Question about recovery time after gallbladder surgery

I had my gallbladder removed via laparoscopic surgery April 20th, everything went smooth no complications other than it was more of an emergency type situation because I was having a severe attack and my pancreas was pretty inflamed so they had to keep me overnight before the surgery to let the inflamtion go down before they operated. Anyways I was feeling pretty good last week other than I still was slightly tender internally where the gallbladder used to be and I went played some basketball for a couple hours this past thursday and I think I overdid it and made it a little more sore than it was, it's startin to get less sore again, but it's driving me nuts cause I can't do any real core workouts like situps, crunches etc.... and it's still pretty tender when I lay on my side or my stomach, it's not sore when im just walking around or anything only when I lay on it or do a crunching type motion, I have already resumed lifting weights and some cardio as im obviously past the 2 week waiting period for that, does anyone know how long it generally takes to get back to 100% and being able to do all that stuff again? ive heard it's usually 6-8 weeks but just thought i'd ask.


  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I would say 6-8 weeks in a pretty good rule of thumb. I would also caution you with the lifting of weights, I would wait on that as well.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I had mine out in January. They told me to wait 2 weeks before walking or doing any low intensity cardio. 6 weeks before any high intensity or weight lifting. I feel so much better then before the surgery and everything is just fine! Good luck to you hope you have great results as well!
  • stephanie1133
    stephanie1133 Posts: 211
    I had mine out in an emergency surgery in October 2010. It was a good 6 weeks before I had no pain. Take it easy or it will take longer to heal!
  • Nina2723
    Nina2723 Posts: 26 Member
    I had mine out in December and still had the occassional pains from over doing things for the 8 weeks. After that I cant even tell anything has changed. I've heard a lot of people gain weight really easy after having them out but I haven't noticed any real changes. Hope your recovery goes quick and smoothly =)
  • istalkzombies
    istalkzombies Posts: 344 Member
    thanks everyone, I was all nervous that I wasn't 100% yet but I guess im just being impatient, spending so many years being overweight and lazy then finally gettin off my butt and workin out consistently for the last year+ has made me want to be a lot more active and going a lot harder than I can right now so I just need to simmer down and keep it light I guess for a few more weeks thanks again
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    i almost broke some stitches trying to cycle a week after mine :( yeah wait the 2 months before anything intense
  • mary_kate23
    mary_kate23 Posts: 156
    I'd ask your doctor.
  • smm03101
    smm03101 Posts: 3
    I was told 6-8 weeks, and I needed it. Take your time to recover.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    6-8 weeks and no core work including vaccuuming but as always check with your doc.
  • jinglett
    jinglett Posts: 69
    I was hospitalized for two weeks with acute appendicitis and had my gall bladder out while I was there. My doctors told me to walk for strength, eat healthy food for health and sleep to recover and heal. Just because you can't lift doesn't mean you can't make the best food choices possible and walk at a sensible pace. Take time to do some fitness reading and planning for when you have the green light to go forward. Good luck on your journey.
  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    I had my gallbladder out on December 1st. I think I may have over did it by doing to much to soon. I now have pain there that is pretty bad and the doctors think I'm fine even though it's pretty painful!
  • istalkzombies
    istalkzombies Posts: 344 Member
    I'd ask your doctor.

    ya my doctor said it varies and give it a few weeks and to "let my pain be my guide" but I just wanted to hear from others about their experiences to get a rough idea
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I had mine removed the same way and I remember being out on a date after only 4 days. Yes I had soreness, but nothing that stopped me from doing the typical things in a day. I was back at work after a week, but I wasn't working out back then 12 years ago I wasn't into working out. Every person is different so don't try to push it if your body is telling you to rest.
  • aliric
    aliric Posts: 69
    When I had mine out It was a good 6 to 8 wks before I felt no pain. Even after that I would get some soreness from time to time. Take it easy. I wouldn't be in a hurry to get back to the exercise. It takes time for these things to heal. :)
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    I had mine out last year and I can remember being tender for a while.. they say 6-8 weeks but I was still tender after 8 weeks.. I woudl go off of what your doc says but also listen to your body..
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    Remember your body must adjust to an invasivie procedure. It was violated by a camera, a knife, anesthesia, etc. Recovery from the inside out takes time, regardless of your health. Do not add insult to injury by trying to go hard core. Ease back into your routine.

    If you interupt the cystic duct, and it decides to wake up your pancreas, you will be sorry. It is not worth it to mess with a natural recovery.

    Stay strong..but be careful. I MEAN IT>:noway:
  • Spunky0919
    Spunky0919 Posts: 1
    I had mine out 18 years ago. Yeah I know, not very recent. I had some other advice though. This may not effect everyone, I still have trouble eating some foods. Black pepper for example I cannot digest. I discovered after only 5 - 6 years taking acidophilus before eating helped tremendously. It takes a lot of trial & error before finding what you can and cannot digest anymore. Good luck to everyone.
  • istalkzombies
    istalkzombies Posts: 344 Member
    Remember your body must adjust to an invasivie procedure. It was violated by a camera, a knife, anesthesia, etc. Recovery from the inside out takes time, regardless of your health. Do not add insult to injury by trying to go hard core. Ease back into your routine.

    If you interupt the cystic duct, and it decides to wake up your pancreas, you will be sorry. It is not worth it to mess with a natural recovery.

    Stay strong..but be careful. I MEAN IT>:noway:

    LOL Yes Ma'am! :indifferent:
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 324 Member
    Mine took a good 6 weeks. but i was at major disadvantage. I had mine out 6 weeks after my son was born so i was just on the tail of recovery for that... and then got walluped... hopefully yours wont be so long
  • Shollin243
    Shollin243 Posts: 30 Member
    I had mine out for a couple months before I did physical activity. You're lucky, they had to put a tube down my throat and take out a gallstone deep inside my stomach.