Funny experiemce at the gym



  • Finkfit
    Finkfit Posts: 1
    Nothing funny about that...that guy is a ticking time bomb and should be warned by gym not to harass other patrons.
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    That wasn't a funny experience at all.

    If three gentlemen stepped in to your aid, it shows you how out of line that guy was. Please don't let that a**hole ruin your joy of life. Think of the positives: you got a great workout & and there are still gentlemen in this world. Don't waste another minute thinking about that loser.

    This. There will always be terrible people out there, but there are also some outstanding human beings. You did the right thing by reporting it. You're working hard on your fitness and health and that's something you should always be proud of.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    OMG, that is really horrible!

    But, concentrate on the three gentlemen that helped you. There's many more of them then there are jerks.
  • alisha17m
    alisha17m Posts: 73 Member
    What a prick! I'd bet he's got a really tiny... Bicep? Glad you're seeing the positives, I would make the owners aware of the situation in case you're not the only one he's attacked like that
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Holy ****! LMAO! You should make a big deal about him, get some free gym months and get him kicked out! I couldn't imagine that behavior in a gym!


    You are doing great Girly... you should have turned straight to MFP :) We love ya and you sound like you had a great session!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    How bizarre. What a perfect tool that man is.

    Obviously it's hard for his little ego to be outperformed by a 'fat cow' and a 'dumb *****'. (Obviously if this is his repertoire of insults, he's non too bright either, poor bloke...)

    But I agree with those who've suggested you put in a complaint. He has no right to talk to anyone that way.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    not funny to me

    I would make sure this guy is not allowed to the gym, and while talking to manager drop a hint that 3months for free could ease making the bad memory to go away...

    but I'm mean that way :P
  • xcrunnergirl13
    xcrunnergirl13 Posts: 67 Member
    Sounds like he's just one of those super competitive people who see themselves in some sort of competition with whoever's next to them at the gym, and, you won. Just laugh the reaction off and realize that what he said isn't true because the only reason he's acting that way is because your fitness/workout hurt his ego.
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    What an *kitten*. I guess he's intimidated because he can't go faster on the elliptical and can't lift heavy weights because he's a weak sack of **** with a small shriveled ****. The waist of flesh deserved a good hard soccer kick in the nutsack.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member

    lifting + intervals is the best way to go really

    I do it too and have great results, he has clearly no idea what he was talking about

    keep up great job!
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    Thanfully I can laugh about it, but was gobsmacked at the time!

    Not a huge fan of my new gym (Anytime is really dependent on the franchise) It's tiny and mainly men who go. It's very intimidating but I go anyways. One closer is opening up in July so can't wait.

    I went Sat night about eight. About ten people there. Jump on the elliptical for five minutes. There's another guy there who was on the elliptical but was going a lot slower than me. Think it's a waste of time personally but to each their own. I finish my warm up do my NRoLFW workout and then since its interval day do that for 15 minutes. (and ive fallen in love with intervals) I'm there for over an hour. Guy doing the elliptical when I start is still on it, same speed. As I'm stretching he finishes. He walks over to me as I'm putting my jacket on and starts yelling that I'm wasting my time and I made him look like a fool and that 'dumb *****es' shouldn't lift weights and that I'll be a fat cow forever' I'm just in shock. One of the other men in there walks over and pulls him away while two of his friends walk me to my car. One of them tells me not to worry but I still cry the whole way home.

    WTF?? What a loser! He'll always be a jerk by the sound of it!
  • vonnywaft
    vonnywaft Posts: 182
    I just wanted to say that that is unacceptable aggression, not psychosis! Psychosis is experiencing distressing phenomena due often to some past trauma and is involuntary. People with psychosis are statistically more of a risk to themselves than others and require support and understanding. This person was out of order and needs dealing with by the police. Just clarifying a point.
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    First off, congrats on your success! You've dropped a lot of weight. It's great that you're lifting weights, and I keep hearing wonderful things about The New Rules of Lifting for Women. You must be doing frigging amazing to have ticked off that guy so much! What an a**. Don't let it keep you out of the gym because your hard work will continue to pay off :flowerforyou:
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    That is sad! That is a really bad workout when you have to make yourself feel better by belittling someone else. Serious control issues with that one! I wonder why he didn't pick the biggest guy in the gym to bully....

    I belong to Anytime Fitness as well... It has been a totally positive experience for both me and my wife. They have always been supportive of us, had a knowledgeable personal training staff, and never seemed intimidating to us. Perhaps it's just that location.

    If the new one that opens up seems better to you, I would also contact the corporate office and let them know of your experience with their franchise (your current location)- not this incident in particular, but the general feeling of being intimidated, atmosphere, etc. Good franchises do care and will fix these problems.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    What a jerk! And you didn`t even say anything to him. Totally crazy person!
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    That isn't even a little bit funny, that is awful. You poor thing. Thank god there were others there. Crazy mofo. He should be banned.
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    I bet you're angry at yourself for not having an appropriate answer at the time ( like WTF are you looking at in the first place you useless perv?! )
    I would have reacted just like you tho....somehow my self-defense mechanism only starts up 2 hours after the event.
  • Peejai
    Peejai Posts: 6 Member
    You did well .. I would have sucker punched the guy out .... No one has the right to talk to people that way NO ONE !!!!!!
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    Wow, classy guy!! good for you showing how much of a p#@$y he really is without even realizing you were doing it. lol I'm sorry it made you so upset, understandably so. i'm all for just going in, getting your stuff done then leaving no matter who is there. but i definitely would switch gyms and lodge a complaint against him. not that it would do much but you never know.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I belong to Anytime Fitness as well... It has been a totally positive experience for both me and my wife. They have always been supportive of us, had a knowledgeable personal training staff, and never seemed intimidating to us. Perhaps it's just that location.

    Oh I agree they're wonderful. I spoke to the franchisee of the new one opening closer and she was the one who brought up how intimidating the current one is. So it's been noticed! I'd actully rung my 'home' gym to cancel and was prepared to pay the $50 cancellation fee to get out of it. But these people are friends of my home gym's owner (who is wonderful) and they're modelling theirs after him. So I'm really looking forward to it.

    I'm laughing about it because otherwise I'll cry. Besides I'm not wasting any more emotion on that loser.