New and Looking for an Accountablility Buddy - F/29/IN

Hey Everyone ... I just joined MFP and am looking for an accountability buddy to go along with on this journey. I am a 29 yr old mother of a 15 month old who lives in Indiana. I have never gotten rid of the baby weight and am tried of the way I look. It is time for a change. I plan on exercising 7 times a week and tracking what I eat. I am not on any diet, just looking to not eat so much junk food. As far as exercising, I would like to walk or run every morning pushing my son in the stroller and once summer comes, hopefully get some pool work in. I am looking for a partner to help keep me accountable and just discuss our progress. If anyone is interested, please let me know! Thanks!!


  • Gamaesca
    Gamaesca Posts: 13
    Hello I'm new also feel free to add me we could all use some help!
  • dirtchick97
    dirtchick97 Posts: 58
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me if you like!