5'4" - 5'6" 165-180 pounds?



  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm 5'4" and started this journey at 211. I'm currently at 184 and am shooting at 140 for my goal.
  • Hola! I'm 5'4" started out at 167 and currently at 161. My goal is to get down to 140-145 (maybe 135 depending on how I feel/like being @140/145).
  • CyndiUnder
    CyndiUnder Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'5 and weigh 170. Have gained 8lbs since November due to an injury...have discovered that losing losing weight since I am over 40 now isn't as easy as it used to be...I struggle so I would love to have support and be there for ya'll as well. Feel free to add me..I'm new to the message board "stuff"..hope this works. I would love to lose 20+lbs but can't afford to buy new clothes so I will be happy if I could just lose 10-12lbs..
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I just like to keep my eye on this group. It really does help having friends with similar goals as yourself. We ROCK!
  • tbloor
    tbloor Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 5'6 and weigh 193. My goal is 140. I use to weigh that a couple years ago, and LOVED the way I felt, but gained a lot of weight back! I've just started the program.. but I'm going to stay focused for 2012 - that is my new year's resolution! Good luck to you!

    You are/were my twin! I'm 5'6" and my starting weight in May 2011 was 193. Today I weighed in at 151.4! Goal weight 1 was 155 and goal weight 2 is 139. I will see if I am comfy there, or want to push a little farther when I get there!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    Im 5'5" I starting weight is 185. Im down to 1634. I have been stuck here for sometime. My goal weight is 135...
  • leah_8303
    leah_8303 Posts: 28 Member
    Im 28 / 5'2 /180pds starting weight this is the heaviest ive ever been :( Goal is 135 .. Goals is to get healthy stay healthy/ better fitting clothes/ is going be a wedding in June as MOH freaking out ahh oh and the beach that month also ...
  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm 5'4" weighting in at 181. I know this is an older post, but just wanted to put my name out there. I just started mfp this tuesday and i'm serious about dropping this weight. I hate the way it looks on me, I hate the way it makes me feel, and I deserve better than this. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • _Ren
    _Ren Posts: 89 Member
    Hi. I'm 5'4" and 169 lbs. I went from a size 22 to size 16. Last year I was around 190 lbs. My first major goal is 140 (per my doctor). Then after that, I wouldn't mind being 125 lbs.

    Ever since I have been using MFP religiously, more lbs have been coming off.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    5'-5.5" tall and am SAME WEIGHT I was when I first posted on this topic 5 MONTHS AGO! I've been down but am currently back to Square One AGAIN!

    I am just posting here again to help motivate me. How are you guys doing?

    Since your first post, how much are you down? Don't hold back, please share your success & be an inspiration.
  • Yes, we do! I'm 5' 8.5" and I never omit that .5". LOL

  • sheilaann67
    sheilaann67 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'6" and currently at 211.. I was down to 200 but gained some weight back. My goal weight is 145. Add me if you need a weight loss buddy :)
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