eat clean or eat less?

some people say in order to lose weight you just have to eat clean.. others say you don't have to, you just need to eat less calories than you burn..meaning you can have all the junk food you want as long as you meet your calorie goal. but don't other macros affect your weight loss too? so even if you eat less calories.. if food is high in carbs/sugar/sodium.. you'll just gain weight, no?

what do you think?


  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    actually both, all of the above. Eat clean, eat less, cut out sugar, more protein. works for me, but everybody is different. You can friend me if you want, see my clean diary ;0) well mostly clean cept two days a month
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    I do both actually, I try to eat healthy whole food and reduce my caloric intake which is the best option in my opinion.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    You don't have to eat clean to lose weight - the Twinkie diet proved that. The science of weight loss really is calories burned vs. calories consumed, but the quality of food does play a part in how healthy you are in the end.
  • Ellas_Time_4_Change
    Ultimately weight loss does come down to calories in calories out. However, if changing your body composition is also important to you, then eating clean (i.e more protein) while keeping calories down should be a priority too.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I don't think just eating junk food is going to equate to weight loss, but I don't think one has to eat completely clean either. I do a bit of both. I have a calorie deficit. I eat pretty healthy- whole grains, more fruits and veggies than before, light cheeses and dairy, less refined sugar... but I'm not gonna deny myself chocolate, not in a million years. But I opt for dark chocolate now... I also eat pizza, hamburgers, french fries, tacos etc etc, just in moderation.
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 149 Member
    I try to do both. I don't lose weight unless I cut out the processed crap food that I love to eat.
  • Ellas_Time_4_Change
    I don't think just eating junk food is going to equate to weight loss, but I don't think one has to eat completely clean either. I do a bit of both. I have a calorie deficit. I eat pretty healthy- whole grains, more fruits and veggies than before, light cheeses and dairy, less refined sugar... but I'm not gonna deny myself chocolate, not in a million years. But I opt for dark chocolate now... I also eat pizza, hamburgers, french fries, tacos etc etc, just in moderation.

    Great reply and you look amazing btw:smile:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I know for sure that you don't have to eat clean to lose weight. Just stop eating and you will see a loss.

    Eating clean is a healthier option when compared to eating less junk. Imagine eating at your goal macros, good wholesome foods, greens and veggies, proteins and healthy fats, complex carbs... that is a healthy way to live and your body will flourish from the good attention you have been giving it.

    Now imagine eating a huge bowl of ice cream midday every day. This ice cream has none of the nutrients the veggies will give you, but it will try to mirror the fat, protein, and carb ratio you have been trying to reach. This is not as healthy as the first option.

    Lastly, there is the option of hitting calorie goal and not macro goal - say you eat a big mac and fries and that earns you your 1200 for the day (not certain of the numbers, let's imagine). That meal had probably the same void nutrition as the ice cream, yet didn't even fit the macro goals (all carbs and fat pretty much - some protein from the patty in the burger).

    Macros are more for your body composition and overall health. If you want to lose weight but NOT muscle - you try to reach your macros and eat protein to convince your body that your muscle is important and should not be cannibalized.

    My suggestion is to first meet calorie goal - then try to add in nutritional foods like veggies and fruits and other fresh deliciousness - THEN try to hit your macros.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Eat clean....try eating a pound of any kind of vegetables and then eat a pound of McDonald's and see which one gives you more calories. Eat more clean food, eat fewer calorie, grease, nasty fat infested foods, and get out and move your booty and lose weight.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I loe and hae to have my weekend beers. So i count them as calories and adjust what i eat to accomodate my counts for the day. Sometimes i will workout harder andlonger on a saturday just to burn extra calories for my nights out.
  • lordsangel
    lordsangel Posts: 167
    I think youcan eat some junk food (not clean) but I would really limilt it if possible. You can eat all the veggies and fruits you want, youneed some of every kind of food group but i think you'd be surprised at the correct portion size of food. We eat waaaay too much and laugh at an actual portion size. It's pretty crazy how little you get in one portion. But to answer your question, you can eat what you want and just stay under the calorie goal but not all calories are created equal. You'll get a lot more benefit out of 100 cals of veggies, not to mention more food, than you'd get in 100 cals of ice cream for example. And you'll feel better too if you eat clean food.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    how much you eat affects weight gain or loss
    what you eat affects health and body composition
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You can lose weight eating junk as long as you are burning more calories than you consume. But, you'll end up losing muscle mass and can still have a high body fat percentage. If your goal is losing weight, eat what you want as long as it fits into your daily calorie goal. If your goal is overall health, eat healthier foods more often, and junk food less often.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I like to adhere to the 80/20 rule. I eat 80% clean, whole, unprocessed foods and 20% whatever else I want.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I wash my hands before I eat.

  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    Eat less to lose weight. End of story.


    Eating clean (whatever that means exactly) can possibly help you lose weight more effectively since it will probably mean cutting processed foods that are often calorie dense and not filling. It may also improve your health. I like the primal/paleo approach to eating and have followed it for some time, it did NOT equal effortless weight loss like some people will make out.
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    I do both. i've found that eating less then I burn works for me. but i've also found that when I eat clean i feel better about myself they when I eat junk. so i would od both. this doesn't mean that i don't eat junk food from time to time but I fell better when I eat clean.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    Eat Clean + Working Out= Results.....I don't think it would be called a healthier lifestyle is you were still trying to eat junk and lose weight... It does not happen over night and you will sometimes find yourself eating some of things you like...Commit to trying to be healthier should be the ultimate key!! I find people just try to find the quick easy route.....
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    I loe and hae to have my weekend beers. So i count them as calories and adjust what i eat to accomodate my counts for the day. Sometimes i will workout harder andlonger on a saturday just to burn extra calories for my nights out.

    Me too. I try to eat healthier, because it's better for me and I can eat more, but I have my occasional pizza nights and beers. I just make sure the calories all work out at the end of the day.

    I find, personally, if I cut out all the "crap" I enjoy, I just get grumpy and hold a grudge against my diet. I choose to do both. :) That way I stay on track without getting bent out of shape.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    You only need to eat less if you want to lose weight. Pay attention to macros to lose as much fat/as little LBM as possible - you still have to eat less calories though.