So I have been reading on here about eating more and losing weight. MFP has my calories at 1290 and when I went to fat2fitradio.com it says I should be eating 1484 calories. So now I am really confused!! I want to get my calories set right to begin with that way I can adjust later if need be.

Here are my stats and if I need to add anything else please let me know.

38 yrs
CW: 184
GW: 110
1 pound a week

I have a desk job but have been doing 30 day shred for a week.

Any input would be great!!!


    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
  • hawwaha
    hawwaha Posts: 2 Member
    I think that because you have a sedentary job is the reason for the low calories from MFP. You will see that when you input your workouts, your calorie allotment will increase. My suggestion is that you make sure to eat the amount of calories that MFP set for you and be sure to make up the calories that you lose from your workout. I am new at this too and am hoping that this will work for me.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    fat2fit and mfp are two completely different ways of calculating calories.

    In fat2fit, you eat at maintenance for your future weight. You include exercise calories in the calculation, so you don't eat them back. You just eat at maintenance for your future weight until you stabilize there. This means that your weight loss rate will decrease as you get closer to goal. Note that fat2fit has 1484 as a sedentary goal. Depending on how many days you do 30ds, you should choose one of the more active categories.

    In mfp, you choose a weight loss goal. They calculate maintenance for your current weight, without including exercise calories (assuming you didn't count them in your activity), then subtract a certain number of calories to give you your desired weightloss. They don't count your exercise calories, so you eat them back to keep your deficit at the same level.

    Either one will probably work. The fat2fit will give you a bit more gradual loss. Just pick one and follow it -- and if it's not giving you the results you want after a month, re-evaluate and drop/increase slightly.
  • Gr8nurs1271
    Gr8nurs1271 Posts: 25 Member
    First I'd say look less at how much you're eating and start looking at WHAT you're eating! I'm a WW member and have lost 60 pounds and I'm 20 pounds from my goal weight and that's one of the things I had to learn. You can still lose weight eating 1200 calories of McDonald's food but we all know it's better to eat 1200 calories of good, healthy foods! I'd choose quality over quantity.

    I'd definitely hit some websites and look at your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and that will tell you how many calories you need for basic body functioning. Cut some calories off that and you should see weight loss. Also, my guess is one of the sites you're using isn't accounting for your lifestyle and activity level. All that will do is add calories to your plan.

    I eat about every three hours but what I'm consuming at each meal ends up being 300 calories or less usually. Make sure you incorporate dairy into your diet. Studies show that dairy products (not just calcium) aid in weight loss. I generally don't lose or lose much if I don't get my dairy in each day. Something about the calcium and magnesium I think.

    Good luck!
  • jplog
    jplog Posts: 2
    I think the reasson you have both is that the higher one is your RMR Resting Metabolic Rate, so if you do any further exercise to this you will lose, the MFP one is to lose without any further exercise. Bear in mind that as you lose the calorie rate will also fall so when you are near to your goal instead of eating the same which alot of people do, hence the reason for gaining after the initial loss!! You need to then work out your RMR so you can maintain it.
    Hope that helps
    Kind Regards
    Jeanette x