Is my breakfast ok?

Diary's open, but I have a tall glass of OJ, raisin bran or cheerios (which is better?) and either an apple or banana, depending on what is available. It looks like I'm already overdosing on certain nutrients. I thought this breakfast was healthy. Is it? What would be better ( I cant cook as its at work)



  • bhopejones
    bhopejones Posts: 37
    hello! Sounds pretty good. You're doing better than most with your breakfast! The only thing I'd have to suggest is this: just check the sugar and fiber content between the two cereals. I think Cheerios (if you're not eating just the plain ones) have a pretty large amount of sugar, but then again the Raisin Bran actual brand may have just as much sugar. so I'd check that and go with the one that has less. Raisin Bran is particularly good for fiber though, which of course is helpful with weight loss and feeling full for longer amounts of time!
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    A lot of sugar but it's pretty good. Cutting out one piece of fruit and half the juice would help. Maybe add some protein, yogurt or a hard boiled egg. Raisin bran is better in my opinion but there are better types of raisin bran out there with less sugar so you could look for that. Cheerios are low in sugar but also low in "staying power" in my opinion.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Diary's open, but I have a tall glass of OJ, raisin bran or cheerios (which is better?) and either an apple or banana, depending on what is available. It looks like I'm already overdosing on certain nutrients. I thought this breakfast was healthy. Is it? What would be better ( I cant cook as its at work)


    Same problem I had with my diet - healthy components way out of balance. You're describing a carbfest, and a simple (sugar) carbfest at that. You need more complex carbohydrates and a little fat and protein there. Drop the sugar-added boxed cereal and go for oatmeal with no added sugars (if your office has a water cooler with a "hot water" tap, instant oatmeal is easy to make - dump packets into heat-safe bowl, add hot water, stir, enjoy!).

    Make the OJ a half-glass or drop it entirely unless you need the Vitamin C. Replace it with a glass of milk, some cheese, or a handful of nuts.

    Can you take in a hard-boiled egg? Those are nature's protein bars, packed with healthy goodness.
  • sleeper256
    sleeper256 Posts: 10
    hello! Sounds pretty good. You're doing better than most with your breakfast! The only thing I'd have to suggest is this: just check the sugar and fiber content between the two cereals. I think Cheerios (if you're not eating just the plain ones) have a pretty large amount of sugar, but then again the Raisin Bran actual brand may have just as much sugar. so I'd check that and go with the one that has less. Raisin Bran is particularly good for fiber though, which of course is helpful with weight loss and feeling full for longer amounts of time!

    Hey thanks Jones, I should point out I'm actually trying to gain weight for muscle, not cut.

    And yes it is plain cheerios, and on the weekend, replace CEREAL and OJ with OATMEAL and V8
  • kerrydykas
    kerrydykas Posts: 11
    you need some protein
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    It's not bad. You may want to switch it up on different days - oatmeal, eggs, yogurt, protein shake, whole wheat bread...all good breakfast choices too.
  • timarabolding
    timarabolding Posts: 5 Member
    I am very new to this site so appologies if this comes off wrong! Your daily calorie intake goal seems really high if you are trying to lose weight (regardless of your current size). 3250 calories is a lot. 850 calories should never be necessary for breakfast. My suggestion would be to cut out the OJ and replace it with an orange if you have to have it. One of the rules I live by is to never drink my calories (except some wine every now and then!) and of course I have milk in protein drinks. But as far as fruit juices....never. Too many sugars.

    I try to keep my breakfasts protein based and limit cards to fruits. Breakfast shouldn't be more than around 350 calories. It's really all you need to get the day going!

    Good luck!
  • Amommymoose
    Amommymoose Posts: 29 Member
    I think that whether or not your breakfast is okay really depends on your goal: is it just to lose weight, or is it to be healthy overall? Because although those are relatively healthy foods, they almost ALL resolve to sugar in your body and you're starting the day with a significant dose of elevated insulin.

    This may not bother you at the moment, but it does put you on the fast-track to pre-diabetic conditions (assuming you don't already have one--they are largely undiagnosed until they turn into diabetes) and diabetes.

    Fruits, things made of fruit and starches/grains need to be tempered with fats and proteins to slow the increase of sugar and insulin into your body. A yogurt is a good example. Or some peanut butter on an english muffin or with your banana or apple. OJ will spike your sugar like nothing else (well, wait a second... it's neck and neck with watermelon) so I would remove that. Whatever you're putting in your cereal (cow's milk or nut milk) is helping on that front. Eggs are also a good helper if you can get over the brainwashing that they're bad for you (there's a lot of misinformation we've been fed over the last few decades about fats and foods that contain fats, etc. :/). You can also make them ahead, freeze them, and bring them with you.

    So my answer to your question is: the ingredients themselves are not unhealthy, but the combination in which you're eating them is REALLY unhealthy. Shifting around some of the things you may already be eating--but at different parts of the day--could potentially solve that problem.
  • timarabolding
    timarabolding Posts: 5 Member
    Whoops! I just read where you are trying to gain muscle! Gotcha! So I still give the same advice about the juice. That isn't going to build muscle. Protein and healthy carbs!!
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    You might try refrigerator oatmeal with greek yogurt if you are trying to gain. Most box cereals are way up there in sugar.
  • sleeper256
    sleeper256 Posts: 10
    So today I brought a packet of oatmeal to work and ate differently, and I was STILL over on some things by the end of breakfast. I think I was 7 over on sugar, for one.

    I had :

    A packet of apple cinnamon oatmeal
    1 cup of raisin bran ( I usually have 2 cups)
    1 banana
    8oz glass of OJ (I usually get 16oz)
    Milk amount in cereal and oatmeal is probably 2 cups.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I would go with either OJ or fruit, not both in the same meal. Save the other for later in the day when you want a bit of a snack. I love Cheerios (plain ones, they don't have a lot of sugar) with a banana cut up in it. Or, I buy bran flakes and add my own raisins/craisins/banana/berries. That way they aren't coated with sugar like some brands, and I can get what feels like the right balance to me. Oh, and I get bored with just raisins. :laugh:

    Another good one is instant oatmeal or creamy wheat. I get the plain and then add Pampered Chef's sweet cinnamon stuff - a couple of Tbs has 30 cal and lots of flavor. (Okay, I know you can't cook at work, but these go in the microwave, is than an option?)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I also missed the part where you're trying to gain muscle. But I don't think I would change my answer, except to add protein. Hard boiled eggs are a good solution!
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    Cut down on all the sugar, go for naturally sweet foods like fruits instead.
  • siobhano_
    siobhano_ Posts: 101
    Your carbs are a little out of control compared to your protein. Look at trying greek yoghurt with your cereal and have a hardboiled egg with it? Cut out the orange juice or make the glass smaller, try a coffee/tea/shake?

    And omelettes/scrambled eggs are good, with a bit of lean bacon and maybe mushrooms and spinach
  • jinglett
    jinglett Posts: 69
    Kashi cereal mixed into yogurt is a great filling breakfast with lots of protein and fiber. You could also add some sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, walnuts or pecans into your cereal and skip the juice. Measure the nuts! Well, always a good idea to measure everything. :wink:
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    You could try Kashi cereal instead, or mini wheats. If there's a microwave at your workplace you could also try zapping some oats.