Lose weight without working out?



  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member

    The muscle tone part is just low body fat. My butt looks more curvy after working out but I haven't lost enough fat to show muscle cuts. Don't you care about your overall muscle and bone health later in life though? Also, large size doesn't equal curves. I'm a size 2 and very curvy in the hips.

    Honestly, i think being a size 10 is perfectly fine for my muscle and bone health. Some peopel are just built bigger. A larger size does mean curves for me. When i was a size 12 i had nice curves but a flat stomach. Thats my goal. Mostly to just get rid of baby fat. To each their own but being under a size 10 is not what i want. I know most women would kill to look like that picture but I, personally dont want that look.

    People aren't really built bigger unless you mean height differences. I wasn't trying to come across as offensive if I did also by the way. I was just curious as to why some people would diet and exercise but still settle on an overweight size in the end. I'm not referring to any sort of specific look also just to clarify. I'm talking more in a sense of overall wellness. Lifting weights and working out will prevent many health problems down the line.

    Is it a purely aesthetic reason as to why you'd stick with a particular size rather than getting as close to ideal and healthy as possible? If that's the case then I guess it doesn't really matter in the long run.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    People are definitely built different. My sister is 5'6 and 135 lbs. Healthy weight. But still wears a size 9-10 because of her hips. It runs in the family. For me i dont think a size 10 is overweight and i think its healthy. Everyone has different ideals of healthy i guess. And yes, i also want to look good (to me) in clothes and i think i look best around there. To each their own. If you want to be a size 2, go for it. Like i said, i don't. I also dont want to spend time lifting weights. I have 2 babies at home and we go walking every day or run around the park. When my husband comes home from work i would rather spend time with my family in the evening than lift weights.
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    I think a size 10 is very healthy.... but it does depend on the person I guess. For me, I am about 5'11'', so a size 10 is definitely healthy!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    People are definitely built different. My sister is 5'6 and 135 lbs. Healthy weight. But still wears a size 9-10 because of her hips. It runs in the family. For me i dont think a size 10 is overweight and i think its healthy. Everyone has different ideals of healthy i guess. And yes, i also want to look good (to me) in clothes and i think i look best around there. To each their own. If you want to be a size 2, go for it. Like i said, i don't. I also dont want to spend time lifting weights. I have 2 babies at home and we go walking every day or run around the park. When my husband comes home from work i would rather spend time with my family in the evening than lift weights.

    That's a muscle build difference though, not bone structure. I'm 5'3 and 134lbs but I usually wear a 2 and sometimes 4s. So it's not that your sister is built so differently than other women, she just has a higher body fat %.

    It's great that you feel comfortable around there though. I was just wondering cause it didn't make sense to me, but its a little more clear now.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I think a size 10 is very healthy.... but it does depend on the person I guess. For me, I am about 5'11'', so a size 10 is definitely healthy!

    Oh yeah definitely when you factor in height its a big difference. I'm super short so a size 10 makes me look like a bowling ball lol.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    People are definitely built different. My sister is 5'6 and 135 lbs. Healthy weight. But still wears a size 9-10 because of her hips. It runs in the family. For me i dont think a size 10 is overweight and i think its healthy. Everyone has different ideals of healthy i guess. And yes, i also want to look good (to me) in clothes and i think i look best around there. To each their own. If you want to be a size 2, go for it. Like i said, i don't. I also dont want to spend time lifting weights. I have 2 babies at home and we go walking every day or run around the park. When my husband comes home from work i would rather spend time with my family in the evening than lift weights.

    That's a muscle build difference though, not bone structure. I'm 5'3 and 134lbs but I usually wear a 2 and sometimes 4s. So it's not that your sister is built so differently than other women, she just has a higher body fat %.

    It's great that you feel comfortable around there though. I was just wondering cause it didn't make sense to me, but its a little more clear now.

    Ehhhh, my sister has very little body fat on her. Bone structure definitely is different among women. But we will have to agree to disagree my friend.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Reference to above ^^^^
    I dont think there is anything wrong with your main exercise being walking. I switch my routine up, but lately i've been doing a lot of walking ( motivated by a crazy puppy). If I am just walking as my exercise for the day, I try to do an hour of walking.

    Nothing wrong with that!

    Thanks! I tend to think its a pretty good exercise myself :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Last year I lost about 40 pounds without working out. I had done it before and I had always put it back on. I finally realized that to really make a change i had to exercise and transform both mentally and physically. It's been a major journey but so glad I've taken it. I've accomplished things I never thought I could.


    For me, regular exercise is about maintaining a weight loss. If you think about it, the smaller you will require fewer calories. To me this is like being on a diet .... for the rest of my life. Adding regular exercise helps even things out calorie wise, plus I get to keep more muscle mass.

    Find something fun .... if you enjoy it, you will want to do it. Just make a goal to be more active.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    i've lost 14 lbs without working out. i have an injury that prevents me. but i want to work out and i'm trying to find alternative ways. Doc said lay off for 30 days. i wasn't doing anything strenuous or anything just have a very old injury that won't heal and causes me much pain. i can't wait to be able to at least Walk.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Yes. I injured myself, and can't do any cardio. Walking still is a problem. I started logging here to make sure that I maintained my weight during my recovery. I've lost a few pounds.

    Make no mistake: Although exercise is a relatively small part of weight loss, it usually does help some.

    If you can't do a vigorous workout (preferred), do five minutes of Yoga. It will make you more body conscious and may help you make better eating choices during the day.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    People are definitely built different. My sister is 5'6 and 135 lbs. Healthy weight. But still wears a size 9-10 because of her hips. It runs in the family. For me i dont think a size 10 is overweight and i think its healthy. Everyone has different ideals of healthy i guess. And yes, i also want to look good (to me) in clothes and i think i look best around there. To each their own. If you want to be a size 2, go for it. Like i said, i don't. I also dont want to spend time lifting weights. I have 2 babies at home and we go walking every day or run around the park. When my husband comes home from work i would rather spend time with my family in the evening than lift weights.

    That's a muscle build difference though, not bone structure. I'm 5'3 and 134lbs but I usually wear a 2 and sometimes 4s. So it's not that your sister is built so differently than other women, she just has a higher body fat %.

    It's great that you feel comfortable around there though. I was just wondering cause it didn't make sense to me, but its a little more clear now.

    Ehhhh, my sister has very little body fat on her. Bone structure definitely is different among women. But we will have to agree to disagree my friend.

    Body weight distribution also plays a role in someone's clothing size. If you have a big butt and hips you might need a larger skirt or trouser size but still have an overall healthy body fat percentage.
  • step40ra1
    step40ra1 Posts: 1 Member
    It doesn't matter how you burn your calories (dieting vs. exercise). Exercise certainly has its benefits, but its not necessary for fat loss. Don't believe the people that say you'll still be flabby. That's ridiculous!
  • MikeRox83
    MikeRox83 Posts: 5
    I've found that just fitting in time for walking (I walk about 4-5mph, not the laid back sauntering) is helping me. Granted I've not lost much weight yet, but I've found that watching my calories, and walking a couple of miles a day (it sounds like a lot, but I have to walk 2 miles from the train station to work and back each day and then now walk the mile and a bit home from my train station, it soon racks up) has been a very effective way of incorporating pretty effortless exercise into my daily routine, and even with "maintain" calories I've been gently dropping about 1lb per week.

    I want to see where just doing that and maybe having 500 or so calories per day left over will get me, before I start ramping up the exercise. I'm gonna look at adding a little bit of weights exercise and something like stomach crunches too to try and tone.
  • bunnzye2
    bunnzye2 Posts: 56
    My co-workers and I did that all the time in the 70s. We lost by calorie counting and kept our weight off until the mid 80s and we looked great. But something changed, I think the world did something on the axis or something, and the rules changed. What was done at one time in this world, cant be done in the 2000s, because of Y-2-K I guess. In this day and age you even have to increase your calories in order to lose more weight. Hey, someone said dont be stupid, I would not consider it stupid to just count calories if you choose not to exercise. millions of people dont exercise. BUT I'd say exercise is fun even if all you do is dance.
  • Fockertots
    Fockertots Posts: 221
    You will most definately lose weight if you dont work out.
    Most will be fat but a great portion will be lean mass.

    This is where skinny-fat is born so dont be stupid.

    Lift heavy weights 3 times a week to maintain lean mass and enjoy the fat loss....


    Become a smaller version of your former fat self.


    I lost almost 60 pounds without doing any exercise other than walking and sex :]
    However, that wasn't the best idea in the world. Yes, I am smaller. I weigh more than I did in high school, am in the same size jeans, but my body looks completely different. I am a smaller size, but still carry my fat in all the places I always have. As well, I still have a once huge tummy, that's not small and slightly saggy because I didn't do ANY muscle toning while losing the weight. I'm now trying my balls off to fix what I messed up.
    Just my two cents..