12 week challenge

cass89 Posts: 198 Member
Hey everybody!

So yesterday I read this quote:
It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Give it 12 weeks - Don't Quit!!!

And I really want to test this theory. 12 weeks, three months, however you want to think of it, i think this is an amazing motivational quote that we can all take before and after shots...just to test this quote.

I've been thinking about it and everyone's goals are different so I dont think setting specific challenges would work, however I plan on doing 6 2 week challenges (this way to me it seems less daunting) and will be posting them on here every fortnight so if you'd like to join me on my challenges it will make it heaps easier and motivating.

You may wish to have an all over goal (maybe losing 6kg or maybe a measurment...maybe just to see more definition ect. depending on where you're at in your weight loss journey)

My challenges will be things like 'lose 3kg' or 'hit the gym every other day' or...i'm not sure yet lol. But don't feel obligated to follow me. I just thought this would be great group to collect before shots and then in twelve weeks share our 'after shots' and see what 12 weeks can really do!

Anyone is welcome to add me too.

who's it?

- Cass


  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    Hey, this sounds great. I am already one of your friends on here though. I have gone off track a little so this could be good!
  • cass89
    cass89 Posts: 198 Member
    ok great!! i'm going to weigh in tomorrow and think of my first goal tonight!

    i'm thinking something like being below my calorie intake everyday.
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 198 Member
    I'm in I have fallen off the wagon and am just starting to get back on.
    I'll be going on holiday in July but this will help me stay on track even while vacationing.
    I'll weigh in tomorrow. LETS DO THIS!!!
  • DavidTri
    DavidTri Posts: 11 Member
    I'm all up for a 12 week challenge. Sounds like a great idea!
  • sammi220
    sammi220 Posts: 30 Member
    I am Totally up for the challenge, i just added you as a friend and realised that your a fellow Melbournian.
  • hayley9914
    hayley9914 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm up for a challenge too! Count me in!!
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Was just going to start a 12 week challenge!! Fab, I'm in too!

    I'm going to break mine up into 3 x 4 weeks

    1st four weeks I want to achieve:

    - Lose at least 7lbs
    - Lose at least 2 inches
    - Start running and be able to run continuously for at least 15 minutes

    Start date: 16th May. Goal date: 13th June

  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    after 25 years yoyoing on 'DIETS' I found here :flowerforyou:

    Im 16 weeks in 25lbs down 19.5inches down and I love Zumba

    Ill join the 12 week challenge :)

    Good luck guys xx
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I'm in!

    Here are my goals:
    1. Lose 1.5 kilo every four weeks
    2. Never skip more than one self-defense class every four weeks
    3. Eat at least one salad or sliced vegetable every other day
  • ebonijo2
    ebonijo2 Posts: 73
    Im in, challenges are very motivating. Im currently doing a 6 week challenge w/ the women in my family and we are in week 2 of the challenge. I wish to continue this.
  • momof377
    momof377 Posts: 198 Member
    Count me in!! Are you going to start a group?
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    Hey! I'm in! Could do with all the motivation I can get (and give!) as I've lately been falling off the wagon more times than I've been staying on it ;) Anyone feel free to add me :)

    My first month's goal is to complete Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. I was supposed to start last night but got held up at work (I know, no excuses! :() but I'm definitely starting it tonight, regardless of what time I get home :)
  • EmmaGem76
    EmmaGem76 Posts: 38 Member
    Count me in - I like the sound of 6x2 week challenges!

    I have signed up for a 5k in September so my goals are to stick to my training plan and eat all my calories but also ditch the treats...
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Yes please! Fallen off the wagon badly lately, keen for this to start :)
    Aiming to go from 82.2kg to 75kg within this time and be able to run 5km's nonstop! (can only run 2.5 now) haha
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm in!!! :0)
  • Kelly043
    Kelly043 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm in! I just started MFP on 5/7. I haven't had a chance to post my starting picture yet. My ultimate goal is to lose about 35-40 pounds. My fitness goal for the next three weeks is to be able to jog for 3 minutes straight at various points during my walks. My 12 week goal is to be able to do a 5K, jogging all of it (or almost all).
    Another goal is to be faithful to posting the food diary every day, throughout vacations, etc. So easy to get off track if you let that slack. Good luck, everyone.
  • CBW3
    CBW3 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to join this type of challenge!!! I was doing so well, but then slid backward and have gained 20 pounds since Novmeber!!!

    For my first two weeks my goal is to stick to my calorie goal. Simple and to the point!
  • mminter22
    mminter22 Posts: 29
    Would love to do this! Im in!!
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    I am in!! I have fallen off the wagon so I think this will help me get motivated again.
  • smittypig
    smittypig Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in! I have hit a plateau in my weight loss the past 2 weeks and need to change it up a bit...a 12 week challenge would be great!!!