I'm still adding up friends who plan to to be on most days. I'm at a stay at home mom until my son is in school so i figured now is a good time to get the baby and bad heart weight I gained off now that I'm better.

I'm pretty crazy and can get on a roll with it. You will see a alot of funny posts as I warm up to this sight mainly about how I would like to chase a firefighter , cop, or cowboy to shed the pounds! Tehee!

I so let a few swear words slip through my lips but I was raised that its best to be honest and be who you are, I have over 80 ibs to shed and always find a way to get through lifes rough spots! Im also very supportive!


  • Shadae8922
    Shadae8922 Posts: 3
    add me! im a SAHM too. Im 23 and I have a 5 year old and a newborn
  • MlleDee
    MlleDee Posts: 90 Member
    You sound like fun! I could use some fun friends on this site. The funnier it is, the more likely I am to keep logging in, right?

    I am 25, no kids here. But I have a crazy enough lifestyle without them. 2nd year in a professional program, after taking 5 years off school.

    If you want to see posts where I try to explain how I drank my daily calorie allotment in vodka because my school seeks out the worst sponsors EVER for all events, then feel free to add me!

    Edit: I also have more than 80 pounds to lose, but my counter is set to my mini-goal.
  • Hi there!!! I'm down with crazy and supportive LOL! j/k. I too need to lose over 90 lbs, and am ready to get the show on the road!!! Let's do this! I'll add you

  • If you want to see posts where I try to explain how I drank my daily calorie allotment in vodka because my school seeks out the worst sponsors EVER for all events, then feel free to add me!

    This is sooooo me! hahaha!