Zombie Run...



  • Angela_Freeborn
    Im trying it this year whoot lol
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    It's my major fitness goal one day. I feel as if I am actually making good use of my time when actively training for the zombie apocalypse as opposed to just exercising.

    Funnily enough, me too. ;)
  • cyberskirt
    cyberskirt Posts: 218
    One of my motivations was the decision that I wanted to survive the zombie apocalypse.. and as you know that requires good cardio... and the double-tap...

    so my next goal is learning to shoot... and taking up archery.
  • Roeri011
    Roeri011 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm running in MN in less than 3 weeks!!
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    We have one here too but i was too chicken cos I am still in stage of running and walking ... once i can run the whole 5km i might give it a go. The one here has zombies chasing you and trying to get your flags while you go through obstacles. I am worried they would just run me down lol. Does look like fun though. It is run out by our towns haunted house attraction.
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I want to run in the one in Temecula (OCT). It's a short ride from Vegas. My big thing right now is losing at least a 30 or 40 pack to not die out there. I did C25K before, but I need to do it again to get up to speed.

    This event would be my first 5k and is on my ultimate list of stuff to do. Zombies and running. Seriously, what is there not to love about this event?
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I would but for $75 bucks I can only run a little over 1 mile so I would be zombie food or turn into a zombie after running more than that. (I like bicycles). :tongue: I think they should charge in quarters according to miles.
    i.e 1 mile $25
    2 miles $50
    3 miles $75

    Oh well. :yawn: but it looks way cool!

    Or Reverse-Charge, so the further you make it, the cheaper it is.

    You pay $500 to start., the further you get, the more of your money you get returned...

    If you last 1 mile or less $500
    2 miles $400
    5 miles $250
    8 miles $100
    10 miles $10
    >10, free and they don't kill and eat you at the finish line

    That way, you'd be running your *kitten* off, and the zombies could work on commission.

    Then I feel it'd be a lot more realistic and intense!
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    This...is awesome.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member

    Or Reverse-Charge, so the further you make it, the cheaper it is.

    You pay $500 to start., the further you get, the more of your money you get returned...

    If you last 1 mile or less $500
    2 miles $400
    5 miles $250
    8 miles $100
    10 miles $10
    >10, free and they don't kill and eat you at the finish line

    That way, you'd be running your *kitten* off, and the zombies could work on commission.

    Then I feel it'd be a lot more realistic and intense!

    YES!!! That is a FANtastic idea! It would be WAY more realistic AND intense for sure!!! You're not just another pretty face, are ya? He's a Thinker :wink:
  • Mark_
    Mark_ Posts: 50 Member
    Registered for Saturday, October 20th in Temecula, CA.
    Currently in week 3 of C25K & looking forward to running for my life!

    1. Cardio
    2. Double Tap
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    I have an app that's called Zombies, Run! .. it's like an audio game that plays your own music and pretends youre being chased by zombies. It's so awesome.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I'm doing it in Temecula, CA in October! I'm not a runner though, just started C25K . I will be zombie food, but it will be fun anyway!
    i'm thinking about doing this one as well
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    I want to do the one in Pennsylvania on September 1st. I need to find some people to do it with me though!!
  • MCwife2RM
    MCwife2RM Posts: 10
    I just did one here in Okinawa this past weekend! Not sure if it is the same type as the ones in the states but if it is similar than I would say it is not going to be like any normal race. I am a runner I usually run an average of 4-8 miles a day with no problems. But this race you are at a dead sprint on uneven terrain running away from these zombies. However, the zombies are spaced out some which allows you to walk in between instead of at a constant run like a normal race would be.

    Either way it was the most fun I have had in a very long time and would encourage everyone to do it!!!
  • logdunne
    logdunne Posts: 132 Member
    This sounds epic! I wonder if there is one in the uk :-)
  • polefitnutritionist
    I'm planning on doing one in October (http://www.zombieevacuation.com/) but I'm planning on being a zombie ^.^
  • bexblonde
    bexblonde Posts: 80

    That looks AMAZING!! I want to be a zombie!
  • dlibonati
    dlibonati Posts: 99 Member
    I use the 'zombies, run' app on my phone and i LOVE IT. Something so motivating about the storyline and the intensity when it says zombies are on your tail. I'm sure I look crazy when I burst into a sprint sometimes out there, but it makes running much more enjoyable for me.

  • Spiderjaime
    Spiderjaime Posts: 11 Member
    I have the Zombie, run! app on my phone too and I love it. I am happy to say not only have I survived a zombie apocalypse but I managed to save my four kids as well. Two of them in a double stroller, two running along beside me.