Could I trouble you to take a ppek at my diary?

Hiya, I am wondering why I have not lost ANY weight for the past 8 days, any ideas? xx


  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Without looking at your diary, I can tell you to take a deep breath and be patient. This takes time - it took you longer than 8 days to gain it, right? Even a perfect week can sometimes result in a gain or maintain. Google "why the scale lies" and try to focus on other measures of success.
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    I'm no expert but at first glance it looks like alot of your calories come from alcohol. Perhaps your body doesn't think you're eating enough since all of those alcohol calories provide nothing but a buzz.

    Also, not changing for 8 days isn't much of a plateau.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    At first glace I would suggest to up your protein intake and lower your crabs.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Well, I am seeing a good amount of wine. While not terrible it does have carbs that, while delicious, may not be beneficial to you. Aside from that it looks ok. I didn't check to see what your workout is but maybe switch it up a bit. Be patient. Your body works better week to week so maybe it was just a bad week/8 days.
  • suemorgan1969
    suemorgan1969 Posts: 132 Member
    im not a great lover of meat/fish :(
  • suemorgan1969
    suemorgan1969 Posts: 132 Member
    but I keep well within the calorie goal? some people on here are still eating takeaways etc and still losing
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    You are not some people - do what you need to for your body. Alcohol and takeout can cause ups and downs with water retention that can reflect on the scale as gains or maintains.

    But again, a week isn't enough time to really tell.
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    Hundreds of daily calories spent on alcohol may be to blame. Here is an excerpt from an article I read on Spark People:

    "Alcohol is metabolized differently than other foods and beverages. Under normal conditions, your body gets its energy from the calories in carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which are slowly digested and absorbed within the gastrointestinal system. However, this digestive process changes when alcohol is present. When you drink alcohol, it gets immediate attention (because it is viewed by the body as a toxin) and needs no digestion .... When the body is focused on processing alcohol, it is not able to properly break down foods containing carbohydrates and fat. Therefore, these calories are converted into body fat and are carried away for permanent storage on your body."

    So it might have less to do with the calories in the alcohol and staying "under goal" and more to do with what your body is doing with the alcohol and how it is being metabolized. Don't get me wrong ... I love a nice glass of Merlot, a beer or even a cocktail ... but not 3 - 4 a day, every day.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I think your diary looks fabulous. The only thing I see that maybe--maybe not, I dunno--could be an issue is the wine/alcohol.

    I can tell you it took time to get at the weight you are, and girlfriend, it's going to take time to get where ya going--this WAS a tough pill for me to swallow, but it's true and I accept it and you MUST accept this too. I foolishly though I'd go from a piggish size/look to a slim/trim superstar in the bat of an eye. This Journey is teaching me that to get to where i'm going is going to take ME (not speaking for anyone else...just ME) at least ONE YEAR--maybe more.

    Once I finally got thru my thick skull (just recently BTW :blushing: ) that I'm NOT going to be the exception to the rule :embarassed: and accept that--BOY, what a relief and JOY this journey is becoming.

    Here's to YOU:flowerforyou:
  • Rylie324
    Rylie324 Posts: 60 Member
    Are you drinking your 8+ glasses of water a day, I noticed you don't track them. Water helps flush your system. As for the wine, I'm a wine lover myself however, I try to limit to once or twice a week and then I only will have a glass, two at the most. Try replacing it with a sparkling water with some fruit. Hang tough the pounds will come off!
  • saraht131
    saraht131 Posts: 86
    You have alcohol most days, and anything the liver can't process gets stored as fat and it slows your weight loss WAYYYY down. Cut it out for a week and see where you are then.
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    Are you drinking your 8+ glasses of water a day, I noticed you don't track them. Water helps flush your system. As for the wine, I'm a wine lover myself however, I try to limit to once or twice a week and then I only will have a glass, two at the most. Try replacing it with a sparkling water with some fruit. Hang tough the pounds will come off!

  • katekizm
    katekizm Posts: 47 Member
    Ditto on everything said.

    I say screw the scale and measure parts of your body instead.

    Also, try upping your exercise. I only get very small breaks at work, but I use that time to walk briskly around the pond on site. Not powerwalking, mind you--I'm not there yet!!

    Every little bit helps!!
  • hotllamarama
    hotllamarama Posts: 26 Member
    I agree with the above.. Probably more water and less wine would help boost your metabolism better.. I'm trying to quit drinking myself.. I know that's where a lot of my weight gain has came from.
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    but I keep well within the calorie goal? some people on here are still eating takeaways etc and still losing

    Are you measuring all your wine, in a measuring cup? There's quite a possibility that you're "eyeballing" a glass and it's much larger than a serving. All food should be measured, especially something as calorie-dense as wine.

    Other than that, I'm going to echo PP and say that 8 days isn't enough to say you've plateaued. Have you been watching your sodium? It's possible there's a bit of water weight in there too(and, I know that after I have wine, I ALWAYS feel bloated, and I probably weigh more. That could h e to do with it too)
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 379 Member
    I would eliminate the alcohol and allow it once a week as a "treat". Also, up your veggies and protein, and lower things like potatoes and bread. I see you're eating eggs, which is great. Do you like fish? Tuna? Although you are within your calorie goal range, what you are consuming does make a difference. Best of luck!
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    You have alcohol most days, and anything the liver can't process gets stored as fat and it slows your weight loss WAYYYY down. Cut it out for a week and see where you are then.


    Try limiting your alcohol to once or twice a week, with just 1 glass.
    Also, I don't see a lot of fresh fruits/vegetables. Try increasing your intake on those, as well as lean meats. You do really well on breakfast :)
    Make sure you are logging your water. It's hard to see if you are drinking any/enough if you don't log it.

    Give it time...8 days is really not that long of a "plateau"....

    All the best :)
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    It is EIGHT DAYS!! Your body does not have a calendar! patience....
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    I used to drink twice every week, a decent amount, and I ate like crap, probably didn't drink enough water as well. With me just cutting out the alcohol and still eating like crap and not a lot of water still, I lost about 10-15 lbs. This was way before I started MFP, now I just have a glass of wine every couple of months if anything.

    Although I am going to Vegas soon, that will be hard, I'm not going to lie, I'll probably have a few drinks there.. :drinker:
  • lisa_bunny
    lisa_bunny Posts: 14
    Only my opinion- but I think the alcohol makes a huge difference. It is empty calories, I stopped drinking for 6 months as part of a new years resolution, i'm now in month 5 and it has made a huge difference to my weight loss not just in lbs but in inches on my waist. Not suggesting you go teatotal but maybe just save it for special occasions?? Xx