
Is anyone taking these? If so, how much weight have you lost and what diet/exercise are you doing to get results?



  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    I just started Phentermine recently. Today is the fourth day for me.

    I was on Phendimetrizine (Bontril) for a month before my doctor approved me to switch to Phentermine. On the Bontril, I lost 11 pounds in 5 weeks.

    I am eating 1,500 calories a day and walking 20-30 minutes three times a week.

    I also eliminated caffeine from my diet to help keep from experiencing heart palpitations. So far I have not had a racing heart or any palpitations on either medicine.
  • mom2kea
    mom2kea Posts: 33
    I was on Phentermine for 8 months and lost 50 lbs. My doctor limited my carbs and had me on 5 meals a day of 250 cal each. I exercised regularly with strength and cardio and really ate more like 1400-1500 cal/day. I have been of it for about 6 weeks now, but still sometimes take it on the weekends to help a little.
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    My aunt took them from Dec 2010 (415lbs)-Sept 2011 (290lbs), she went to the gym 4-6 days a week and walked for 30-60 mins, depending on her mood. She has quit taking them and has gained around 30 lbs back, she says its because of the pills and I say its because shes gotten lazy again and not watching what she eats.
  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152
    I was on phentermine for about 6 months and I lost 50 pounds. However, once I stopped taking the pills, I gained the weight back immediately. All it does it suppress your appetite so you don't want to eat. You don't get the proper nutrients or nearly enough calories. Once your appetite returns, you will be eating twice as much because your body is starving.

    I know this isn't what you want to hear. I spent hundreds of dollars on phentermine at a weight loss clinic. Please, save your money and your sanity and focus on developing some healthy habits.
  • cruciia
    cruciia Posts: 94 Member
    I am on phentermine at the moment. I started it one week ago and I have lost 8lbs. I'm on my period though so I'm expecting to lose about 4lbs once it's over.

    I was on phenteremine 15mg then 30mg two years ago and lost 45lbs. It looks me about 4 months. I kept the weight off for over a year, and it was only my laziness that made me put the weight back on. It is definitely possible to keep the weight off when on phenteremine, it is just up to the person. For me, after a few days the appetite suppressant didn't work as well. It worked for maybe a week, but then the appetite came back. Sure it works a little but it's not a miracle drug. The weight is still coming off, however. I'm expecting to lose about 4lbs a week as I did two years ago.
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    I have been on it for 2 weeks and 3 days. I have lost 13lbs in that time. After about 4 days, I no longer felt any side effects from the med. I'm under strict supervision of my dr. I try to stay around 1200 cals and stay under 100 carbs. I was walking for a 1/2 hour everyday but joined the gym a week ago and I'm now working out on the elliptical and/or treadmill for 30 to 45 mins at a time and doing yoga poses as well. I will start doing more strength training as soon as I build my muscles back up from a back surgery.
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    I was on them almost 2 years ago, and was able to keep the weight off for about 6 months. Then I got lazy and started eating a ton. About 9 months ago I started rapidly gaining weight. I put on 35 pounds. That was more than I had initially lost and now I'm heavier than I was when I started them.

    I have an appointment with my doctor today and I think I am going to ask him to go back on them, but only for 3 months to get my weight loss going again. I am exercising and eating right and the crazy weight gain will not happen again. This will be a lifestyle change for me.
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    Please, save your money and your sanity and focus on developing some healthy habits.

    I really hate that the anti-phentermine camp always assumes those who use it are not eating healthfully.

    You're welcome to view my diary if you would like to be proven wrong.
  • sadye58
    sadye58 Posts: 55
    i totally agree with you i had the same results a few years ago but to each it's own.
  • poetinmyheart
    poetinmyheart Posts: 29 Member
    The only thing I would be careful about, is when I took Phentermine I was busting my butt at the gym and my heart rate was getting pretty high and I would end up dizzy and nauseated for hours afterward. They lowered my dosage after that and I was told that it can raise your heart rate higher than normal. My heart rate never went crazy high after that and the other symptoms stopped. So just be careful with that, but it does help if you are really eating healthy and taking vitamins and everything.
  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152
    Please, save your money and your sanity and focus on developing some healthy habits.

    I really hate that the anti-phentermine camp always assumes those who use it are not eating healthfully.

    You're welcome to view my diary if you would like to be proven wrong.

    I'm not at all saying that you're aren't eating healthy. I'm saying that your brain doesn't learn how to deal with hunger signals and cravings while on phentermine because there aren't any. Then, when you stop taking it and those hunger signals return, you do the only thing you know how to do, which is eat...A LOT.

    That is just my advice. Take it or leave it. Phentermine is a helpful tool for people with a huge amount of weight to lose, but for people with an average amount of weight to lose, I think all it does it set you back and mess with your hormones and metabolism. I know this from experience. It has nothing to do with being "lazy". Upon first hearing about it, people think of it as THE magic pill. If you haven't figured it out by now, there is no such thing.
  • cpoe007
    cpoe007 Posts: 2 Member
    I took phentermine for approx. 3 mos a little over a year ago. I went from 175lbs to 148 and was really happy with my results. I love the energy it gave me and the side effects were minimal. I kept the weight off for a year and but then got in "lazy, I have a boyfriend mode" and got back up to 165. Started taking phen again 12 days ago. Scale says 6lbs down which isn't all thy great compared to the rest saying "I lost 10 lbs the first week" but I'm also not crash dieting. I go to the gym 4-5x a week and try to eat as clean as possible. (Although candy is my weakness. damn you high fructose corn syrup! That stuffs addictive! Literally) you can go all day not eating on this stuff and be fine, except for the phen rage. I'm sure everyone's who's taken it has experienced that. (Think adderall crash angry lol) but as soon as you stop taking phen it will come right back on, you CANNOT starve yourself. Eat small PORTIONED meals often and drink lots of water and this stuff is the weight loss kick starter of the century!
    Good luck!

    Ps: avoid caffeine when taking phentermine. I wasn't thinking one day and had a double shot of espresso made by my coffee shop buddy so I'm sure it was closer to a quad because he "hooked me up" and the combo was borderline hallucinogenic.. And not in a good way... Take my advice and don't test it yourself
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    <<<<No. I prefer my secret.