40lbs Lost, but same clothing size?!?

I don't get it. I have a pair of jeans that are the same size as my others, but a different brand and I haven't worn them in a long time because they were too tight. After dropping 40lbs and the pair of jeans I wear all the time being way too loose, I decided to try on this jean skirt that I've only worn once. I could button it, but had a hard time zipping it up. So then I decided to try on that pair of jeans that's been in my drawer forever. They fit a little better than the skirt, but still way too loose.

I don't understand. All three pieces of clothing are the same size. I've lost a decent amount of weight, so where did the weight go?! A bit frustrated that I'm not getting smaller. The number on the scale going down doesn't mean much to me if I'm still the same size.

Edit: I meant to say the other pair of pants still fit way too tight, not loose. Haha. I was writing about those jeans, but thinking of the jeans I have on, which are way too loose. I don't like wearing these jeans because they are so loose now and don't look good because they're almost baggy on me. But my other jeans are still too tight.


  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    How do you think you're not getting smaller if your old clothes are too big?
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I doubt all three pieces of clothing are the same size. I imagine they have the same numbers on them, but different measurements. Plus, people lose weight from different places on their bodies. While my pants changed 4-6 sizes with my 45-50 pound weight loss, my tops only changed 2 sizes.
  • girlwithgoldeneyes
    girlwithgoldeneyes Posts: 44 Member
    It could also depend on where you are loosing the weight from (ie arms, chest, butt, hips, thighs, calves). You have done an AMAZING job with loosing 40LBS! Also clothing companies change the "sizing" of things throughout the yrs. A size 18 from back in the 70's is not the same as a size 18 today (this goes for smaller sizes too). So if the clothing were bought different yrs this could be why the size is the same but not. Also each brand has a different cut/shape to them, and where they fall on your hips will make a huge difference as well. You can always start measuring yourself to see where the inches are coming off of (as they are coming off since you are -40) Try not to get down and keep on RAWKING it out! :flowerforyou:
  • MsFargo
    MsFargo Posts: 27
    I agree that I doubt all clothing is the same size. My old boss used to buy upper end clothing because she could buy sizes 6-8 and in the lower end clothing she had to buy sizes 10-12. A label is just a label and are not necessarily equal between manufacturers.
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm having a bit of the same issue. The problem for me is that I'm an absolute pear shape and am loosing from the top down. I've lost 5 inches from my bra band, but only 1 inch from my waist and hips. Give it time, the jeans will eventually fit. And, remember, sizes are not standard for women's clothing. I have about 3 different sizes that I "wear" depending on the brand.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Sounds like most of your clothes are getting loose.... Don't let one skirt put a damper on all your hard work!
    Clearly the sizing of that skirt is 'wrong' or different from the others. Some stores are smaller fits than other stores...
  • BrownEyedDiva
    Oh I know for a fact that our cothes shrink with us, I bet if you went and bought new clothes you would be a smaller size
  • k1dub
    k1dub Posts: 5 Member
    Also, if you're anything like the girls around here your clothes are waaaaaay to tight to begin with. So when you lose weight, your clothing size doesn't go down because you were in the wrong size to begin with.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    My clothes size can be different, depending on the brand of clothing....if some of your old clothes are now loose, you are going in the right direction! Don't let it get you down, you are doing something right, obviously!
  • duplicitous
    duplicitous Posts: 82 Member
    I saw a documentary one day that was all about how the name brand companies were exaggerating sizes. What should be a size 10 they would label an 8 and so on. Depending upon what brand. They also said that bottom bargain brands usually size correctly. Also IMHO I think the sagging pants nightmare has changed up sizing too.
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    yay for 40 lbs gone! and at least you are able to button the skirt the zipper will get there :) I blame it on vanity sizing if they are saying they are all the same size-OR-some styles are meant to be baggier than others some are meant to be tighter than others as well--but I know certain brands and styles to buy a size bigger or a size smaller--give it time and keep working at it--you will get there :)
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    Girl, I hear you. The largest size I ever had to wear was a 12, and now the smallest I fit into is a 4 (30% of the time :P) BUT the majority of the clothes I own- 8's & 6's still fit the same. So if any one can tell me how to determine your "true size" it would be greatly appreciated. The best I can come up with is find a brand (like Merona from Target) and see what you can zip up. I was doing this with pencil skirts for a while but as I got thinner I realized I fit into the same skirt fine, it just rested on my hips lower. grrr
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    Well, from what you said, the pants were too tight and now they aren't? Is that correct? Sounds like a great thing. Perhaps I'm confused.

    Personally, I've never been able to buy clothes by size because there is no standard.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Pant sizes are so messed up. I'm 5'5" , I've lost 58lbs. I started at 187lbs wearing a size 14/15. I now weight 129lbs. I still fit into a few pairs of 11 but I also fit into a 2, 3, 5, 7, 9. I wish there was some uniformity between stores.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Just because two clothing items have the same number on them, doesn't mean they are, in fact, the same size. A couple days ago I went to buy a pair of pants. I picked out two pairs from different brands, both labeled as being the same size - the one I normally wear. One pair was too tight for comfort and the other was literally falling off my hips.

    If you really want to see the difference, I suggest measuring yourself with a tape measure and taking progress pics. I had no idea how much I'd really changed until I saw my first set of progress pics.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Not all manufacturers make their size <whatever> the same. I have clothes that are size 6, size 8 and size 10 that all fit me just perfectly. But all of the size 10's that fit before I lost weight are now too big. It's just a clothing label. If you want proof that you're getting smaller, use a tape measure.
  • bojamashell
    bojamashell Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for all the responses! I figured that with them being different brands, that would sort of explain the other jeans and skirt not fitting. But I had no idea that they actually change sizes. Haha.

    I was measuring, but I don't think I measured in the same places because I was showing inches gained. So I stopped measuring. And my scale is broken so I only weigh when I go to the doctor. I have a check up with my doctor every month, so maybe next time I will take my measuring tape with me and have her measure me. I mean, afterall while I'm already there and they're checking my weight and blood pressure anyways, why not? People have told me they see a difference in my face and I guess I see a little difference too, but I don't think I've lost 40lbs in my face alone. Haha.

    Another question: What helps lose inches? Strength training or cardio (I'm sure cardio does to some degree)? I'm thinking maybe if the doctor and I focus on the inches instead of the number on the scale then I'd be able to buy smaller scrubs for school this fall.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    I can't find the right article now, but I read a while ago how over the past 15-20 years the clothing sizes have changed: The measurements that 20 years ago were size 8 are now size 6. What used to be M is now S. Though the effect is different in different regions, of course. I was amazed when I first moved from Eastern Europe to Western Europe and suddenly could buy clothes a whole size smaller while gaining a good 10 pounds!

    EditedToAdd: strength training is very much advised for losing the inches. Just don't be alarmed if your weight goes up a bit in the beginning, that's a combination of water retention and the fact that muscle simply weighs more than fat.
  • maryruiz2685
    maryruiz2685 Posts: 7 Member
    The scale can be your worst enemy! The scale rarely moves for me lately yet none of my clothes fit! I see a lot of changes on my body; most of which is muscle so that may explain why the scale isn't moving much for me. You have to consider whether you're losing fat or muscle. You definitely don't want to be losing muscle. That could be making the difference for you. Let's hope that's not what it is. Make sure you're getting enough proteing. Also, my jeans are all different sizes. Because of the material that clothing is made out of, one size may fit tight while a smaller size fits just right! In perspective, the way your clothing fits is a huge indicator of how well you're doing on your journey. It sounds like your workout regime may need some tweaking. Focus on your butt hips and thighs for a while. lower body workouts burn a ton of fat. also, some ppl lose weight weight generally all over while some lose it in certain spots faster versus others. you'll get there. just don't give up!!! ;)
  • cvanbeek
    cvanbeek Posts: 107
    I have personal example for you. I bought some jeans from the buckle BKE i think size 10 then got some off ebay size 10 all fit great. Bought some shorts at walmart size 11 I can get them on but are to tight for my liking. Different brands are different sizes with the same number :) It will all work out!

    I'm so close to -40