Do you need to lose only 20-30 lbs, how fast/slow did you?

Just to get an idea....

I'm 5'2 and need to lose 25 pounds. I think this will be in a very slow pace... like 2 pounds every 3 weeks which is the total so far I've lost... But I would like to know your expierience... Am I losing to slow? is it ok?


  • mcleodconnor
    I lost 20lbs in 2 months of wrestling, then 20lbs more over 3 months. It really depends on how much exercising you do as to how fast you will lose. 2lbs per 3 weeks does seem a bit slow imo though.
  • jching29
    jching29 Posts: 163
    I think that, as long as you aren't aiming to lose five pounds a week, you're fine :) losing weight is a very personal thing...and no one should be able to tell you how to do it, as long as you're doing it in a healthy manner. I, personally, think your goal is more than attainable :) and I wish you the best of luck!
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    If you don't have alot to lose, you'll lose alot slower than someone who needs to drop 100+ lbs. Don't worry, you're doing great!
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    I lost 20lbs in 2 months of wrestling, then 20lbs more over 3 months. It really depends on how much exercising you do as to how fast you will lose. 2lbs per 3 weeks does seem a bit slow imo though.

    You're a man, it doesn't work the same for us haha
  • cellokitty91
    cellokitty91 Posts: 127 Member
    I only had 20 lbs to lose and it took me about 6 months to lose 14 so far. Its been a slow process but I'm not complaining :) Its been really hard to lose the last little bit. I workout everyday and eat between 1500-and 1800 a day depending on the amount of exercise I've done.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I'm generally aiming for ~1 pound a week at this point.
  • mustangbass
    mustangbass Posts: 18 Member
    My goal is a 22 lbs loss, I've lost 18 lbs in about 75 days. I seemed to lose weight then level out for a while, then it will drop again. I just got back from a short vacation and I wasn't tracking because my Iphone die but I had no loss or gain. Good luck with your fitness plan it seems to be doable, not too slow.
  • mcleodconnor
    I lost 20lbs in 2 months of wrestling, then 20lbs more over 3 months. It really depends on how much exercising you do as to how fast you will lose. 2lbs per 3 weeks does seem a bit slow imo though.

    You're a man, it doesn't work the same for us haha
  • camila_scl
    camila_scl Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks to all of you for answering!