

  • InstantSunshine
    InstantSunshine Posts: 355 Member
    *googles "lien"*

    Oh right! Now that joke is funny.

    How had I never heard of that before?

    Slaps forehead.
  • etavi
    etavi Posts: 85
    I keep a few at work in case I don't have time to make a lunch in the mornings. I love the ravioli and vegetable! But, I figured since they're so high in sodium, they're good every once in a while (especially if they keep me from running to mcdonalds on my lunch break)
  • Elohvey
    Elohvey Posts: 65 Member
    When at work I would eat the healthy choice dinners for a majority of the week since it was faster, and more tastier than the sandwiches I was doing for two months. XD I didn't have to set time aside and since at the time I was swamped with school and work, the dinners were a preferred option. They usually have 500 mg of sodium in them so I tried to make sure my other food intake during the day was as low in sodium as I could get. =/

    I might switch back to salads and sandwiches for lunch (I do still have them at home though) ... but the dinners are more convenient and they only cost $2!
  • krissyliz78
    krissyliz78 Posts: 181 Member
    :laugh: HELLO GRAMMER POLICE!!!!! Thanks for all of your advice. I only needed to lose 10 lbs so Im not so much worried about regaining alot of weight back. Tomorrow im going to switch back to sandwiches. And I agree the pizza is a good craving killer!!!
  • krissyliz78
    krissyliz78 Posts: 181 Member
    CORRECTION 17 LBS to lose!!! :tongue:
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I love those, as well as Healthy Choice and Weight Watchers Smart Ones, but I only eat them once a week ish because of the sodium and the fact that they're pretty expensive. The ones I like aren't very low calorie either.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    Those make a great snack...

    I used to eat those, but they left me so hungry, I would end up eating a second meal, which didn't help.

    If you don't like to cook, or you are in a rush in the morning, pre-make giant salads with a can of tuna on top or some roasted chicken. Make a giant pot of soup on Sunday and eat it every day.

    If you think about how much you are paying per pound of food (especially the veggies), you would think twice about buying them. Some chicken breast and a bag of frozen peas is going to cost you a lot less.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I eat them everyday for dinner. I don't have time to cook nor the energy to cook right with my job. I wanna pop one of those bad boys in the microwave and have a salad when I get home. I'm good. I don't feel hungry afterwards. If I am or know I will be, I'll make some extra veggies with it. They do have a lot of sodium, only thing. I think they are pretty tasty. Better than Smart Ones. I don't plan eating them for the rest of my life. For right now, they are perfect
  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    it's not so much about losing the last few pounds, just bout the amount of sodium/ heart health issues involved in "healthy" frozen microwave meals. I do like the snack size things, or the occasional steamer meals. They are still high in sodium, but are more flavorful and filling than most frozen meals