P90X User

thomascrl Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi follks, I thought I would try this program to help me track my calories while I'm using the P90X exercise and diet program...well...close to their program. I can not for the life of me eat as many calories as they are suggesting so I do the best I can. My goals are simple: tone my whole body and lose weight. I wish you all the best as you discover the real you underneath the you in the mirror!


  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    Hi follks, I thought I would try this program to help me track my calories while I'm using the P90X exercise and diet program...well...close to their program. I can not for the life of me eat as many calories as they are suggesting so I do the best I can. My goals are simple: tone my whole body and lose weight. I wish you all the best as you discover the real you underneath the you in the mirror!

    Nutrition is definitely a part of the program. I am on a second round of it and can honestly say that it works if you do it right. If you're under the calories, it may be ok if it isn't too far.
    Good luck with it and keep pushing play. There are a lot of great people on this site that are in various stages of the X.
    Feel free to shout back if you have any questions.
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    I'm in my second week and yes it can be hard to eat so many calories! I'm doing the 50/30 protein/carb ratio and it's been even harder to try and meet that ratio. If you need some suggestions on how to get more healthy calories, just let me know!
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Welcome to the X! As InTheMoney said, nutrition is just as important (actually it's more important) than the workouts. We have a great thread going that is full of motivation and support.

    Come join us over here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/66801-p90x-starting-a-new-thread
  • Hi there, I'm just joining this site, and am also a P90x user. Admittedly, I bought the full-blown P90x, but found I needed to ramp up with the 10-minute sequences.

    How are you finding the p90x?
  • Am2009
    Am2009 Posts: 4 Member
    I've started and had to re-start the P90X program about 4 times now, but there's still the desire to see this thing through. It's a hell of a workout and I love the all-day high I get when I finish the video. Seems the weekends throw me off and if I miss one day it takes me forever to get up and going again.

    On the nutrition, I'm not following it precisely, just trying to cut out carbs and eat more protein. Drink lots of water too; a good tip is one glass as soon as I wake up and one before I go to bed.

    I'm starting again tomorrow and won't do any more redo's - if I miss a day, I just need to keep going along with the program all the way through OCTOBER. This month is going to be a huge turning point for me in more ways that just fitness.

    Good luck with all P90Xers, I'm rootin' for you!
  • Welcome, I'm a P90X er myself, do come join us at the thread listed above. I too thought the calories they wanted me to eat were high, but I'm getting as close as I can to that number and it's working so far.
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