i hate oatmeal

i hate oatmeal, but i want to eat it because it's so good for me. cooked regularly, the smell and taste and texture literally gags me. ive tried the overnight oatmeal...same thing-i cant get past the taste and/or texture. i dont mind it in cookies or granola, i just cant eat it "wet". or in muffins, either. i swear i would rather eat it raw than cooked into a paste or cake. anyone have a recipe or cooking method that might work for me? or lie to me and tell me that cream of wheat is just as good for me! lol


  • jiddu17
    jiddu17 Posts: 187 Member
    I have no suggestions for you. I hate oatmeal too!! I also WANT to eat it, there are so many good reasons to, but I can't get more than two days in a row with it before I can't stomach the thought of possibly choking down another bite. So, I just wanted to say I understand!!!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I never will understand why people try to choke down foods they truly do not like. You don't like oatmeal? So don't eat it. There are plenty other foods out there with similar nutritional profiles as oatmeal.
  • Anonymou5
    Anonymou5 Posts: 92
    Try it with lots of milk, not skimmed milk, either semi skimmed or full fat. So that the consistancy isnt really thick
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Cream of wheat is good for you too. Maybe you should eat that instead of oatmeal. I don't care how healthy or good a food is for you, I won't eat it if I don't like it after eating it a few times. I know some foods can grow on you, but others, it is a flat out no for me. You could also make quinoa instead. That is just as healthy as oatmeal too.
  • esselltee1156
    esselltee1156 Posts: 29 Member
    There are plenty other foods out there with similar nutritional profiles as oatmeal.

    such as...? i tried googling foods with the same nutritional impact as oatmeal, but i couldnt find anything. i need help! my cholestrol level is rising as we speak! lol
  • Gerweguy
    Gerweguy Posts: 4
    Kashi Waffles
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I never will understand why people try to choke down foods they truly do not like. You don't like oatmeal? So don't eat it. There are plenty other foods out there with similar nutritional profiles as oatmeal.

    This! If you don't like it, don't eat it. There is nothing magical about oatmeal for your health.
  • dmwiseman
    dmwiseman Posts: 34 Member
    Grind it up in your food processor making it into flour. Then use it as an ingredient in muffins, banana bread etc. I use part whole wheat flour and part oat flour. The texture is not light like cake but more dense and robust. I also sub applesauce for part of the fat and stevia for part of the sugar.
  • esselltee1156
    esselltee1156 Posts: 29 Member
    I never will understand why people try to choke down foods they truly do not like. You don't like oatmeal? So don't eat it. There are plenty other foods out there with similar nutritional profiles as oatmeal.

    This! If you don't like it, don't eat it. There is nothing magical about oatmeal for your health.

    ok...im totaly going with this. and sticking to grape nuts!
  • michelechavez
    I agrree that you don't have to eat it if you hate it. That's how I feel about yogurt. I've tried all different kinds with the same result: I hate it!

    If you really want to get the nutrition of oats, though, and are game to try one more time, you could try Oat Bran. It has less carbs and more fiber than oatmeal and I think (in other words, it's only my opinion) that it tastes better than oatmeal.

    If you don't like Oat Bran, there are other hot cereals that are tasty. I alternate mornings between oatmeal, Oat Bran, or Malto-Meal for a hot cereal. You can also find 7-grain hot cereal at the health food store and try that or Cream of Wheat at the grocery store. I find Cream of Wheat a little bland myself, but you may like it.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    If you don't like the taste then take your taste bugs out of the equation. Put one spoonful of raw oats in your mouth, and then swallow it down with water. Repeat 4 times. That's a quick, nutritiousness, 30 second breakfast.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Steel cut oats are a totally different shape & texture, so perhaps try those? They're less refined than even old fashioned oats so technically they should have more nutrition. They take longer cooking but I've also found some overnight recipes for them.

    But I do agree with others, no sense in choking something down that you don't like.
  • trentkillpack
    trentkillpack Posts: 1 Member
    If you can't stand Oatmeal, try finding other foods that fit the bill. You mention that you are looking to lower cholesterol. The Mayo Clinic put out the Top 5 list here: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/cholesterol/CL00002.

    You might try some of these options instead.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can't stand the texture of cooked oats either. I don't care if it's instant, rolled, or steel cut. I hate the texture. I have found 2 ways that I can eat and enjoy oatmeal.

    1. Mix steel cut oats with brown rice. It makes the rice a little more sticky, but the texture is different enough that I like it. I especially like this mixed with beans as a one dish meal.

    2. Old fashioned rolled oats RAW (no milk or water and not cooked) mixed with peanut butter and just a splash of pure maple syrup. This reminds me of no bake cookies, only chewier, but it is really good.

    You can also find or make oatmeal bread, which doesn't taste much different than wheat bread.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I love oatmeal, but I don't think you have to force yourself to choke it down just because it's healthy. I hear beets are very healthy, but I wouldn't touch those things with a ten foot pole. Just my 2 cents.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Maybe try a different type of oatmeal? I get a multi-grain blend at Trader Joe's that isn't the mushy consistency of regular oatmeal, it's got more texture. Or if you really don't like it, skip it!

    I used to eat mine with cream, brown sugar & butter (soooo good!), but now I usually eat it with some greek yogurt, sliced bananas, walnuts & honey.
  • esselltee1156
    esselltee1156 Posts: 29 Member
    good to know that "raw" oats are edible (in my googling, i see that they are acutually steamed before being rolled and so are not technically raw). but i will need to up my water to make up for absorption after eating! and i love some of the other suggestions posted. thank you all!
  • momto1g1b
    momto1g1b Posts: 118 Member
    My husband hates oatmeal too - I add about a cup of it to his smoothies and he has no idea! Here is the recipe I usually use:

    1 scoop protein powder (usually vanilla or chocolate)
    3/4 cup oatmeal
    1 cup spinach
    1 cup ice
    1/2 cup milk
    1 1/4 cup cold water
    1 tbsp flax seed meal
    1 medium banana or 1 cup of your favorite fruit

    Blend until smooth. It makes a very filling breakfast or snack, and you won't taste the spinach either!
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I like to add bananas, peanut butter, and cinnamon.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Try it with lots of milk, not skimmed milk, either semi skimmed or full fat. So that the consistancy isnt really thick

    Ooh, ick, that's how my parents always served it and I hated the thinness of it. Plus it got cold, which is pointless on a winter morning in a northern state. When I used to eat the instant stuff I would put 1/2 as much water as the directions specified.