Attempting low carb.....again....advice??



  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I think max 75-100g carb would be better as easier to become a lifestyle. Last time you went too low on carb probably slowed your thyroid.
    Or on the days you exercise have more carbs.
    Do watch the fat (i.e. portion control) as calories can add up and not everyone feels full on low carb and can over-eat.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I do both (low carb and 1200). My carbs are a bit higher 75 net. I have lost over 80 lbs in 6 months. While this is not the "average" it has worked well for me and may for you as well.

    I would recommend Vitamins. I take multi, D, Calcium, and Fish Oil every day. I haven't been sick once in the time and most of the time have plenty of energy (when i don't it is from my chronic insomnia not lack of anything food related).

    Good luck!

    ** And I keep my sodium under 2,000. I can find nothing that recommends upping that.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    And a quick note, to anyone who might need some inspiration :)

    4 months ago, I could barely walk 1/4 mile down the road, without feeling like I was dying, lol. Now, i am up to 2 miles up and down steep inclines. And it feels so good. Except for the excess weight I'm still carrying around, I am in better condition than I have been for a few years.

    I tried and failed, before, to lose weight. We need trial and error, so we can learn from our mistakes. Don't give up! If you fail one attempt, assess why you failed, and try again. And again. You can do it! If i can beat a sugar addiction, anyone can :D 47 pounds lost since January, and I'm not done yet!

    you are doing AMAZING!! and I so agree "I tried and failed, before, to lose weight. We need trial and error, so we can learn from our mistakes. Don't give up! If you fail one attempt, assess why you failed, and try again. And again." I have not been very successful by most standards since I came to MFP as I have lost just 12 lbs. BUT I AM STILL HERE!!! STILL TRYING!! I WILL NOT GIVE UP EITHER!! Thank you for your support and inspiration and COURAGE to face the hyenas here :laugh: we will do this TOGETHER! Dyanna
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    My advice is this: Unless you're a diabetic, don't do a low carb diet. Cutting fruit and things of that sort out of a diet is hard, and it usually leads to failure for most people.
  • aralls64
    aralls64 Posts: 13
    I am preparing for a weight loss surgery (gastric sleeve) and I am on a high protein low carb diet. I drink whey protein shakes (can be found at walmart). I also found a carbmaster yogurt at Krogers. I don't know if there is one around you if not you can check at any major grocery store. I also drink lots of water, unsweetened drinks NO SODAS. I have dropped 5 lbs in 5 days.

    Hope this helps.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    My advice would be not to do it.

    Oh ya, and 1200 calories a day too . . .

    Insanity = doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    That would be my advice too!
  • plantingthyme
    plantingthyme Posts: 2 Member
    Substitute whole wheat bread (not just wheat bread) for white, MEASURE your portions. 1/2 cup is a serving of rice or potatoes. Our American portions are too large and we are used to them. Peas and corn have a lot of carbs too. DON"T cut them out completely. Keep eating bananas, oranges, and other fruits. Just pay attention to everything you eat and enjoy it.:smile:
  • Letty_c
    Letty_c Posts: 278 Member
    I have insulin resistance so I personally need to have a low carb diet but I've been staying under 100 carbs..... I will sadly admit sometime I go over..... right now I'm doing the South Beach diet..... Yes it's called a diet but it's going to be the way I eat forever so nobody start freaking out....... any way the south beach diet isn't about just eating less carbs it's about eating the correct carbs and staying away from processed foods..... I'm loving I can still have a few of the carbs I love.... like a sandwich with one piece of 100% whole grain bread.
  • plantingthyme
    plantingthyme Posts: 2 Member
    Don't make drastic changes in your diet. Adjust it a little at the time. If you change everything at once without getting used to any substitutions, you will not last. You may drop the weight, but it will come back. Trim your diet and give yourself time. 1 to 1 1/2 lbs a week is a goal that will be easier to live with. If you drink 5 cokes a day drop it to 4 the first couple of days. Over the first few weeks cut it back to cokes only with meals. You could live with a change like that and not feel so deprived. Don't say no to sweets. That will set you up for a binge. You can SHARE that piece of cake you're craving, eat it slowly, and be satisfied.
  • blandwriter
    blandwriter Posts: 50 Member
    I think there is something to be said for a lower carb approach vs. low carb. I do what I'd call a modified South Beach diet. I keep my eye on the total carb number but I'm not fanatical.

    At first, I completely eliminated fruit, but then I asked myself if I was serious in thinking I could go the next 40 years without eating another orange or apple or slice of watermelon. These things are good for you. I've really tried to focus on keeping the things I know are good, eliminating the things I know are bad (processed foods, chemicals, etc.), and, most importantly for me, not punishing myself by never allowing myself to eat the occasional serving of rice or pasta or cake or whatever else falls into the "shouldn't eat this" category.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    ** And I keep my sodium under 2,000. I can find nothing that recommends upping that.

    You haven't looked very hard, but at 75g of carbs it wouldn't apply to you.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    ** And I keep my sodium under 2,000. I can find nothing that recommends upping that.

    You haven't looked very hard, but at 75g of carbs it wouldn't apply to you.

    You lose sodium on a very low carb diet.