy so I ruled that out.

    Make sure you are keeping hydrated on a daily basis. This may be affecting you?
    I felt crappy after my 8km run yesterday and didn't connect it til later that evening with the fact that I hadn't had much water to drink that day. I usually drink my 2+ litres per day.
  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    It can happen. Happens to me occaisonally when I do burpees, then run 50 yds and do burpees and sprinting 50 yds for 7 reps. Just be careful. Hydrate on a daily basis.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    It can happen. Happens to me occaisonally when I do burpees, then run 50 yds and do burpees and sprinting 50 yds for 7 reps. Just be careful. Hydrate on a daily basis.

    Ugh. Burpees. Just the thought of them makes me ill. :laugh:

    That's an awesome workout - kudos to you man!
  • Bearamedic
    Bearamedic Posts: 2
    I have been doing a crossfit type of workout since January 4 times per week. Getting fitter every week. I used to vomit a couple of times per week. Sometimes during and sometimes after the workout. Now it happens every once in a while. I know I am not the only one that it happens to. For me I think it's the combo of the workout and eating schedule. I have to be at the gym by 6am so I am up at 5am. I try go get a small 200 cal protein bar for some energy for the workout as soon as I wake up.