
  • I added you and sent you a message. We are of the same weight range and it looks like we have the same goal in mind!!! You got friends on here that will be very supportive and motivating. As days go by, your weight and inches will decrease but your friends list will grow!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Yay! Someone with the same goals as I, this will be so nice to have to along we can keep up with progress, thanks
  • moniemrs
    moniemrs Posts: 4
    Added you
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I've added you! If anyone else would like to add me, please do! The more the merrier!
  • it takes time but at least you've lost a few pounds and not gained. Every little bit helps, make sure you're drinking you're water. I see you went over your sodium one day but If you're drinking your water it will flush some of that salt out and prevent that water weight, which I believe is the first thing you loose, then fat.
    Make sure you add us...like others said the more the merrier! :flowerforyou:

    I struggle so bad with sodium and with getting enough water. Those will be my new goals. Thanks sooo much for your support adn advice!
  • redcut
    redcut Posts: 176
    You may feel free to add me I am on here everyday and try to support my friends as best I can everyday all are welcome to friend me
  • find a group of any kind to join. This may help get a larger support system. Yey you! for making your start. one step at a time.
  • girlwithgoldeneyes
    girlwithgoldeneyes Posts: 44 Member
    you are doing great! Keep up the good work. I will send you a friend request too! I am also looking for supportive friends so anyone looking for support and encouragement please add me!
  • sites02
    sites02 Posts: 2
    Great job! You have made the first step in your journey...Changing your life style..I'm with you. I just started on Monday and it is a struggle, but I am determined to lose this weight. It is so depressing to go out around people and you keep checking your body wishing the fat would go away. Well it hasn't gon away so I'm going to make it go away. Good Luck!!
  • flossieflo
    flossieflo Posts: 13
    add me if you like i'm on my 3rd week and im loving this site much better than ww pro points and i'm on here nearly every day and i will support you the best i can
  • msev3
    msev3 Posts: 1 Member
    1.2 lbs in two days is a great start, good for you! I, too, am trying to add more vegetables into my diet. I try to have a small V8 juice everyday, usually mid morning. Can't say that I love the taste but it fills me up, I am adding a serving of vegetables where I normally would not have one and I find it has been helpful.
  • add me if you like i'm on my 3rd week and im loving this site much better than ww pro points and i'm on here nearly every day and i will support you the best i can

    I tried the new WW and I still have my membership. I just cant seem to do the plan. Here its a bit eaiser for me, but I love the WW meetings. I am here to support you also
  • justxpress
    justxpress Posts: 6
    Hi!!! I've been in MFP for a couple of weeks and I'm loving it! I've been struggling weight my whole life as well, and I realized the best way to live a healthier life is when someone is supporting you. So, feel free to add me! WE CAN DO IT!
  • ntw25
    ntw25 Posts: 149 Member
    I am always happy to have more friends on here. I have a long journey to undertake, but I am determined to succeed. Too many reasons not to.

    I am here every day, I am pretty good with my diet, not so with the exercise side, but that is something that I am looking to change. I am happy to motivate, to praise and to make comment where I can. I am always looking for good advice, so the more active friends the merrier.

    My profile is complete so you can take a look, but generally a middle aged husband and dad looking to spend as much time as possible doing the things i enjoy.
  • Kimmy79Ford
    Kimmy79Ford Posts: 3 Member
    I'm going through the same thing! I was 195 - I have lost 15 pounds so far. I've started exercising regularly, cutting and counting calories, portion control, and i am taking some of the supplement from over the counter Walgreen's. I need motivation !!! It's easy to start a program but to keep on going and stick with it is hard. Especially if you don't see the results you want as quickly as you would lIKE! hANG IN THERE! kEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! And drink a ton of water!!!! iT REALLY HELPS!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I am always looking for motivating friends!
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    Add Me if you like.. I am on here Daily and Try to give Support and Motivation Daily.. Good Luck Sweets on
    your Journey... Believe and You WILL Achieve.. ;) xoxo

    May I just say congrats on all your weight loss!! I saw that and thought amazing!!!!!!!
  • TerrJohns
    TerrJohns Posts: 80 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've sent a request.
  • I'm going through the same thing! I was 195 - I have lost 15 pounds so far. I've started exercising regularly, cutting and counting calories, portion control, and i am taking some of the supplement from over the counter Walgreen's. I need motivation !!! It's easy to start a program but to keep on going and stick with it is hard. Especially if you don't see the results you want as quickly as you would lIKE! hANG IN THERE! kEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! And drink a ton of water!!!! iT REALLY HELPS!

    Wow! that is amazing good for you girl!!!!!! thank you for the encouragement!!!
  • deneesie25
    deneesie25 Posts: 20 Member
    I will add you! Anyone else feel free to add me as well. I'm 32 & need to ultimately lose about 40 more lbs!
  • Feel free to add me. I've sent a request.

    Thank you, I will add you now!