lexy83 Posts: 122 Member
Hi Everyone!!!

I am a student at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee and I am juggling Work, School and trying to lose weight! I want to meet others in the same situation, same goals of finishing school, losing weight and have strong career and life morals and values! Add me!


  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    Hi. Probably not the answers for which you are looking; I did all of my college work, undergrad thru post grad in the "before internet era." Well, computerized research was just beginning when I finished my doctorate. That said, I think I had an advantage, because I spent thousands of hours locked in libraries doing research. At the same time I was working and my magnificent wife was managing the family. Consequently, I lost weight. Now, the other side of that coin ... Traveling in my stated career ... I ate my way through nearly every venture in sight and gained back anything I had lost plus more. Now in my semi retired years I am struggling to get back to a healthful weight.

    Going to school, managing a family, and job takes a strong will and a lot of support. Add to that a diet plan and you are in desperate struggle. The only suggestion I can make is to become compulsive about a schedule. Keep a day timer and track and appoint everything you do.

    Lots of luck to you.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    I went to Marquette in Milwaukee for my undergrad waaaaay back in the day. But I can related. I had three jobs, a full load of classes, and an internship. I got up at 8 and never got to bed before 2 a.m. I gained 20 lbs. that semester because I never had time to eat and would mindlessly grab food. (Plus, they had a Big Apple Bagel down the street from my apartment. >.<)

    If I went back to do it over, here's what I'd recommend:

    1. Always have something you can grab or have on you to eat. Trail mix. Protein bar. Piece of fruit.
    2. If you eat in the cafeteria on campus, the salad bar is not your friend. Salad dressing on the side, and only get veggies.
    3. If you're stuck and need food quickly, catch a ride to the store (if you don't have your own car), and get one of those diet frozen dinners and microwave it (can do lunch that way too). They rotate them on sale all the time. You can usually get them for $2. (People may say there's a lot of sodium, but they work in a pinch, and you won't gain weight off them.)
    4. Do not fall for the frozen yogurt bar.
    5. If you're going out drinking, don't drink beer. Liquor has less calories. But don't forget that mixers add calories. Example: tomato juice in a Bloody Mary, and if it has olives and celery, there's even more calories.
    6. Eat breakfast. Even if it's just quick cereal.
  • lexy83
    lexy83 Posts: 122 Member