For those of you with thyroid problems

I had my left thyroid removed last January and my family physician says my levels are "normal" on my medication but I feel really terrible all the time. I cannot lose weight even though I am doing the "right" things. I got tired of feeling bad and went back to my endocrinologist yesterday. She told me that just because your levels are normal does not mean everything is normal. She told me your endocrine system can mess up other systems also. She did a HUGE amount of blood tests on me yesterday and I will find out this week what the results are. My point is, you know your body and if you don't feel right, question your doctor and if they won't listen to you, find another one that will.


  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Good luck!! I had thyroid problems while I was pregnant and that small amount of time was not fun, I'll be praying for you!
  • christahollis
    I know what you're saying! I had to go through 3 different doctors before one would seriously look at my test results in conjunction with this other metabolic disorder I have.
    Having hypothyoridism, and the other one, have made my case more complicated...and the doctors I saw just didn't care to take the time and get to the bottom of it. I knew more than they did!
    Good luck to you with yours! I'm on armor thyroid right now, and I finally feel like a normal person!
  • Run41
    Run41 Posts: 8 Member
    Ditto for me when I was on meds. Never felt right for a very long time. I have hasimottos (can't spell it -sorry) which means my levels can bounce around from hypo to hyper. It took a year for me to be diagnosed properly even though I was complaining to my doc lots. Right now I have been off meds for 6 months as my levels are stable and I feel great in comparison but bluntly - have never been able to loose weight the way I did before being getting this disease. Frustrating since I've struggled with weight all my life anyway.

    My advice is simple attention to how you feel, be patient with yourself and others, keep your sense of humour and know that this is something that can be worked out. You can be successful regardless!
    ABELL Posts: 16
    My TSH is normal but my free T4 is really low so my doc started me on a really small dose of Synthroid and he also said I have mild insulin resistance. So I am taking Metformin every day. He told me to follow the South Beach diet and I have but I feel like I am getting an unhealthy fear of all things sweet and starchy. I haven't had them and am barely eating because nothing sounds good, I still try to get in at least 1200 cals a day. Good news is I have lost 20 lbs. Worried about that day when I just can't keep avoiding the things that made me fat to begin with.
  • leshawnturner
    I think I'm having a thyroid problem but I am not sure. When I asked my old PCP about it and she ran tests she said that the test said I was within the normal range. However, since then almost every doctor who feels my thyroid tells me its enlarged. I talked to my nutritionist about it and she said that my doctor might not have checked the entire thyroid panel just one part of the test. She said its not uncommon for doctors to check only one test and tell the patient they are alright...:noway: Is this true??!!! That seems just wrong!!! :grumble: Basically she told me to have my doctor check the whole thyroid panel and if my doctor refused to do so (apparently some do) then to go to a different doctor. She said my thyroid can be affecting my weight loss process. I guess I'll try that...
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I think I'm having a thyroid problem but I am not sure. When I asked my old PCP about it and she ran tests she said that the test said I was within the normal range. However, since then almost every doctor who feels my thyroid tells me its enlarged. I talked to my nutritionist about it and she said that my doctor might not have checked the entire thyroid panel just one part of the test. She said its not uncommon for doctors to check only one test and tell the patient they are alright...:noway: Is this true??!!! That seems just wrong!!! :grumble: Basically she told me to have my doctor check the whole thyroid panel and if my doctor refused to do so (apparently some do) then to go to a different doctor. She said my thyroid can be affecting my weight loss process. I guess I'll try that...

    My levels were all normal before I had my surgery. My calcium was so messed up and high because of the thyroid problem that I was getting HUGE kidney stones that had to be surgically removed. My endocrinologist finally did an ultrasound on my thyroid and found the nodules. I had surgery to remove the left one and my levels dropped back to normal. My B12, Vitamin D, and calcium were all messed up until I had the surgery. Just because your levels are normal, doesn't mean you don't have a thyroid problem. Ask to be referred to an endocrinologist if you can't get what you want.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    don't know why that posted twice.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Wow. I am really interested to know what is going on! I too do everything "right" and don't lose weight. The doctros all said that my levels are normal! UGH!
  • leshawnturner
    I'm going to go to my new doctor and ask for a full thyroid panel to be done. If he won't take me seriously then I'll have to go to a different doctor.