excercise v calorie intake

Hi all

Ive been doing this a little while now and i love that i can keep a diary of what i eat, initially it was easy to see where i was going wrong.

two things that are confusing me.

1) If you burn 800 calories swimming - why does that add to your daily calorific intake? Ive trained my belly hard not to over eat, yet having more calories left over and not usingthem is stating i am 5469 under my weekly calorie goal??

2) i have a low carb intollerance, i cant eat too many carbs, each day i try to eat less and only good carbs like brown rice etc, but it til shows me 50+ percentage on the diagrame as eating carbs. Im trying to increase my protein and struggling.

i go swiming 5 days a week, yoga and spinning, i am recovering from back issues and have to slow down, a lot of m favourite classes i cant do now.

appreciate your help

am still a size 18 :o(


  • Gr8nurs1271
    Gr8nurs1271 Posts: 25 Member
    Keep in mind that carbs are in everything not just starches. Carbs are also the sugar in fruits and vegetables too!

    I think MFP adds those burned calories to your daily calories because if your deficit is too much your body will go into starvation mode.
  • Sytera
    Sytera Posts: 75
    It ups your daily calorie needs because you burned those calories and they are no longer there for your body to survive on. The amount MFP gives you for your Goal is without any exercise figured in, assuming you didn't choce a higher activity level to figure in exercise, and minus whatever weightloss you selected per week.

    I eat 2,000+ calories a day, even though my goal is only 1,300 or so. I burn 500 breastfeeding and then another 300-500 working out. When it is all said and done, my NET is still at or under (except for the last few indulging days) my GOAL. I lost 10 lbs in the first couple months eating back most all my exercise calories. It isn't over eating if your body needs the calories.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    2, you can customise the carbs etc goals at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/diary_settings (controls what is displayed and order) and http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change_goals_custom you can change the numbers.

    If your issue is how to eat less carbs then make yourself a list of carb foods - fruit, cake, candy, chocolate, pasta, bread, pastry, etc etc and try to reduce those. Also meet your new friend - fat - and use fats and oils for calories rather than carbs ie no more "diet" or "lite" versions, just smaller portions of the full fat versions. Get a decent amount of protein, at least 50g, and lots of fats and oils. Nuts, seeds etc are good oil sources.

    1, MFP's approach is to set a calorie deficit based on your routine lifestyle and use this to set your food goal. When you log additional exercise it adds this to your food intake so that the original deficit of calories is maintained, rather than increased. Hence you get people exercising manically because they can't manage their eating. Oops, did I say that out loud. You can choose to eat some of them, or to leave them, or not log the exercise. Whatever works for you. Beware of creating an excessive deficit though.
  • womanonamissionakh
    thank you all so very much very very helpful.

    i am totally undereating. I have developed a love hate relationship with food.

    Im trying to stick to protein and veg and will do my best to snack on good super foods. My weight hasnt budged, although i am working out constantly at the gym. Im exhausted.

    I work shifts which also does not help - i have issues with guilt if i eat more. I guess its down to years and years of being a total coach potatoe and eating rubbish.

    thanks again, will keep you posted. appreciate your help
