Hi There! I'm a Newbie!

Hi I'm new here and really just hoping to put a final end the diet yo yo that is my life. I am really just trying to be the healthiest I can be without depriving myself, otherwise it won't work...I'm also not approaching this as another diet but a change of lifestyle. I'm looking forward to interacting and getting support as well as offering it to everyone here I can. Thank you!!!!


  • Flygirl214
    Flygirl214 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Nitro. I hear what you're saying. I hate the word diet for that reason. First of all, dieting is not at all healthy and almost always temporary. To reach your goals, you have to make a lifestyle change. My experience with dieting lead me to bullimia when I was young. I am rehabbing a torn acl and a separated shoulder. I'm doing the P90X program which is intense, but after 10 days I feel better than ever and am rapidly regaining strength. I'm not saying that is the way to go, but it is working for me.

    The biggest change for me was going back to my healthy eating habits. Look for healthier alternatives to what you like. Whole wheat pastas, sugar free sauces, low sodium, low fat, and try to eat turkey, chicken and fish as an alternative to pork and beef. You would be surprised at how many calories these few things will knock out for you.

    Add me if you like. I will be happy to support you along your journey. My name is Angela. I'm 43.
  • nitrogirl332
    Hi Angela! I'm Dani, I'm 26. I too am recovering from a dislocated knee cap and torn ligament...it's been hard but I'm just now getting back into the swing of things. I've started some yoga and that is really helping things! I too am about cutting unnecessary foods from my diet, like refined/processed foods, trying to get as natural as possible. It can be hard when I'm on the go but the results are well worth it! I'm feeling better already! Thank you I'll add you!
  • Tondra2
    Tondra2 Posts: 21 Member
    Nitro u can also add me if u want. I'm dealing w a connective tissue disorder and can't workout. I gave up meat about 7 weeks ago and most processed food and it's helping a lot. Hope ur knee gets better.