So New....Any over 40 people this has worked for?

Hi Everyone....My name is Kay....I am 42 ,Mother of 3 and Grandma to 7...I am 3 yrs past surgical Menopause...since then I have Ballooned up ....I have also had a major stomach surgery...Anywho,My Oldest daughter was telling me of a friend who has lost a lot of weight by using MFP..I have seen her pics and she has done amazingly . I have yoyo dieted,WW,Calorie count,Etc . I am 5'3 weigh 178 and would like to get to around 145 for my frame. I am going to try this and with hopes to make some great friends and A healthy weight loss along the way...Thanks for listening and Happy Mothers Day to you mommies!!!


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hi and welcome! You may want to have a look at or join this group:

    Lots of folks there in your particular situation!
  • kayd69
    kayd69 Posts: 29
    Thank You so much....going over to check it out!:happy:
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Can You see me raising my hand? Did the surgical menopause.....had a tumor removed from pancreas which involved a major stomach surgery. It can be done!
  • Oceanfire6
    Oceanfire6 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Kay,

    I would love to join you I'm 42 my name is Sharon. I have 3 and a half stone to loose ( around 42LBs). I have 2 children the youngest only 3. I too have had some medical problems too, involving my stomach and a few months back the Dr's put me on steroids to ease symptoms,,I'm feeling a lot better but the medication has made me gain 2 stone( 28Lbs) in only a few months. I'm determined to get the weight off now, as I it's my eldest daughter 16th birthday in a few months and we are planning to go away for a beach holiday and I refuse to sit covered up on a beach for 2 weeks. Also my partner is 6 years younger than me and very fit and At the moment I feel like I'm becoming a frumpy old hag as I'm dressing to hide all the lumps and bumps that keep appearing on my body. rather than dressing up in clothes that I like and feel confident in . Funny story !!....we went out clubbing a couple of weeks ago and several woman were eyeing him up (my Partner) and one of them actually came up to me and asked me if I was with him. I was gob-smacked !! Usually it's the other way around for me and him and that was the last straw for me. i thought I need to loose the weight, get in shape and get my MOJO back. So maybe we could do this together, what do you think ?
  • TOPSRose
    TOPSRose Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Kay,

    I am older than 40...much older. I am about to have my 72nd birthday in a couple of weeks. I am an emotional eater. Any name it. I, too, have tried many different diets in the past and they all worked until I stopped working at it. That is what I like about TOPS. It recognizes that weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight is a journey and sometimes we fall along the way. But we get back up and continue the journey. I think TOPS works. At least it works for me. I am a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother and I am about 15 pounds from my goal. I have lost about 40.

    Good luck on your journey! Happy Mother's Day!

  • kayd69
    kayd69 Posts: 29
    Congrats Mem50 on your Weight loss!!! Way to go....! I have had total of 9 stomach surgeries...Last one was to Repair a huge Hernia from all the others...I was cut 30 inches around my waist with a Mesh put in my entire stomach to hold my insides in..then they had to do a tummy tuck to finish...That was 3 yrs ago ...took almost a complete yr to heal...Now I need to work on losing this weight!!!! So glad to see I am not alone!!! Also...How do I join a group as the last person was saying about the menopause group?
  • kayd69
    kayd69 Posts: 29
    Awesome!!! Yes We can start this Together!!! And We Can Do It!!!! Im going to add you as friend as soon as I figure out how!! hahaha
  • hause17
    hause17 Posts: 1 Member
    It does work. I am 45, and same height as you, 5'3" and I weighed 184 when I started MFP 2 months ago on March 13th and so far I have lost 21 pounds.
  • kayd69
    kayd69 Posts: 29
    Nice to meet you TopsRose...I too am an emotional eater...and I just give up too easy on things...I hope I can get strength to carry on and lose this weight!!!!
  • kayd69
    kayd69 Posts: 29
    Wonderful Hause17....! That is so Inspiring....What is it that works for you? did you add a lot of exercise that you weren't doing before or is it the logging what you eat? thanks
  • TOPSRose
    TOPSRose Posts: 22 Member

    That's why we need to sipport one another. You have to be super human to do it alone....don't know about you but I lost my super powers 50 years ago when I began to put on weight. Some of my friends tell me that I will be very wrinkled if I lose any more. I tell them that you can't see wrinkles from a block away, but you sure can see those 60 pounds I am losing!

    Keep at it. I will support your success and pick you up if you fall.