Tell me about your rock bottom



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'd come out of a 5 year abusive relationship, had a mental breakdown and got an eating disorder. Gained 100lbs in a year. Some how met my finace at the beginning of the weight gain. My fybromyalgia got so bad, (got this whilst with the ex from stress) that I spent all my time out of work in bed. I missed out on so much family time with my 2 step kids.
    I was admitted into hospital with 'gall bladder issues' and was told I couldn't be operated on until I lost weight. I embarked on my weight loss journey. I felt extremely ill but exercised really hard and pushed through. Lost over 50lbs and was told I could have my surgery, but also could have it laprascopically instead of big open surgery.
    Doctors eventually found I had tumours on my liver caused by contraceptives, my liver wasn't functioning. They removed 3\4 of my liver and my gall bladder 10 weeks ago. I'm now slowly getting back into the swing, carrying on with my weight loss, getting out with the family, enjoying life. Its me bugging them to get out on a walk and do family stuff. The doctors couldn't believe I'd kept exercising whilst ill, I'm a determined little beggar when I want something! I will never stop fighting for my happiness now I'm stronger than that and I want a great quality of life with my little family... Still 80lbs to go. I know I will get there, and if I can, anyone can. Also exercise almost cured my depression! I love it! X
  • swthrtsmrf
    swthrtsmrf Posts: 384
    My rock bottom was when my husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer and we did not know the road ahead of us. I knew I needed to get healthy to be there for him mentally, emotionally, and physically. And to be there for our children now more so than ever. The picture take of he and I the day he went in for chemo confirmed my rock bottom. I was at my largest looking moment. I then took the reigns and began this fabulous journey!

    BTW: The hubby is six months cancer free and doing great!
  • jwcomputergirl
    jwcomputergirl Posts: 126 Member
    My rock bottom was March 30th of this year. I got on the scale and saw that I was the heaviest I have ever been in my life (and that includes pregnancy). I found MFP that day and am thrilled to be a member of this terrific community!
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    I came home from my freshman year of college, I felt uncomfortable in my clothes, I looked in the mirror and cried when I finally realized how much weight I had put on
  • EranSolomon
    Taking a family sized pizza, top it with juicy shawarma, and roll it into an enormous "lafa" (gyro for us citizens?).
    it was a delicious terrible feeling sin. :D
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    for me it was in 1996 when I weighed 300 pounds and wore a size 30W. starting at that girl in the mirror and seeing myself like that I knew I had to do something. before my dad died in 1990 I was 125 pounds and i asked myself how did I let myself go like this. I began to do something about it. I am now at 190 pounds my goal is to weigh 130 pounds.
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    It's not because I've gotten bigger - I've stayed at the same weight for the past few months and although it's not my pre-preg it's still a damn sight less than my delivery date.

    No, it's because I realised how low my self confidence is. I went to order a dress, then suddenly realised it was strapless and as I hate my arms so much I couldn't wear it. When my holiday bikini/tankini set came and I looked in the mirror and cried because my boobs aren't that of a 19 year old. And I could go on.

    I don't care how big I am, but I do care when I realise I just want to hide underneath baggy clothes because I don't FEEL nice. It's all about self-perception, and no matter what size you are, confidence > number on the scales.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I had been thinking about losing weight for a long time, but what made me actually do something about it was when I nearly lost the medical certification required for my job due to high blood pressure. That was my wake up call.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    When I realized how much time, effort and concealment went into my outfits in order to make me look like I wasn't as big as I was. When I thought I was a size 8 and had to buy size 11 shorts.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    When I started losing my hair through PCOS. I could tolerate the fat belly (which I admit was much more down to food choices rather than PCOS, but I still store around my middle); I could even tolerate having to shave every few days. But losing my long blonde hair, my crowning glory, what I relied on when I had a 'fat day' - yeah. Ouch. I was a fat, balding blob - shaving like a man, losing my hair like a man, and obese.

    Also; I stumbled across a blog belonging to a then-girlfriend of one of my ex-flings; a rather nasty entry about how I was much fatter than I looked in my photos and that he had said I was nowhere as pretty as people said I was.

    I'm still losing my hair, and wax rather than shave, but I feel much happier about everything else about me. So; it's a start.

    Also, the ex is an ex, so that's a start AND a finish! I was at an event towards the end of last year where they were both in attendance; all the previous embarrassment was worth it for the looks on their faces.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I got up to 179 and decided that there was NO WAY I was going into the 180's! (I'm now down to 146, the lowest since 1989)

    Realized that the 'cute' swimsuit I wore all summer was actually a maternity swimsuit. :( (I threw it out!)

    Saw a really bad picture take of me and I looked like a cow. (I keep that pic on my frig to inspire me to be healthy)

    I started getting out of breath while hiking. (Now I hike up to 7 miles a day with my dog)

    Got indigestion from eating too much/too late. ( I rarely eat before bed and if I do it's something light and healthy)

    My blood pressure went up to 190/102! (controlled with meds, sadly didn't go down after losing weight but I'm hoping it will after 30 more lbs)

    I was taking a gallon ziploc bag full of prescriptions. (still on bp meds but I use fewer pain pills)

    My knees started making this horrible crunching noise when I walked upstairs. (they still make noise but they no longer hurt)

    My muffin top grew a muffin top. (I'm down to one now)

    I quit socializing because I was embarrassed of how I looked. (Now I try to go to everything I'm invited to!)

    My dog got fat. (she has since lost 26lbs while walking with me) :)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I had lost weight before. 2 other times in fact. I went from 220 to 190, and the second I went from 232 to 195. Then I had a foot injury and took 6 years off from the gym. I started back in February of 2011. In April I had a heart attack. Instead of hoping to lose weight to look better, my life depended on it. I came home from ICU and followed every single instruction they gave me. It's been a year. I am down over 60. I can run a 5K in under 30 minutes. I skate, play hockey, ride bikes, walk and stay busy.
    Congratulations on your accomplishments! You inspire me!
  • melg126
    melg126 Posts: 378
    bump to read later
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Like many others in this forum I had been thinking about losing weight for a long time. I hadn't weighed myself in literally years but knew I didn't feel good about myself or really feel healthy. I finally decided to weigh and saw the display say ERR. I tried another scale the following week(the old type with the bar that goes up and down. The bar slammed to the top. I put the thing at the top that gives tells you the weight all the way over to the right and got on the scale again with the same results. I then realized that the maximum weight the the scale could measure was over 335 pounds. I told myself that I would try to lose weight soon after that but never really gave it a second thought.
    A few months after that I was outside sitting on the porch watching my 6 year old twins playing and running around the front yard. Brandon came up to me and begged me to come play with them. I tried but could only play for about 5 minutes before feeling my legs hurt and feeling the need to sit down and relax for a few minutes. I started researching weight loss methods that night, bought a biggest loser weight loss book and a cookbook that next week along with a wii balance board. The Monday following that I started watching my calories with MFP and started steadily losing weight.
    Now I'm 56 pounds lighter, feel much better and when my kids ask me to play I gladly accept. I'm also training for a 5k so my 5 minute play time has definitely increased by leaps and bounds.
  • ColleenAtherton
    ColleenAtherton Posts: 230 Member
    When I was younger I couldn't gain weight to save my life. When I got pregnant with my oldest child at 18, I was 100 lbs soaking wet. I gained 40 lbs while pregnant and lost it all immediately after having him. That was in 2001. Then the numbers on the scale started creeping up slowly. In 2005, when I first met my husband I was 140. I was wearing 4-6's in jeans. I suffered 2 miscarriages in 2007 and got pregnant again in 2008. I gave birth to my middle child and weighed around 165 lbs. The weight didn't really fall off this time like it did with my first. Then 6 months after having my middle, I got pregnant with my youngest. When she was born in 2010 I was tipping the scales at 180. I saw a picture that was taken a month before I was due and I honestly didn't recognize myself. I lost 15 lbs after having her and was back at 165. I fluctuated between 165-160 and size 8-12 jeans over the next two years and finally decided to do something about it in April of 2012.

    I don't know that it was really ever 'rock bottom', but my 33 yo husband went in for his annual physical in late March. His blood pressure at that appointment was 139/80 (which is high-normal or prehypertension). The doctor told him he needed to lose 10 lbs, quit smoking and kick his soda habit. I had been toying with the idea of getting healthy/losing weight for a while and this was a good enough "excuse" as any.

    I certainly didn't like what I saw in the mirror, but in my head I didn't LOOK like I weighed 165, I wasn't "that big". Pictures, of course, were a different story. I have never been a fan of having my picture taken, but at my heaviest (not pregnant) I avoided them at all costs.

    As a stay-at-home-mom I spend my day taking care of everyone else...putting their needs above my own, and it was taking its toll on my body and my self-esteem. I hated how I looked and how clothes fit me. I felt tired, irritable, and run-down all the time but I never actually DID anything to make me feel this way...I sat on my butt, ate like crap and felt like crap. I was tired of being was time to take care of ME!

    Now I've lost 7 lbs over the last 6-ish weeks. The weight-loss is just a perk at this point because eating healthier and exercising makes me feel alive again!
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    Wow! Amazing and humbling stories! My heart goes out to all of you for what you've been through and I'm so glad we're all here at MFP now...

    Congratulations to all of you for taking control of your lives :flowerforyou:
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    When i was at my doctor's office and she diagnosed me as diabetic and wanted to start me on insulin that day.

    I don't do all, so i begged her to give me a chance to lose weight and get my blood glucose down. Started metformin that day, cut back on my eating, started working out and gave up margaritas for now.

    My husband of 25 years died last july from lung cancer after a 3 year battle. It was not an easy marriage because he drank and had a temper. He never hit me but there were some scary times. I was not able to keep my house so i put most of my things in storage and at the age of 56 moved in with my parents. They are in their late eighties and they needed my help anyway.

    I've lost 46 pounds from my heaviest and 23 pounds this year. I have a lot more to lose but my glucose levels are normal now and i have avoided insulin.