Real food friends needed!



  • yardiechick1276
    Add me if you like! Im a reformed junk food junkie :0)
  • SierraElegance
    SierraElegance Posts: 86 Member
    I'm a reformed junk food junkie too! I'm not sure of what you're talking about, but I will Google it because it sounds interesting. I am getting further and further away from processed foods all the time-- I never thought I would eat like this!
  • misskariw
    misskariw Posts: 171 Member
    I like real food. I love MFP friends. I could use all the help I can get.
  • ednabnana
    ednabnana Posts: 304
    Gardener, farmers market afficionado, whole food advocate, organic, free range...blah blah blah, mommy of one here!!! With that said, I don't like walking with a stick up my *kitten* so I don't mind having a serving of "junk" on my diet.

    Feel free to add me if you don't mind my brutal honesty & occasional bag of baked pop chip or maybe a scoop of pistachio ice cream. Don't add me if you are one of those wholefood deacons who look down on people who can't afford the "organic" lifestyle. It's tough out there.

    ETA: I live in San Diego & the weather is a blessing. We can literally grow veggies year round. I am a huge supporter of "Buy what's in Season" & "Buy Local, Buy San Diego" movement. I've turned our front lawn into a veggie garden. Home Association, be damned :-P
  • AleUK
    AleUK Posts: 9 Member
    I hear you . I've been following a low FODMAP diet, cooking mostly from scratch and like the paleo/primal approach. Please fell free to add me :-)
  • wiggywompus
    wiggywompus Posts: 65 Member
    Great to hear others like me who get fed up with diets advocating prepacked/prepared. I grow a lot of my own fruit and veg, bit difficult this year as the weather has been cold and wet in England so seeds rotting not growing. Also have three chickens so lots of fresh eggs could do with recipes/ideas to help use these. We eat very little meat some fish. I have put some of my meals on in my recipes but it is a bit of a faff when it comes to all the individual herbs and spices.

    Be good to be friends with other like minded soles so I can crib what you eat.

  • herwitsend
    herwitsend Posts: 42 Member
    I eat Fun Dip and Wine. I guess we cannot be friends.

    This made me smile! Fundip and wine are both favorites of mine, actually. ;)

    I guess my post came across a bit snobby. Really, I am just trying to feed my family the best quality I can. We live on some land and raise our own chickens (for eggs and meat), we have a large garden and also keep bees. We are big Farmer's Market people and I put up as much food as possible in the summer for use through the winter months. I am fortunate, also in that we are able to have fresh greens most of the year in our cold frame. (USDA Zone 7)

    Some folks I was running into on here would go an entire week with not one fruit or veg! That is not encouraging to me.

    We do eat out a couple of times a week and 100% of my diet is not "clean." Just doing the best I can!
  • herwitsend
    herwitsend Posts: 42 Member
    Oh, and as you will see, Taco Bell Bean Burritos (and hot sauce) are my Kryptonite! I limit myself to once a week. ;)
  • skyocom
    skyocom Posts: 41 Member
    It is a little disconcerting that people are so focused on what others are eating. This is to focus on what you are eating. Encouragment to eat totally organic is great, but not everyone has access to this or can afford to purchase the higher priced organic items. Don't knock people as to their food choices. Un-friend them if it bothers you, but be realistic, not everyone cares if their food is processed if they are seeing results.