I am not losing weight or inches??? HELP

I have been biking with my son on my back for an hour each morning, then come home clean clean clean... Then after dinner I go on my treadmill for 30 min
I weigh myself every Saturday & The numbers are NOT changing???
I eat 1300 calories a day, & drink over 8 cups of water a day....
I do not eat junk food Its all great healthy foods?

What am I doing wrong?
I'm the type of woman who gets discouraged VERY fast if I do not see any results, & this morning I want to just give it up, Those #'s are not going down fast enough for me :sad:


  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    You've been at this all of, what, 20 days? And you've already lost 6 lbs?? Patience, Grasshopper!
    You're doing everything right, give it time.

    I always ask people, "Yea, but how do you FEEL??" If the answer is WONDERFUL, then you're accomplishing more than whatever NUMBERS you have in your head can!? Sometimes, your body just needs time to adjust to the changes you're putting it through. Trust me, those numbers will change soon!!! :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    First off let me say you are HOT just the way you are! YOU may feel you need to lose 36 pounds to get back to some unobtainable highschool, pre-baby weight, but to me it looks like 10-20.

    The reason I say this is that it takes longer to lose those 20 than lets say 40 pounds.

    Are you eating your exercise calories? I can tell you from experience that if you under eat you will NOT lose weight.

    Your muscles are getting stronger, your blood is healthier from less fats and more exercise, your heart is one happy bumper............but you metabolism will slow down if you do not eat enough of the right foods.

    I bumped up my protein, lowered the sugar, and stopped eating carbs after 4:sad:

    Also, have you tried to get into an old pair of jeans? Right now with me I lose about 1/2 every week or so, BUT........my shape is changing rapidly. Old jeans that had a corn muffin growing from the top are now sleak.....hips getting slimmer........legs looking more toned.

    You will lose weight, keep up the good work!!:drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    edit for double post
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    1300 calories may also not be enough calories with your biking and treadmilling to actually have your body be burning off the pounds. You've gotta fuel your body for working out and fat burning. I upped my calories close to 1400 and now I'm losing. Good luck!
  • Lyndo
    Lyndo Posts: 95
    I've never eaten any of my exersice calories....
    Where would i find time to eat all those extra calories...
    In the morning I normally eat
    boiled eggs with veggies & a toast,
    or just cereal with milk & a small banana

    Snack a yogurt with another fruit, or snow peas
    Lunch normally a salad or a home made veggie soup with a sandwich on whole wheat bread

    for a snack before dinner .... cantaloupe?
    Dinner I eat a good portion of either chicken/fish
    With loads of veggies....

    & I don't normally eat after dinner maybe a coffee, or a cocoa
    If I really get hungry I'll eat more cantaloupe...

    Water during the whole day but always with crystal lights.. Im working on the plain water :laugh:
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    You find the time during normal eating times. Just eat more.

    If you want to eat some calorie dense foods try nuts or nut butters. It only takes a few seconds to grab a handful of those.
  • vanessa915
    vanessa915 Posts: 68 Member
    I think the others are right. You need to add in 100-200 more calories a day.

    You could add a glass of skim milk or juice with your breakfast. You could add a handful of almonds to your yogurt. Try having an apple w/ a piece of lowfat cheese as a snack, or keep some grapes pre-portioned in the freezer. (I love this as a dessert while I'm watching TV in the evening.) You could add some avocado to your salad or sandwich.

    There are a million small and easy (and healthy) ways to add in some extra calories and healthy fats without taking up any more time in your day.

    Good luck, and keep up with the amazing work you're already doing!

  • tinlady
    Hi everyone

    I just had to reply to this post. I too am having the problems as Lyndo but I am eating those extra calories my intake is about 1500. My diet is about the same with those little extas. I workout on the treadmill every single day and burn off over 500 calories have been doing this for over nine months now. Lost 18lbs the first couple of months then nothing.Started eating some of my exersize calories for about 6wks but was gaining weight.Have now added an eliptical machine to my routine and still nothing.My age likely has something to do with it I am 56 on Tues.Getting ready to give up.I am limited as to adding any more exersize due to back surgery (lots of metal and I don't bend there any more) and neck and shoulder problems.I still have 60lbs to lose and don't know where to go from here.
    :huh: :huh: :huh:
  • Lyndo
    Lyndo Posts: 95
    Just wondering also, what kinds of food do you normally eat?
    This might give me even more ideas.... Thanks for all the great awnseres!! they helped:flowerforyou:
  • Lyndo
    Lyndo Posts: 95
    more help please:flowerforyou:
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I eat no or very very little processed foods. Lots of fresh fruit and veggies, chicken breast, greek yogurt, non processed cheese, nuts, etc.

    I learned to cook - never really did that before.

    I eat no white bread at all. Ever. I eat very little bread or pasta but only of the whole grain variety.

    Most dinners are just me throwing chicken in a pan, and browning it with lots of veggies. I make soup on the weekend with lots of veggies, and black beans.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Lyndo keep bumping the post for more answers and also research plateau in the threads.

    I can say only that the last of your weight takes a long time to come off. I am 48 and have spent most of my 20s eating nothing and running like a dog to get to 110 pounds.

    My body is not rewarding me now for those choices.

    Take your time. Eat a bit more.......your body WILL hold onto fat if you dont get enough fuel. Mine did!! I was plateaued at 20 lbs..........and POd for sure. I added all my exercise cals and after 1 month (when my body got used to it) I started to lose again.

    Right now you are building muscles in your workouts. The muscle will need more fuel to grow and stay strong, so I know it sounds silly.....but add back 100 cals a day for a while.........then mayb 200 and then yoru exercise cals........just see if it works.

    I love to increase my cals with:

    Whole grain wheat bread ( 5 ingredients and 110 a slice)
    Smuckers Organic Peanut Butter
    Roasted almonds with no salt
    1 whole egg to each 2 egg whites
    olive oil

  • Lyndo
    Lyndo Posts: 95
    Thank you all that info was very good for me, I will try all those foods you named ...:wink:
  • Lyndo
    Lyndo Posts: 95
    BUMP please:flowerforyou:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    If what you're doing isn't working, try something new :smile: . How about a different type of exercise? Maybe jumprope, or swimming, or dancing? Maybe you need even more calories? Have you determined what your maintenance calories are? Maybe it's more than you think? Are you tracking your sodium and sugar? Eating lots of fiber? Getting enough rest?

    For a good two months, I barely lost any weight at all (per the scale). My measurements didn't change at all (hips, waist, chest, thighs, biceps). But it became apparent that my body was reshaping itself. My flabby back became firmer and more muscular, my wrists got thinner (my watches now rotate all the way around), my double chin disappeared, my cheekbones reappeared, and my breasts lost a lot of firmness :cry: . Even though the scale showed a minimal weight loss and the tape measure showed very little movement, I'd actually lost two clothing sizes (the new size is getting baggy in odd places now). And I feel great on a daily basis!! I'd take that over being slim, any day.

    Let us know how things go, I'm very interested to know what ultimately works for you.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    to both lyndo and tinlady, are you wearing HRMs or are you estimating your calories burned. Some the estimates are off and that will make a difference if you are eating the exercise calories.
  • traceywilson
    I was encouraging to read the posts and all the ideas. I am having the same problem...hitting the gym everyday for cardio, keeping to 1200 cals and not one pound lost! Now I understand I need to eat those exercise calories by adding healthy snacks or increasing my meal calories a bit. And I have noticed some change in the jeans. Thanks to all who took the time to reply to the original post...it really helped!
  • cydonia1978
    cydonia1978 Posts: 8 Member
    I'd also like to thank everyone for this post, posting it and replying! I am just about to start into a new weekly exercise routine and I was growing concerned about the "exercise calories". Currently I sometimes find it hard to fit in the calories I need to eat normally, without throwing exercise in on top of that.. but I'm not losing anything without exercise and I'm badly out of shape.

    The suggestions here are great. I'm really hoping I can eat those extra calories wisely and not end up putting on more instead of losing. :)
  • Lyndo
    Lyndo Posts: 95
    :flowerforyou: Thank you all for all the great tips & all the help!
    This weekend is a NO NO good for me :sad:
    I ate M&M's I ate a reese choc bar..... I ate & ate & ate some more, I don't really know what i am feeling while I eat all this junk!!! Just that i'm disapointed for not seeing any results on that stupid scale of mine... I hate it, but I'm addicted to standing on it because it tells me the truth.:ohwell:
    During the week I'm great at all my food intake, & My exersice....
    I will have to do something besides feeding my 3 kids all day!!!:sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Lyndo
    Lyndo Posts: 95
    Bump :flowerforyou: