Delicious, Healthy Snacks???

I pretty much love anything sweet or savory, but I don't want to turn to ice cream or potato chips.


  • bongbunny
    bongbunny Posts: 37 Member
    I don't have a terrible sweet tooth (salty is more my evil) but I've found that a combo of vitatops and pudding (sugar free), along with fruit and/or nuts, really curbs my sweet cravings. As for potato chips, Pepperidge Farm makes an awesome cracker chip, as does Special K. Skinny Cow makes some damn good ice cream treats too.
  • chusheto1
    chusheto1 Posts: 29
    Veggies. Even fruit.

    For many years, I've been reading how fruit is bad for you (okaaay :laugh: )... until I logged half a pound of strawberries just to realize that it has less carbs then most "healthy" protein bars.

    Veggie! Also very good. I don't even bother counting calories from veggies. There is like 100 calories (I am sure someone will correct me) in a pound of spinach probably... since I don't eat pounds of spinach or other veggies... no reason to count.
  • joifairell
    joifairell Posts: 3 Member
    My favorite snack right now is sliced strawberries, a little sprinkle of Splenda and 2tbs of cool whip. Makes me feel like I'm having a dessert....all for way less than 100 calories
  • joifairell
    joifairell Posts: 3 Member
    My favorite snack right now is sliced strawberries, a little sprinkle of Splenda and 2tbs of cool whip. Makes me feel like I'm having a dessert....all for way less than 100 calories

    Also, pepperoni and string cheese :-)
  • fitforlife34
    fitforlife34 Posts: 331 Member
    Trail mix, you can buy it from teh store or save money and make your own: mix peanuts, raisins, almonds, and m&m's. You don't need a lot and it satisfies you, and has both salty and sweet.
  • Tracey0013
    Tracey0013 Posts: 154 Member
    for my chocolate sweet cravings I have discovered mini wheats little mini cocoa flavor cereal. For 26 of them it's only 100 cal if you drink a little liquid with it, it fills you right us for a while :)
  • I'm going to second the idea of trail mix. It'll keep you feeling full for quite a while and is delicious. I think the addition of m&ms must be an American thing, here in Australia trail mix is just dried fruit, nuts and seeds.

    Veggie sticks with hummus or peanut butter is also an awesome snack. If you make your own hummus it will keep in the fridge for about a week and you can make it as spicy as you like. It's also good to use on sandwiches instead of margarine.