Tired all the time??? Why?



  • Speedtrap
    Speedtrap Posts: 216
    Do you snore? I use to feel that way, then I discovered I had sleep Apnea, much better now with treatment.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    Without knowing how many calories you are "netting" in a day its hard to say. You may simply NOT BE EATING ENOUGH! Or it could be something more... if you are not "netting" your BMR AND EATING back your exercise calories then I would start there by raising your caloric intake- Great group on here "Eat more, weigh less" gives lots of info. Good luck.
  • evansproudmama
    I had the same problem so I had my doc. do blood work to make sure I didnt have a throid issue which I did not however I noticed that I wasnt getting much iron so I added a prenatel vitamin to my diet and I also bumped my cals from 1200-1400. Not enough food ecspecially with doing JMS 30ds and other circut training exercises can make you feel zonked. I would recommend upping your cals by just 100-200 for a week and adding in some for iron and see where that gets you.. also make sure to be getting at least 8hours of sleep, I personally need about 9-10 (thought that rarely happens with a 3year old running around lol) Good Luck! If you open your diray we can comment further not sure what kind of nutrition your getting.. also protein can work wonders.. maybe add in a good protein shake after your workout with some milk or soy milk.. :-)
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    Usually the first thing to look at is your diet. Be sure you're getting plenty of high quality foods. Sources of whole protein, healthy fats and good carbs are a must to keep your energy levels high. Drink plenty of water too, so you can flush out anything processed you eat.

    Next is sleep patterns. I found my fitbit to help a ton with this. Turns out I'm not sleeping as well as I'd originally thought!

    Then see the doctor, get the standard "I'm tired" panel. Check for things like mono, thyroid issues, iron and stuff like that. Also be sure to have them test your Vitamin D and B12 levels. Turns out a lot of my tiredness came from a severe deficiency in both of these vital nutrients! I'm actually unable to get B12 from food sources. I need to supplement and get weekly shots to keep my levels up!

    Yes, THIS!!

    Also, one more thing to possibly check is adrenal function. You can order an online saliva test kit, or ask your doctor to do it. You should test your 4 cortisol levels -- early a.m., lunch, supper, bedtime. I was going downhill slowly, but surely, for about 7 yrs and was almost bedridden from the exhaustion and pain as well. Finally went to the doctor and my cortisol levels were so low that I was waking up with levels lower than what most people go to bed with!! Doctor immediately put me on hydrocortisone to help my adrenals rest. It's been almost 2 yrs, and I am a little better, but still take low dose hydrocortisone. Also, I was hypothyroid, also extremely vit. D deficient, B12 deficient, and iodine deficient. Whew!! One thing to know is that adrenal issues and thyroid issues almost always go hand in hand, so ask your doctor to check them both if you go this route.

    Hope this helps. There have been a lot of good suggestions posted for you to think about and check in to.
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    Check your vitamin D levels at your dr's office!
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    I went through this when I upped my workouts. Also, age doesn't help... after I hit 40, things changed!

    My solution/advice?

    - 8-9 hrs of sleep each night (if you are gonna work out that hard, you need to sleep woman!!! that's when the body heals and repairs itself - you need it!)
    - multivitamin daily
    - b-complex daily
    - iron supplement daily
    - probiotic daily
    - water water water!!!

    I run, kickbox and weight train, work full-time AND chase after my 4-yr old twins (in my free time! lol) ....Unless I do the above, I cannot manage my week, my energy levels bottom out and I am dead weight!

    Good luck and keep at it!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Overtraining and undereating?
    I'm gonna say this.

    That's where my brain first went. You don't say how much your eating and you don't say how intense your workouts are but you are getting in 2 sessions per day and I'm assuming you mean almost every day? Even though one is just walking, it's still somewhat stressing. If you are not eating enough or doing this too often tiredness could result.
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    You should try eating more for a few days. Increase your intake by 200+ calories and see what happens. I've found that I have a lot more energy and feel less fatigue (as well as have good results on the scale) even though I'm eating more now than I used to.
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    That's such a general question without knowing much more it could be a number of things;

    too little calories
    thyroid issues popping up
    food intolerances/stomach/ibs issues you aren't aware of
    adrenal fatigue
    hormones off balance
    pms/that time of the month (you didn't say how long this has been going on).
    lack of vitamins/minerals like iron, b12, etc. (low on them, I mean).

    So, I have become extremely exhausted all the time...not sure why? I have been doing 30-40 minute workouts in the am (usually 30DS or some other circuit training exercise) and go for a 2 mile walk in the evening. I go to bed early so that I am well rested to do the morning workout and go to work for the day. I am always exhausted throughout the day and I have no idea why. Any suggestions? Maybe my diet is lacking in something? Not sure. Thanks!
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    We got some smart people on here! I could not have said it better.

    Usually the first thing to look at is your diet. Be sure you're getting plenty of high quality foods. Sources of whole protein, healthy fats and good carbs are a must to keep your energy levels high. Drink plenty of water too, so you can flush out anything processed you eat.

    Next is sleep patterns. I found my fitbit to help a ton with this. Turns out I'm not sleeping as well as I'd originally thought!

    Then see the doctor, get the standard "I'm tired" panel. Check for things like mono, thyroid issues, iron and stuff like that. Also be sure to have them test your Vitamin D and B12 levels. Turns out a lot of my tiredness came from a severe deficiency in both of these vital nutrients! I'm actually unable to get B12 from food sources. I need to supplement and get weekly shots to keep my levels up!

    Yes, THIS!!

    Also, one more thing to possibly check is adrenal function. You can order an online saliva test kit, or ask your doctor to do it. You should test your 4 cortisol levels -- early a.m., lunch, supper, bedtime. I was going downhill slowly, but surely, for about 7 yrs and was almost bedridden from the exhaustion and pain as well. Finally went to the doctor and my cortisol levels were so low that I was waking up with levels lower than what most people go to bed with!! Doctor immediately put me on hydrocortisone to help my adrenals rest. It's been almost 2 yrs, and I am a little better, but still take low dose hydrocortisone. Also, I was hypothyroid, also extremely vit. D deficient, B12 deficient, and iodine deficient. Whew!! One thing to know is that adrenal issues and thyroid issues almost always go hand in hand, so ask your doctor to check them both if you go this route.

    Hope this helps. There have been a lot of good suggestions posted for you to think about and check in to.
  • bigdogc23
    bigdogc23 Posts: 66
    If you on a low cal diet make sure you are taking plenty of vitamins.... Make sure you are well hydrated. I can work out, lose all my water and feel tired and want to sleep but if I hydrate very well I usually get most of my energy back.

    You might well be eating way too many cals also, you sometimes have to adjust...
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    You might be anemic. When my iron level drops I tend to bruise a lot more easily and have no energy. Might want to have your iron levels tested
  • steelersfamily6
    steelersfamily6 Posts: 138 Member
    I haven't read anything about water! Water is our fuel and if we are not getting enough then we will feel lethargic & tired, and we will not have any energy. SO make sure you getting enough water, if you drink a lot of water already then the B12 suggestion is a def good one or also have your thyroid checked.
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    did you know "fatigue" has the longest differential diagnosis list of any complaint in medicine ?
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    It could be fatigue for many reasons....Mono, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hypothyroid, etc. If continues, see your doctor.