Frustration beyond belief!

nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I am soooooo totally frustrated!:mad: I am really eating in my calories, even eating my exercise calories! I went out to dinner saturday night with my husband and didn't eat the best, but not the worst I have ever eaten by any means. I started in Feb, but logged stuff haphzardly until the begninning of September. Since the beginning of September, I have gained 3 pounds. I didn't realize I had to eat my exercise calories, but I have since chainged that. I have been running 3 days a week, 2-3 miles.:angry: I am about ready to quit! Any suggestions?

Created by - Calorie Counter


  • I can't really give you any advice that's going to help you lose weight but I will say don't quit. I'm kind of having the same 'problem' but I feel so much better regardless of the lack of weightloss. The fact that I can go out and run without being winded in the first couple minutes is worth it to me.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I am soooooo totally frustrated!:mad: I am really eating in my calories, even eating my exercise calories! I went out to dinner saturday night with my husband and didn't eat the best, but not the worst I have ever eaten by any means. I started in Feb, but logged stuff haphzardly until the begninning of September. Since the beginning of September, I have gained 3 pounds. I didn't realize I had to eat my exercise calories, but I have since chainged that. I have been running 3 days a week, 2-3 miles.:angry: I am about ready to quit! Any suggestions?
    Alot of people have had different frustrations. Don't quit. Everybody is different and sometimes we need to tweak stuff.

    For somebody to help, you'll need to give us more information.

    How many calories are you eating every day? How many calories are yoru exercise calories?
    Are you eating clean or processed food (Processed food has lots of sodium).

    Sometimes people will lose inches and not lose weight. Make sure you take measurements as another way to see if your losing.

    Are you doing any strength training, Weights? resistance bands?
  • bates
    bates Posts: 122
    I am soooooo totally frustrated!:mad: I am really eating in my calories, even eating my exercise calories! I went out to dinner saturday night with my husband and didn't eat the best, but not the worst I have ever eaten by any means. I started in Feb, but logged stuff haphzardly until the begninning of September. Since the beginning of September, I have gained 3 pounds. I didn't realize I had to eat my exercise calories, but I have since chainged that. I have been running 3 days a week, 2-3 miles.:angry: I am about ready to quit! Any suggestions?

    Created by - Calorie Counter


    think of it this way, like green started out with, do you feel/see the improvements taking shape? clothes fitting differently? extra energy you have throughout the day?

    you also must realize that you are RUNNING, that's very strenuous on your body, take time to think about what you are doing, again, running, you are exercising the BIGGEST muscles in your legs!!!! Thats going to build muscle and offset your weight loss due to the whole gain muscle/loss weight.

    I can't remember the numbers but it's something like 3500 calories that need to be burnt throughout the course of your diet in order to lose ONE pound of fat. thats a whole lot of calories, typically I burn about 600 calories walking 3 miles, 3/4 times a week along with the MFP automatic burns it takes in and I don't actually see the scale move in the last 2 weeks.

    Just keep plugging along!!!!
  • candessb
    candessb Posts: 52 Member
    Just do the best you can. It sounds like you're being really hard on yourself. Don't give up! Just treat yourself right. Eat healthy and keep your heart, lungs and body funtioning as best you can.

    The best advice I ever got was that just because you don't see changes on the outside, doesn't mean they aren't going on inside.

    Suggested reading: Anything by Tosca Reno, She'll help you with the right food choices.
    Running is great, are you lifting weights too? Muscle burns more than fat, right?
  • The fact that you are frustrated shows that you care enough to keep your self motivated!! Keep at it!! and try not to get impatient I know it's hard. Just remember you didn't gain this unwanted weight over night, so it'll take some time and hard work to get it off. Remember that you will be so happy WHEN you reach your goal!!!!!!!!!:happy:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Your body may be adjusting to your new routine, you may be eating slightly too many calories or too little. Like another person said, it may take some tweaks and adjustments before you get it just right.

    What is your daily calorie limit set at? I have mine set for 1200 (2 lb loss a week, though I can handle it for a while since I am so overweight... soon I will drop to 1-1/2 lb loss a week, and then down to 1 lb a week.. maybe less for the last few stubborn pounds)... and I eat anywhere between half to all of my exercise calories, depending on how hungry I feel.

    Also - make sure your drinking plenty of water! Maybe you need to switch it up a little and instead of running 3 days, run for 4 or 5 days... or run an extra 20 minutes, or switch up your pace - moderate jog or a fast run. Always keep your body guessing on what will happen next, once you fall into a routine you can start hitting plateus.

    Hang in there... and whatever you do, DON'T QUIT! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks guys for the motivation! I'm sorry Green eyed monster, but it actually feels go to know that I am not alone. My base is set at 1430 calories. I don't eat much processed food. About the only thing I eat that is processed is low fat refried black beans. Other than that I make all of my food from scratch. Unless you count yogurt as processed. I even make my own salad dressing. I don't have access to a gym, put I have been doing pilates and moving firewood. Does that count as weight resistance?
  • I understand your frustration. I have been at it since July 7th and only lost like 7 pounds and I have been going at it really hard. Hey??? Are you suposed to eat your exercise calories?? That can't be right..... is it???

    The more I plug at it the better it will come. Even if I lose 20 pounds in a year that is 20 pounds less of me walking it along.

    You will be fine,
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    WOW! I wish I had the time and patience to make just about everything from scratch.

    Have you calculated your BMR? It sounds like your calories are set a little high, but then again I'm pretty used to 1200 now so 1430 for you could be just right. If you calculate your BMR and drop that number by 500 and set that as your daily intake you should comfortably lose a pound a week with eating all of your exercise calories.

    Always remember, your not alone... we're here for you!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Woah! I just checked my BMR....if I were to subtract 500 calories from it, that would mean I would be at 1,047 calories! That would mean I would have to run 7 days a week in roder to lose weight! I think we aren't supposed to go under 1200 though right? Maybe I am eating too much! I just switched to a 2lb a week loss, so lets see if that does something!

    amanda Jo- ttthumper sent me a great link that explains why we should eat our exercise calories.

    Thank you all for the support!
  • I understand your frustration. I have been at it since July 7th and only lost like 7 pounds and I have been going at it really hard. Hey??? Are you suposed to eat your exercise calories?? That can't be right..... is it???

    The more I plug at it the better it will come. Even if I lose 20 pounds in a year that is 20 pounds less of me walking it along.

    You will be fine,

    "Are you suposed to eat your exercise calories?? That can't be right..... is it???"

    That absolutely is right! Think of your body as a machine that requires 1200 cals of gas to run a day. If you eat 1200 cals then burn 500 w/exercise, you will run out of fuel. It's like only filling up your car's gas half-way & expecting to be able to drive the same distance you would on a full tank...It just won't happen.

    I ALWAYS eat at least half my exercise calories & have lost 47lbs in 4 months. 1200 cals is if you do not exercise. So consider them bonus calories. When I want to be able to eat more I just workout more to make up for it!
  • bates
    bates Posts: 122
    Woah! I just checked my BMR....if I were to subtract 500 calories from it, that would mean I would be at 1,047 calories! That would mean I would have to run 7 days a week in roder to lose weight! I think we aren't supposed to go under 1200 though right? Maybe I am eating too much! I just switched to a 2lb a week loss, so lets see if that does something!

    amanda Jo- ttthumper sent me a great link that explains why we should eat our exercise calories.

    Thank you all for the support!

    If you set it to 2 lbs/week, thats going to create a bigger deficit in your daily calories, thats why it dropped you to 1k. 2lbs/week is pretty aggressive, especially if you don't have access to a gym. You also might want to look at what you set your lifestyle to, that has a big input.

    yeah moving firewood is a workout! anything that keeps you active and moving is one, I saw in my men's health something about the DANGERS of shoveling snow, and that sometimes its wise to warm up before doing it!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member

    That absolutely is right! Think of your body as a machine that requires 1200 cals of gas to run a day. If you eat 1200 cals then burn 500 w/exercise, you will run out of fuel. It's like only filling up your car's gas half-way & expecting to be able to drive the same distance you would on a full tank...It just won't happen.

    This is the best analogy I've read! lol :flowerforyou:

  • That absolutely is right! Think of your body as a machine that requires 1200 cals of gas to run a day. If you eat 1200 cals then burn 500 w/exercise, you will run out of fuel. It's like only filling up your car's gas half-way & expecting to be able to drive the same distance you would on a full tank...It just won't happen.

    This is the best analogy I've read! lol :flowerforyou:

    Thanks! If there's 1 thing my job (Applied Behavoir Analysis) has taught me it's that real world analogies oftentimes are more effective than straight facts :p)
  • I am soooooo totally frustrated!:mad: I am really eating in my calories, even eating my exercise calories! I went out to dinner saturday night with my husband and didn't eat the best, but not the worst I have ever eaten by any means. I started in Feb, but logged stuff haphzardly until the begninning of September. Since the beginning of September, I have gained 3 pounds. I didn't realize I had to eat my exercise calories, but I have since chainged that. I have been running 3 days a week, 2-3 miles.:angry: I am about ready to quit! Any suggestions?

    Created by - Calorie Counter

    Try switching up your workout routine. The more accustomes your body is to a certain exercise, in your case running, the easier it becomes over time. I have had the most success by switching up every few days between several different machines & strength training. Also, pay close attention to your water intake as compared to sodium intake. If you've had a high sodium meal lately your body could be retaining water. If that's the case, drink extra water & be careful about sodium & your weight should even out within a week :)

    I hope that helps!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks! I will check out my sodium! I actually have a weakness for hot sauce, which is very high in sodium!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Thanks! I will check out my sodium! I actually have a weakness for hot sauce, which is very high in sodium!

    If you make your own salad dressing, i'm sure you can make your own hot sauce.:flowerforyou:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gee! I have never thought about making my own hot sauce! i will have to try it! Thanks!:wink:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Gee! I have never thought about making my own hot sauce! i will have to try it! Thanks!:wink:
    I love hot sauce, hot peppers, and grew some Scotch bonnets previously.

    One word of wisdom that I found out accidently.

    When I was boiling the peppers, my OH came home and could not stand the very strong smell. I don't think it was the smell per say as much as it was the "heat" floating in the air, if that make sense.

    I was told not to make hot sauce in the house when she is home or around. :laugh:

    My next attempt was to dry some scotch bonnets and had put them in a pepper grinder. I dried them on the BBQ, so the smell didn't enter the house.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey thanks for the advice on the hot peppers! I am the only one in my household that like them!
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