Starting 30DS and needing support



  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    I started it on friday. today is day four for me.. i have to say.. day one i HATED her.. i was dropping f bombs the whole time... it is still crazy but i can feel myself getting better.... day one .. i couldnt do any bicycle crunches..... yesterday i completed the set... so you do feel your endurance going as you do it. it is defiantly a work out that you can feel as you go.. ( i sit here typing thinking dear lord coughing hurts the abs) but it is one of those awesoe hurts.. i love it...

    i cheated this morning and measured to see.. if i got it right i lost an inch already... ( i also go to the gym everyday...and have lots of inches to lose.. lol)

    just do it .. you will feel it and love it... i love it now.. (still tell her to f off as i do it.. but i love it)
  • ElizmaKnowles
    Hi - good luck and hang in there! I started end of April, attempted to do it in 30 days straight but on day 2 of level 2 I got such horrible knee pain that I had to stop for a few days. This was due to my own stupidity so just be sensible :-)
  • AnnetteZ13
    AnnetteZ13 Posts: 3
    I have not heard of the program, but have been on here not quite a month. I have lost a few lbs already just doing daily exercise and keping track of what I eat.. Everyone is very supportive and please feel free to add me AnnetteZ13. My goal is to lose 45 lbs and get back downto 124 lbs. I haven't seen that before I met my husband, but that is my goal.

    You can do anything if you put your mind to it and don't persecute yourself if you slip. Own it and get over it is my motto. Start and try the program. Reward yourself in positive ways like a mani/pedi or a massage. Bubble bath etc. These are good things to look forward to when you get to your goal and if you give yourself mini goals I think it will keep you motivated.

    Good luck in your journey and never feel awkward for asking for support. We are all here trying to do the same thing.

    Have a great day.

  • Kmackenzie22
    Kmackenzie22 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm on day 9 today of Level 1. I needed something to keep me in check and get motivated to work out again. So far so good :) If anyone wants any to add me feel free and we can motivate each other!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    There is a group on here, called Shredded Hotties dedicated to those doing the 30 Day Shred. I started at the beginning of the month but didn't get very far along! With the encouragement of some friends, I re-committed this Monday. Finished up Day 3 today (spent most of Tuesday in the car driving). I can say that it does get easier since I have actually done level 2 a couple of times!
    Good luck~!
  • Huggybearz75
    Huggybearz75 Posts: 29 Member
    Just started 30 DS today...Feel free to add me.