Why no exercise before bed?

msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
Pretty much every resource I've found on exercise says to avoid it before bed. Is there a reason for this?


  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Pretty much every resource I've found on exercise says to avoid it before bed. Is there a reason for this?
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I think it just has to do with adrenaline. Maybe high impact exercise will prevent you from falling asleep??? I don't see a problem with exercising before bed....I just did. But I guess you need to know your own body and if you will be able to relax and actually fall asleep.
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    i always go at night about 7pm and excercise and yes it wakes me but i am so ready for bed when its bed time. like has been said you need to listen to your own body as mornings would kill me if i worked out then.
  • Xtracrispy69
    everyone will post opinions on the best exercise time...there is a pretty even split between the morning and evening exercise groups. I'm with the evening for a couple reasons. Never felt it was good to workout hard when you've just started your day, evenings allow for the body to be warmed up. Yes streteching can help in the morn but not the same as a full day moving. Second, i found when I worked out in the morning I was more prone to hitting a 'wall' about mid day, not so with the evening workout. Plus its a great way to stress relieve after work. Hitting the gym around 7ish at night will allow a good sleep and enough time for the body to discipate the endorphins
  • jpwarner
    jpwarner Posts: 194 Member
    Excursing before bed is like taking sugar before bed. Your telling the body you want to reve it up and get things going. So it takes longer to calm the body down to get it to rest for sleep.

    But then as in all things, different people not only think differently but their bodies work differently in some ways. If your body is condition to shut down after exercise then why not.

    Me, only exercise I like to do before is.... well any way, lets say I have no problem rolling over to sleep. :devil:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Me, only exercise I like to do before is.... well any way, lets say I have no problem rolling over to sleep. :devil:

    Well, I guess cuddling isn't an issue then, huh? :laugh:

    Thanks for the advice as always guys. I've been getting in about an hour or more of exercise daily for the past week, and today was the first day i didn't really do anything. I feel kind of like I'm slacking because of it. On the upside, i did a whole ton of house cleaning today and my apartment looks great. Thats got to count for something, right?
  • AlbertSchwartz
    lol :laugh:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    lol very cute!!!

    I usually exercise at night and then give myself at least an hour to unwind and watch tellie or read...to shut down. But I prefer to do it in the am...just impossible as this momma's mornings are way to busy w/ getting ready for school and work etc...so I have to do it usually after my son's in bed...or around 8ish...

    any way you can get it...do it....EVEN if it is the kind where you turn over and sleep after....I hear that burns some cals too....:blushing:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I think it just has to do with adrenaline. Maybe high impact exercise will prevent you from falling asleep??? I don't see a problem with exercising before bed....I just did. But I guess you need to know your own body and if you will be able to relax and actually fall asleep.

    Nail on the head girl. Nail on the head.
  • DianneLynn
    DianneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    Agreed Banks...I'd like also to add that your body usually slows or shuts down somewhat in preparation for sleep...(BMR); throwing in exercise or food close to bedtime just disrupts it and you could be setting yourself up to all sorts of problems such as acid reflux.

    I've only read a little about individual bio-rthymns and I guess if you are an "owl" or evening person as opposed to being a "lark" or morning person, this might not be as bad...iunno.
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    I agree...I think you should do what's best for you and your body. For me I like to exercise early in the morning. Not only does it wake me up but I don't have problems feeling full and thick. I find that when I exercise in the evening, even on days that I have eaten something light a few hours before I go to run, I feel too "full" and find it to be more of a challenge, and I am slower than usual. But that's just me.
  • cinandchris
    cinandchris Posts: 229 Member
    While I prefer to exercise earlier in the evening, I can exercise, take a shower, and fall right alseep no problem. Since everyone is different, you could try it one time and if it keeps you up, don't do it that late again. Unless ofcourse it is the before bed kind everyone else is talking about. By all means, don't ever stop that one :laugh: :blushing:
  • Violet1980
    I experienced this last night. I worked out pretty vigorously and stopped around 730. I went to bed at 930 and tossed and turned until 1am! I was so reved up. It wasnt even like I had sleepy eyes but couldnt fall asleep. No, my eyes were WIDE AWAKE! Needless to say it is "activity day" in my classroom, as I am too tired to teach!
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    I wouldn't consider myself a night owl, but I am definitely not a "lark" either. I workout in the evenings and have no problems going to bed between 9 and 10. I guess I get so tired from working out that as soon as my head hits the pillow, I am out!! Just like everyone's said...you have to know your own rhythms.
  • paperstar
    paperstar Posts: 27
    ... Never felt it was good to workout hard when you've just started your day, evenings allow for the body to be warmed up. Yes streteching can help in the morn but not the same as a full day moving. Second, i found when I worked out in the morning I was more prone to hitting a 'wall' about mid day, not so with the evening workout. Plus its a great way to stress relieve after work. Hitting the gym around 7ish at night will allow a good sleep and enough time for the body to discipate the endorphins

    I agree with everything you say here, I work out in the evenings for the very same reasons. That and I'm just NOT a morning person, my body is stiff and I have no motivation. I'm a night people, so it just works better for me! :drinker:
  • Life_is_Good
    Life_is_Good Posts: 361 Member
    I experienced this last night. I worked out pretty vigorously and stopped around 730. I went to bed at 930 and tossed and turned until 1am! I was so reved up. It wasnt even like I had sleepy eyes but couldnt fall asleep. No, my eyes were WIDE AWAKE! Needless to say it is "activity day" in my classroom, as I am too tired to teach!

    I hate that!! Sometimes I have no choice but to workout later in the evening... I must say I do stay motivated to get my laundry done & extra house cleaning done :huh:
  • DaniUSA
    DaniUSA Posts: 74
    Since I started running over 2 years ago I never started before 9PM. Usually I start between 10 and 11pm

    Like running in the night.. no cars, nearly no people, just me, my ipod and sportkit and maybe a friend :)

    Never had probs.
  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    Since I started running over 2 years ago I never started before 9PM. Usually I start between 10 and 11pm

    Like running in the night.. no cars, nearly no people, just me, my ipod and sportkit and maybe a friend :)

    Never had probs.

    Wow. You must either be super brave or live in an incredibly safe area. Where I live, I'm paranoid to even walk to my car after dark, much less run with my ears plugged up! :laugh:
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    I think it just has to do with adrenaline. Maybe high impact exercise will prevent you from falling asleep??? I don't see a problem with exercising before bed....I just did. But I guess you need to know your own body and if you will be able to relax and actually fall asleep.

    Nail on the head girl. Nail on the head.

    Does anyone else notice that this is more difficult as you continue to get in better shape. I have really had trouble this week it takes me about 4 hours to wind down from my workouts.