1lb gain?!?!



  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member
    Im a bit of a slave to the scales too. My first week is up on Thursday and I'm praying for a loss (even a small one). I've measured myself too and intend to remeasure in 30 days time. While I would LOVE to see the scales go down, i really think its a mental thing for us women, I'm more bothered about fitting into my clothes properly.

    Best of luck with week 2. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Recently I was super hungover, couldn't keep anything down, including water. During this, I lost 7 lb (5% of my bodyweight).

    There are more variables in your body than fat and muscle, and you sadly can't hold them all constant. That said, you should develop something of a routine (if you weigh on sat, either always or never work out on Friday, always or never warn carbs/sodium). Carbs, sodium, and working out are the biggest causes of water retention (note they aren't bad, it's not meaningful weight, just water) so you should try to keep them constant. I weigh myself multiple times a day every day because I think it's cool to see how I can gain 5 lb in a day, or pee two pounds or drink a pound of water. Lol I'm weird like that. Don't let it get you down, you're on the right path and you will get there. Start taking measurements now,'it's awesome to watch them change :)
  • sarvalfon
    sarvalfon Posts: 58 Member
    From day to day (or morning to night), there are so many reasons we might "gain" or "lose" a pound (or a few). Did you drink enough water? Did you eat something salty? Did you exercise to "move around your fluids"? Were you constipated? Are you dehydrated? The bottom line is that to gain a full pound, you must consume 3500 extra calories to gain a pound. Water weight masquerades as fat, but fluctuates. Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning, fresh out of bed.
  • lauraloo83
    lauraloo83 Posts: 42 Member
    Wow you guys are a knowledgable lot arent you. Im starting to feel really silly hehe!! Thank you so much for your advice, when I used to go to weight watchers it was almost, you must have had a bad week, start again. But there are so many variables and now it seems very obvious! Im absoultely going to persevere and I will feel confident in a bikini in 15.5 weeks and I WONT be doing a truffle shuffle!!! :) X
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    This happens to me once or twice a month! It goes away usually in a day or too but it's very frustrating! I really really really have to stop weighing myself daily, I remind myself before I goto bed not to worry about the scale, but every morning I find myself naked on that scale weighing myself again lol, it's a habit now :S
  • emmalou2206
    emmalou2206 Posts: 109 Member
    I weigh throughout the week just to see where I stand, but my official day is saturday. I could be up 4 lbs during the week, but still have a loss on weigh day. It's almost magic. But here's my tips: Don't weigh after a workout day, especially if you worked with weights. Try to weigh after a rest day, in the morning. Drink lots of water a couple days leading into weigh day to try and flush rentention. Keep sodium intake low the day before a weigh.

    Maybe you should move your weigh day? I used to weigh on Sundays officially, but saw I always had better losses on Saturday. It was better for my mental health to switch.

    Thanks for that. All good advice :)
  • emmalou2206
    emmalou2206 Posts: 109 Member
    drink a liter of water so so you gain 2lbs.

    I noticed this the other day... A pint of any fluid weighs almost exactly 1lb... Kinda puts things in perspective when people claim to have drunk x many pints on a night out!

    Oh and Hi!

    Hi and thanks for that. It makes sense too. I weighed myself yesterday morning and after 1 pint of water later (nothing to eat) I weighed 1.2lbs more.
  • lauraloo83
    lauraloo83 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey all, just weighed myself two days later and I am 2.5lbs lighter....guess you were right about the fluctuations. Thursday will be my weigh day now :)

    LauraLoo x x