Eating exercise calories - suggested foods?

Hi all, having plateaued for a good couple of months now I did a bit of research on the forum and discovered the 'eat your exercise calories' method. It makes sense but literally never occurred to me before - I guess it can be confusing as people are so conditioned into thinking that to lose weight you just need to eat less and exercise more (although that is the basic rule to weight loss at first and does work for most people).

I was wondering if someone could tell me what foods are good to start including? An average day of food for me is:

Bowl of porridge & banana

Cereal bar

Soup, salad, turkey or chicken, ryvita or pitta, apple


Chicken breast, broccoli, brown rice, peas, peppers

Hot chocolate

Obviously I don't always stick to this and at the weekends my habits can change, but I rarely eat more than 1500 cals. My exercise regime is a 3 mile walk to work in the morning and 3 miles home at night, with a half hour run at lunch and often a class either in the morning or evening (yoga, spin, body pump).

I'm not really sure what other foods I should start adding, and it's quite daunting thinking about all the extra calories. I don't want to start giving my body the wrong thing! Any help would be appreciated, thanks XO


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I would probably opt for high fiber (strawberries, broccoli, etc.) foods and high protein foods. And almonds. I'm a firm believer in the benefit of almonds.

    Also, are you drinking enough water? How about some tea?
  • neale88
    neale88 Posts: 3
    Thanks, I will invest in some almonds! I've heard great things about them... I think I drink enough water most of the time but it can't hurt to up it slightly. I don't suppose you've tried green tea for weight loss?