Looking for organic whole food friends!

nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
We, as a family, have recently gone organic whole food! I'd love to have some organic whole food friends. I have very little in the way of support here and even less support as far as the organics are concerned. I have a lot to lose and want to stay motivated! I'd love to be able to talk about organics and not feel like a weirdo....something that frequently happens here at home when I mention it to anyone.


  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I'm 90% organic or local. Friend Request on the way! :)
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    You can count me in! I'm not perfect but I try to eat whole foods and as little processed as possible. Organic fruits just taste better to me too!:smile:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You can count me in! I'm not perfect but I try to eat whole foods and as little processed as possible. Organic fruits just taste better to me too!:smile:

    Not totally organic, but definitely whole foods, and as little processed food as possible.

  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    I think everything organic just tastes better! Plus I am really enjoying learning how to cook things from scratch....most of it's easier than people think.
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    I'm about 90% converted as well. FR for you is on the way!
  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    You can count me in! I'm not perfect but I try to eat whole foods and as little processed as possible. Organic fruits just taste better to me too!:smile:

    Not totally organic, but definitely whole foods, and as little processed food as possible.


    ^This is me too. I haven't even added any friends yet, so I'll send you a request if I can figure out how to do it!
  • angryjenny
    angryjenny Posts: 9 Member
    Ooh, me, too! This post is a few days old, but... I am trying to eat more whole foods, as well. I also tend to buy organic whenever i can. Thankfully, our grocery store (Wegmans) is really great with their organic offerings.

    Is anyone else finding that your calories and/or fat are higher with whole foods than with, say, that frozen lunch you might have normally had? Yesterday for lunch, I made an awesome burrito: whole wheat tortilla, tomatoes, black beans, spinach, avocado and salsa... I was shocked that it was around 400 calories. :(

    I have been eating a lot of black beans for protein (also trying to cut back on meat). I also had avocado the last couple days, which definitely packs a fat punch. Oy. but so good!

    I am going to send you a friend request, if that's okay. :)
  • Gamaesca
    Gamaesca Posts: 13
    I'm working on cooking and eating organic, it gets expensive but I'm motivated to cut back on other items. I sent you a friend request hopefully we can learn together!
  • jensterx3
    jensterx3 Posts: 21
    I'm working on eating only organic and local foods, but, as a broke college student, I can't afford to do that all of the time :(
  • HopeFaithLove71
    HopeFaithLove71 Posts: 22 Member
    I eat organic when possible (if it's available organic, I'll buy it).
  • I'm sticking to whole foods (and clean and lean/ bodyism approach) but not made the transition to organic yet... mostly due to financial cost locally. I'd be really interested to find out how you are going as I want to move toward organics in the future especially when I have a family.

  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    Is anyone else finding that your calories and/or fat are higher with whole foods than with, say, that frozen lunch you might have normally had? Yesterday for lunch, I made an awesome burrito: whole wheat tortilla, tomatoes, black beans, spinach, avocado and salsa... I was shocked that it was around 400 calories. :(

    In answer to your question, yes. I think this is because whole foods are more nutrient dense than something loaded with empty chemical calories. That also usually means that whole foods are more filling. Did you feel stuffed after eating your burrito? You might also find that you can get back some calories by making everything from scratch yourself. There are still unnecessary ingredients even in a lot organic pre-packaged foods. Making as much as you can from scratch gives you a huge amount of control over what is in your food.
  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    I'm sticking to whole foods (and clean and lean/ bodyism approach) but not made the transition to organic yet... mostly due to financial cost locally. I'd be really interested to find out how you are going as I want to move toward organics in the future especially when I have a family.

    I won't lie. Our former grocery budget is about 75% of what we are spending now and we are definitely eating less food. We are really struggling with the new budget and sometimes I wish I could squeeze a few more dollars out of it, but I haven't figured out how yet. I am really hoping that with the farmer's markets up and running that I will be able to either stretch our dollars and/or stock up on stuff for winter when prices will go sky high by freezing and drying surplus food items.

    However, if push comes to shove and we just don't have the money, I feel we can stay whole food in a conventional market (even though the flavors will be a bit blander....not kidding on this). I really have no taste for packaged/manufactured/fast food anymore...and that's only after making this drastic change in our lives less than 2 months ago.