10 Things I Learned Training for a Half Marathon



  • kuregisto
    kuregisto Posts: 124 Member
    find a Pace group with a hot Pacer and everything else will fall into place.

    Every. Single. Race. They usually outpace me over time, but damn it's good motivation while you can keep up.
  • rockstargal629
    Great advice and amusing. Thanks! I'm working on upping my miles but I've had issues (body hating me issues) with adding more miles. This might be TMI but I've had "runner's diarrhea" several times after only 4-4.5 miles. The only thing that *seems* to help is not eating or drinking before running. I feel guilty and like I'm hurting myself not consuming anything but it's HORRIBLE to have that issue.

    Are you using energy gels when you do these longer runs? Most of them give me the same problem. I've finally found one that works for me without sending me racing for the nearest porta-potty

    I haven't tried any energy gels yet, I was contemplating giving these a shot as I train for my Half in October. What have you tried that you like? Don't like? I've heard many people say they don't like the texture of Gu. Do you find they do in fact give you more energy/endurance? My biggest struggle at the end of my half came around mile 12, I felt incredibly sick to my stomach despite hydrating early on and throughout and utilizing the snacks on the last half (banana, orange quarter, etc). I definitely want to avoid that the next time around.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Ahhhhh a world without squirrels??? Where is this heavenly place?? I must move immediately!! I'm serious, he threw a branch at me and then laughed! I think he was the Adam Sandler of squirrels. ;) As long as magpies can't throw branches I'll take my chances with them.

    And I completely agree, if you're feeling injured defniitely seek help. It's better to get the proper treatment and minimize your down time than risk permanently hurting yourself. And training the right way to prevent injury is also incredibly important.

    I'm in Australia - but the magpies aren't to be taken lightly! They can swoop down and peck holes in your eyes or scalp with their razor sharp beaks.... but only in nesting season. I just have to remember to run a different route at that time of year.
    Give me squirrels any day.
  • rockstargal629
    She is just getting over her phobia of squirrels and snakes and she wants to do the zombie 5k run?

    THAT's going to be interesting.


    Just kiddin'!

    Great list! Glad you posted it. I need all the help I can get.

    I definitely have a phobia of snakes, but I more have a loathing of the squirrels. ;) Or maybe more specifically, just that one squirrel who delighfully mocks me every time I run under "his" tree. I'm a little paranoid about the Zombie 5k, I'm sure it will be a personal record day for me lol. I'll be more than happy to put as many helpless victims as I can between me and those Zombies!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member

    Having ran my first half in March, I LOVED this list!

    As far as snakes go, you're right, they ARE out to get you. There were a few times on the trail last fall that I did some snake induced speed work!!
  • dpvike80
    dpvike80 Posts: 32 Member
    The pace group is self explanatory, but what is a hot pacer?
  • fitnessyeoja
    fitnessyeoja Posts: 357 Member
  • rockstargal629
    The pace group is self explanatory, but what is a hot pacer?

    A Hot Pacer is a Pacer - who out of obligation is required to run at the same pace and therefore not away from you (hahaha) and is also very attractive. As someone else in the thread said earlier, it's a must have every single time. :smile: A Hot Pacer will make everything much more pleasant and motivational! If they happen to be funny as well, all the better!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    dang now i want a hot pacer.
  • rockstargal629

    Having ran my first half in March, I LOVED this list!

    As far as snakes go, you're right, they ARE out to get you. There were a few times on the trail last fall that I did some snake induced speed work!!

    I have a God awful snake story - but I'll save it for another day. Let's just suffice it to say that I was not as brave as you and didn't turn it into a speed booster. Instead I screamed (I'm not sure who I was screaming for, help maybe? There was no one around to rescue me so I'm not clear on what I was hoping to accomplish) and very nervously walked/jogged to the nearest exit of the park. That was over a month ago and I still have not recovered completely. There are snakes lurking everywhere!!! :wink: How do you recover your sense of security after a snake encounter??
  • dorseykm
    dorseykm Posts: 412 Member
    Great list of lessons!
  • cypspade
    cypspade Posts: 8
    Nice job Jessi!! Now your addicted.

    I did two half marathons last year June(1:59) and December in Vegas(1:57)
    Tried to bust 1:50 in Vegas and fell apart. Yuck it got really cold and was not put on well.

    I just started training again for one in August. Make sure you take some time off to recover!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Very entertaining!
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Thanks for sharing such a great post. Good advice!
  • danzan15
    danzan15 Posts: 5 Member
    great list,laughed at the squirrels. i have just started a couch to 5k programme with the ambition of doing a half marathon next june. i will t6ake all your advice on board especially the bit about listening to your body as mine is starting to scream at me. keep up the good work and good luck in your next one.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Love this and thank you!! Can't wait to run my first 1/2 in October. Silly question; I'm hypoglycemic and am worried about maintaining my sugars throughout, do you or anyone have suggestions? I broke my training into 3 phases and right now I'm on a 10k plan for 4 weeks then will do the 1/2 marathon program for 9-12 weeks so I want to develop a plan on keeping them elevated ony upcoming long runs.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Fun list. Thank you. I'm training for my first half this fall. The event I'm doing has pacers, but the slowest pacer group is still too fast for me. I'm an absolute snail right now as far as my running abilities are concerned!

    As far as squirrels go, I see them all the time. I have yet to see the diabolical sort that you've found...lol! I get chased by dogs instead. Okay, not lately, but the first month or so I had a dog chase me at least once a week! Of course now they all bark from their houses and their fences. I'm starting to know how the mailman feels!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Bump...my goal is to become a true runner. I now walk/jog but it is getting easier to keep jogging each time. It is helping me take off the last 50 lbs so maybe I will be a true runner!!!
  • DKing33
    DKing33 Posts: 78 Member
    This is awesome ! And so true! LOL
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 917 Member
    The pace group is self explanatory, but what is a hot pacer?

    A Hot Pacer is a Pacer - who out of obligation is required to run at the same pace and therefore not away from you (hahaha) and is also very attractive. As someone else in the thread said earlier, it's a must have every single time. :smile: A Hot Pacer will make everything much more pleasant and motivational! If they happen to be funny as well, all the better!

    I used to be stationed at Pearl Harbor and every friday the Navy Divers would run some ungodly distance...I would keep up as long as I could just to oogle thier shirtless chisled sun kissed pecs and itsy bitsy running shorts. There was no problem getting the ladies out for early morning PT on those days! I miss them :(