Please post your subsitutions and secret foods!



  • lucky2too
    lucky2too Posts: 69 Member
    Jollytime Healthy Pop Caramel Apple Popcorn, for that salty sweet craving 5 cups 110 cal
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    I recently discovered coconut oil spread at my local grocery store. It is solid like margarine/butter, but has no carbs, fat, sodium, etc. I have no clue what IS in it, but it tastes really good.

    You may want to check this out again. It IS a fat (14g of fat in a tablespoon and 130 calories for the same). Now, it is a good kind of fat to use but it is far from "free." It also melts at about 76 degrees so on a warm day the solid will turn liquid but will solid up again below that temp. Adds a light flavor to food - great as a butter substitute on bread and such. Also great for frying fish fillets.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Make your dressings at home. More than likely, they will be much healthier than store bought, even if you use a ranch packet to make ranch with!

    I'm a huge fan of vinaigrette, so a splash of vinegar, a dash of oil, and a nice mixture of herbs and I've got the perfect salad dressing!

    Replacing any of my "white" wheat foods with "whole" wheat foods. My husband isn't too keen on this one but he's dealing with it.

    Try frying your eggs with a small amount of olive oil, or pan spray.

    Oh! I've fallen in love with steel cut oatmeal instead of Old-fashioned or quick oats. It takes alot less to fill me up also.