Come on, I need some pep talk!

Guys, I am really afraid to weigh myself this week... haven't done it yet anyway... I only started using MFP four weeks ago. Before that I had gained a few pounds even though I was exercising a lot and eating not too much. Even before that, I had exercised like crazy and actually lost those few pounds I hated so much, but then they came back inspite of exercise (running nearly daily). So now I decided I want to lose those pounds in a healthy way and checked my BMR... and ended up upping my calories to a net of about 1280. I lost about 2 lbs the first week but the week after I had gained them back and since then didn't dare to weigh myself again. What do you think should I risk it tomorrow morning? And what if I have gained again? should I still keep going and will I see the weight drop only after my body has adapted to more cals? I need a bit of motivation... please!


  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Remember that the body does crazy things. Some people here put on 10 lbs. because of their period, which then disappears two days later. Sometimes people have a large dinner the night before a weigh-in, which makes them seem heavier. Heck, if you drink a 500 mL bottle of water before you get on the scale, it will show that you've gained a pound. So long as you keep accurate track of your calories and exercise, if you keep seeing a downward trend over time, you're fine! Go weight yourself.
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    I think you're right; over time I think I just got afraid that I might be eating too much, but instead I was eating too little! So I need to get used to fuelling my body right. I'll go and weigh myself tomorrow morning... (I always do it in the mornings).
    Any more opinions out there?
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    The scale is but one measure. The others are just as important, such as your inches, clothes fitting and how you feel. How better prepared are you for the rest of your life because of the success you have had and will continue to have? Your HDL is up, your LDL is down (perhaps). How cool is that?
    These are just a small list of some of the things besides the scale that matter.
  • particleastro
    particleastro Posts: 68 Member
    What are you risking? Your weight is only a rough reflection of your health. Weight yourself all the time, you'll quickly see how much your body fluctuates.

  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Just own it!

    Be accountable!

    But don't be a slave to the scale. Your weight may flacutate. You may have a "not so perfect week". You may hit plateau's.

    As long as over time, you are moving in a downward direction on the scale, that is what is important. Slow and steady.

    Take your measurements and check them from time. Notice changes in how your clothes fit, in how you feel.

    It's a journey, not a long weekend. Be patient, trust the process and keep keeping on!
  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    To me, it doesn't seem like you are eating enoough. Your BMR is if you are lying in bed doing nothing all day. Do a search on here of "In place of a road map!"

    I know it will help
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Hiya, thanks for all the answers! That really helped already! But I cannot imagine that I am eating not enough!! yesterday I could hardly get myself to eat all that stuff and still hade some calories left! Look at my diary... actually kinda forced myself to have a protein shake with ground flaxseed later in the evening...
  • Im new to this site still, and don't really have any home support to speak of. But I have noticed that with every new program there is usually a few pounds gained before the pounds start coming off. Have you thought that maybe you are gaining muscle? Muscle is heavier and will make it seem like you have gained wieght when you are actually just developing muscle. I say try a wayin. I have to today too.